Commit 002b4d34 by Daniel Lee

mysql: fix interpolation for numbers in temp vars

parent 68829a82
......@@ -20,7 +20,15 @@ export class MysqlDatasource {
return '\'' + value + '\'';
if (typeof value === 'number') {
return value;
var quotedValues =, function(val) {
if (typeof value === 'number') {
return value;
return '\'' + val + '\'';
return quotedValues.join(',');
......@@ -193,4 +193,24 @@ describe('MySQLDatasource', function() {
describe('When interpolating variables', () => {
describe('and value is a string', () => {
it('should return a quoted value', () => {
describe('and value is a number', () => {
it('should return an unquoted value', () => {
describe('and value is an array of strings', () => {
it('should return comma separated quoted values', () => {
expect(ctx.ds.interpolateVariable(['a', 'b', 'c'])).to.eql('\'a\',\'b\',\'c\'');
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