Commit 06972746 by woodsaj

I add plugin dependency check.

This check ensures that all of the plugins required by a bundle
are loaded.
parent 523cf21b
......@@ -35,9 +35,30 @@ func Init() error {
scan(path.Join(setting.StaticRootPath, "app/plugins"))
return nil
func checkDependencies() {
for bundleType, bundle := range Bundles {
for _, reqPanel := range bundle.PanelPlugins {
if _, ok := Panels[reqPanel]; !ok {
log.Fatal(4, "Bundle %s requires Panel type %s, but it is not present.", bundleType, reqPanel)
for _, reqDataSource := range bundle.DatasourcePlugins {
if _, ok := DataSources[reqDataSource]; !ok {
log.Fatal(4, "Bundle %s requires DataSource type %s, but it is not present.", bundleType, reqDataSource)
for _, reqExtPlugin := range bundle.ExternalPlugins {
if _, ok := ExternalPlugins[reqExtPlugin]; !ok {
log.Fatal(4, "Bundle %s requires DataSource type %s, but it is not present.", bundleType, reqExtPlugin)
func checkExternalPluginPaths() error {
for _, section := range setting.Cfg.Sections() {
if strings.HasPrefix(section.Name(), "plugin.") {
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