Commit 0cd5a677 by Marcus Efraimsson

feat(api): support list/revoke auth token in admin/current user api

parent 8029e485
......@@ -110,3 +110,26 @@ func AdminDeleteUser(c *m.ReqContext) {
c.JsonOK("User deleted")
// POST /api/admin/users/:id/logout
func (server *HTTPServer) AdminLogoutUser(c *m.ReqContext) Response {
userID := c.ParamsInt64(":id")
if c.UserId == userID {
return Error(400, "You cannot logout yourself", nil)
return server.logoutUserFromAllDevicesInternal(userID)
// GET /api/admin/users/:id/auth-tokens
func (server *HTTPServer) AdminGetUserAuthTokens(c *m.ReqContext) Response {
userID := c.ParamsInt64(":id")
return server.getUserAuthTokensInternal(c, userID)
// POST /api/admin/users/:id/revoke-auth-token
func (server *HTTPServer) AdminRevokeUserAuthToken(c *m.ReqContext, cmd m.RevokeAuthTokenCmd) Response {
userID := c.ParamsInt64(":id")
return server.revokeUserAuthTokenInternal(c, userID, cmd)
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import (
m ""
. ""
......@@ -27,6 +28,62 @@ func TestAdminApiEndpoint(t *testing.T) {
So(sc.resp.Code, ShouldEqual, 400)
Convey("When a server admin attempts to logout himself from all devices", t, func() {
bus.AddHandler("test", func(cmd *m.GetUserByIdQuery) error {
cmd.Result = &m.User{Id: TestUserID}
return nil
adminLogoutUserScenario("Should not be allowed when calling POST on", "/api/admin/users/1/logout", "/api/admin/users/:id/logout", func(sc *scenarioContext) {
sc.fakeReqWithParams("POST", sc.url, map[string]string{}).exec()
So(sc.resp.Code, ShouldEqual, 400)
Convey("When a server admin attempts to logout a non-existing user from all devices", t, func() {
userId := int64(0)
bus.AddHandler("test", func(cmd *m.GetUserByIdQuery) error {
userId = cmd.Id
return m.ErrUserNotFound
adminLogoutUserScenario("Should return not found when calling POST on", "/api/admin/users/200/logout", "/api/admin/users/:id/logout", func(sc *scenarioContext) {
sc.fakeReqWithParams("POST", sc.url, map[string]string{}).exec()
So(sc.resp.Code, ShouldEqual, 404)
So(userId, ShouldEqual, 200)
Convey("When a server admin attempts to revoke an auth token for a non-existing user", t, func() {
userId := int64(0)
bus.AddHandler("test", func(cmd *m.GetUserByIdQuery) error {
userId = cmd.Id
return m.ErrUserNotFound
cmd := m.RevokeAuthTokenCmd{AuthTokenId: 2}
adminRevokeUserAuthTokenScenario("Should return not found when calling POST on", "/api/admin/users/200/revoke-auth-token", "/api/admin/users/:id/revoke-auth-token", cmd, func(sc *scenarioContext) {
sc.fakeReqWithParams("POST", sc.url, map[string]string{}).exec()
So(sc.resp.Code, ShouldEqual, 404)
So(userId, ShouldEqual, 200)
Convey("When a server admin gets auth tokens for a non-existing user", t, func() {
userId := int64(0)
bus.AddHandler("test", func(cmd *m.GetUserByIdQuery) error {
userId = cmd.Id
return m.ErrUserNotFound
adminGetUserAuthTokensScenario("Should return not found when calling GET on", "/api/admin/users/200/auth-tokens", "/api/admin/users/:id/auth-tokens", func(sc *scenarioContext) {
sc.fakeReqWithParams("GET", sc.url, map[string]string{}).exec()
So(sc.resp.Code, ShouldEqual, 404)
So(userId, ShouldEqual, 200)
func putAdminScenario(desc string, url string, routePattern string, role m.RoleType, cmd dtos.AdminUpdateUserPermissionsForm, fn scenarioFunc) {
......@@ -48,3 +105,84 @@ func putAdminScenario(desc string, url string, routePattern string, role m.RoleT
func adminLogoutUserScenario(desc string, url string, routePattern string, fn scenarioFunc) {
Convey(desc+" "+url, func() {
defer bus.ClearBusHandlers()
hs := HTTPServer{
Bus: bus.GetBus(),
AuthTokenService: auth.NewFakeUserAuthTokenService(),
sc := setupScenarioContext(url)
sc.defaultHandler = Wrap(func(c *m.ReqContext) Response {
sc.context = c
sc.context.UserId = TestUserID
sc.context.OrgId = TestOrgID
sc.context.OrgRole = m.ROLE_ADMIN
return hs.AdminLogoutUser(c)
sc.m.Post(routePattern, sc.defaultHandler)
func adminRevokeUserAuthTokenScenario(desc string, url string, routePattern string, cmd m.RevokeAuthTokenCmd, fn scenarioFunc) {
Convey(desc+" "+url, func() {
defer bus.ClearBusHandlers()
fakeAuthTokenService := auth.NewFakeUserAuthTokenService()
hs := HTTPServer{
Bus: bus.GetBus(),
AuthTokenService: fakeAuthTokenService,
sc := setupScenarioContext(url)
sc.userAuthTokenService = fakeAuthTokenService
