Commit 08ce7f6c by Andrej Ocenas Committed by GitHub

Chore: Add task to find FocusConvey tests (#16381)

parent 335aa7c9
......@@ -593,7 +593,7 @@ func TestMySQL(t *testing.T) {
So(queryResult.Series[0].Points[0][1].Float64, ShouldEqual, float64(tInitial.UnixNano()/1e6))
FocusConvey("When doing a metric query using epoch (int32) as time column and value column (int32) should return metric with time in milliseconds", func() {
Convey("When doing a metric query using epoch (int32) as time column and value column (int32) should return metric with time in milliseconds", func() {
query := &tsdb.TsdbQuery{
Queries: []*tsdb.Query{
// Lint and build CSS
module.exports = function (grunt) {
module.exports = function(grunt) {
'use strict';
// prettier-ignore
grunt.registerTask('default', [
// prettier-ignore
grunt.registerTask('test', [
// prettier-ignore
grunt.registerTask('tslint', [
// prettier-ignore
grunt.registerTask('typecheck', [
// prettier-ignore
grunt.registerTask('precommit', [
grunt.registerTask('no-only-tests', function () {
grunt.registerTask('no-only-tests', function() {
var files = grunt.file.expand(
grepFiles(files, '.only(', 'found only statement in test: ');
grunt.registerTask('no-focus-convey-tests', function() {
var files = grunt.file.expand('pkg/**/*_test.go');
grepFiles(files, 'FocusConvey(', 'found FocusConvey statement in test: ');
files.forEach(function (spec) {
function grepFiles(files, pattern, errorMessage) {
files.forEach(function(spec) {
var rows ='\n');
rows.forEach(function (row) {
if (row.indexOf('.only(') > 0) {
rows.forEach(function(row) {
if (row.indexOf(pattern) > 0) {
grunt.log.errorlns(row);'found only statement in test: ' + spec); + spec);
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