Commit 035be6cb by Erik Sundell

stackdriver: add more tests

parent 68332c59
......@@ -171,18 +171,18 @@ func reverse(s string) string {
func interpolateFilterWildcards(value string) string {
re := regexp.MustCompile("[*]")
matches := re.FindAllStringIndex(value, -1)
logger.Info("len", "len", len(matches))
if len(matches) == 2 && strings.HasSuffix(value, "*") && strings.HasPrefix(value, "*") {
matches := len(re.FindAllStringIndex(value, -1))
logger.Info("len", "len", matches)
if matches == 2 && strings.HasSuffix(value, "*") && strings.HasPrefix(value, "*") {
value = strings.Replace(value, "*", "", -1)
value = fmt.Sprintf(`has_substring("%s")`, value)
} else if strings.HasPrefix(value, "*") {
} else if matches == 1 && strings.HasPrefix(value, "*") {
value = strings.Replace(value, "*", "", 1)
value = fmt.Sprintf(`ends_with("%s")`, value)
} else if strings.HasSuffix(value, "*") {
} else if matches == 1 && strings.HasSuffix(value, "*") {
value = reverse(strings.Replace(reverse(value), "*", "", 1))
value = fmt.Sprintf(`starts_with("%s")`, value)
} else if strings.Contains(value, "*") {
} else if matches == 1 {
re := regexp.MustCompile(`[-\/^$+?.()|[\]{}]`)
value = string(re.ReplaceAllFunc([]byte(value), func(in []byte) []byte {
return []byte(strings.Replace(string(in), string(in), `\\`+string(in), 1))
......@@ -354,6 +354,50 @@ func TestStackdriver(t *testing.T) {
So(value, ShouldNotStartWith, `has_substring`)
Convey("and wildcard is used in the beginning of the word", func() {
Convey("and there is not a wildcard elsewhere in the word", func() {
value := interpolateFilterWildcards("*-central1")
So(value, ShouldEqual, `ends_with("-central1")`)
Convey("and there is a wildcard elsewhere in the word", func() {
value := interpolateFilterWildcards("*-cent*al1")
So(value, ShouldNotStartWith, `ends_with`)
Convey("and wildcard is used at the end of the word", func() {
Convey("and there is not a wildcard elsewhere in the word", func() {
value := interpolateFilterWildcards("us-central*")
So(value, ShouldEqual, `starts_with("us-central")`)
Convey("and there is a wildcard elsewhere in the word", func() {
value := interpolateFilterWildcards("*us-central*")
So(value, ShouldNotStartWith, `starts_with`)
Convey("and wildcard is used in the middle of the word", func() {
Convey("and there is only one wildcard", func() {
value := interpolateFilterWildcards("us-ce*tral1-b")
So(value, ShouldEqual, `monitoring.regex.full_match("^us\\-ce.*tral1\\-b$")`)
Convey("and there is more than one wildcard", func() {
value := interpolateFilterWildcards("us-ce*tra*1-b")
So(value, ShouldEqual, `monitoring.regex.full_match("^us\\-ce.*tra.*1\\-b$")`)
Convey("and wildcard is used in the middle of the word and in the beginning of the word", func() {
value := interpolateFilterWildcards("*s-ce*tral1-b")
So(value, ShouldEqual, `monitoring.regex.full_match("^.*s\\-ce.*tral1\\-b$")`)
Convey("and wildcard is used in the middle of the word and in the ending of the word", func() {
value := interpolateFilterWildcards("us-ce*tral1-*")
So(value, ShouldEqual, `monitoring.regex.full_match("^us\\-ce.*tral1\\-.*$")`)
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