sc.defaultHandler = Wrap(func(c *m.ReqContext) Response {
sc.context = c
sc.context.UserId = TestUserID
sc.context.OrgId = TestOrgID
sc.context.OrgRole = m.ROLE_ADMIN
return hs.AdminRevokeUserAuthToken(c, cmd)
sc.m.Post(routePattern, sc.defaultHandler)
func adminGetUserAuthTokensScenario(desc string, url string, routePattern string, fn scenarioFunc) {
Convey(desc+" "+url, func() {
defer bus.ClearBusHandlers()
fakeAuthTokenService := auth.NewFakeUserAuthTokenService()
hs := HTTPServer{
Bus: bus.GetBus(),
AuthTokenService: fakeAuthTokenService,
sc := setupScenarioContext(url)
sc.userAuthTokenService = fakeAuthTokenService
sc.defaultHandler = Wrap(func(c *m.ReqContext) Response {
sc.context = c
sc.context.UserId = TestUserID
sc.context.OrgId = TestOrgID
sc.context.OrgRole = m.ROLE_ADMIN
return hs.AdminGetUserAuthTokens(c)
sc.m.Get(routePattern, sc.defaultHandler)
......@@ -133,6 +133,9 @@ func (hs *HTTPServer) registerRoutes() {
userRoute.Get("/preferences", Wrap(GetUserPreferences))
userRoute.Put("/preferences", bind(dtos.UpdatePrefsCmd{}), Wrap(UpdateUserPreferences))
userRoute.Get("/auth-tokens", Wrap(hs.GetUserAuthTokens))
userRoute.Post("/revoke-auth-token", bind(m.RevokeAuthTokenCmd{}), Wrap(hs.RevokeUserAuthToken))
// users (admin permission required)
......@@ -375,6 +378,10 @@ func (hs *HTTPServer) registerRoutes() {
adminRoute.Put("/users/:id/quotas/:target", bind(m.UpdateUserQuotaCmd{}), Wrap(UpdateUserQuota))
adminRoute.Get("/stats", AdminGetStats)
adminRoute.Post("/pause-all-alerts", bind(dtos.PauseAllAlertsCommand{}), Wrap(PauseAllAlerts))
adminRoute.Post("/users/:id/logout", Wrap(hs.AdminLogoutUser))
adminRoute.Get("/users/:id/auth-tokens", Wrap(hs.AdminGetUserAuthTokens))
adminRoute.Post("/users/:id/revoke-auth-token", bind(m.RevokeAuthTokenCmd{}), Wrap(hs.AdminRevokeUserAuthToken))
}, reqGrafanaAdmin)
// rendering
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import (
m ""
. ""
......@@ -94,13 +95,14 @@ func (sc *scenarioContext) fakeReqWithParams(method, url string, queryParams map
type scenarioContext struct {
m *macaron.Macaron
context *m.ReqContext
resp *httptest.ResponseRecorder
handlerFunc handlerFunc
defaultHandler macaron.Handler
req *http.Request
url string
m *macaron.Macaron
context *m.ReqContext
resp *httptest.ResponseRecorder
handlerFunc handlerFunc
defaultHandler macaron.Handler
req *http.Request
url string
userAuthTokenService *auth.FakeUserAuthTokenService
func (sc *scenarioContext) exec() {
package dtos
import "time"
type UserToken struct {
Id int64 `json:"id"`
IsActive bool `json:"isActive"`
ClientIp string `json:"clientIp"`
UserAgent string `json:"userAgent"`
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"`
SeenAt time.Time `json:"seenAt"`
package api
import (
// GET /api/user/auth-tokens
func (server *HTTPServer) GetUserAuthTokens(c *models.ReqContext) Response {
return server.getUserAuthTokensInternal(c, c.UserId)
// POST /api/user/revoke-auth-token
func (server *HTTPServer) RevokeUserAuthToken(c *models.ReqContext, cmd models.RevokeAuthTokenCmd) Response {
return server.revokeUserAuthTokenInternal(c, c.UserId, cmd)
func (server *HTTPServer) logoutUserFromAllDevicesInternal(userID int64) Response {
userQuery := models.GetUserByIdQuery{Id: userID}
if err := bus.Dispatch(&userQuery); err != nil {
if err == models.ErrUserNotFound {
return Error(404, "User not found", err)
return Error(500, "Could not read user from database", err)
err := server.AuthTokenService.RevokeAllUserTokens(userID)
if err != nil {
return Error(500, "Failed to logout user", err)
return JSON(200, util.DynMap{
"message": "User logged out",
func (server *HTTPServer) getUserAuthTokensInternal(c *models.ReqContext, userID int64) Response {
userQuery := models.GetUserByIdQuery{Id: userID}
if err := bus.Dispatch(&userQuery); err != nil {
if err == models.ErrUserNotFound {
return Error(404, "User not found", err)
return Error(500, "Failed to get user", err)
tokens, err := server.AuthTokenService.GetUserTokens(userID)
if err != nil {
return Error(500, "Failed to get user auth tokens", err)
result := []*dtos.UserToken{}
for _, token := range tokens {
isActive := false
if c.UserToken != nil && c.UserToken.Id == token.Id {
isActive = true
result = append(result, &dtos.UserToken{
Id: token.Id,
IsActive: isActive,
ClientIp: token.ClientIp,
UserAgent: token.UserAgent,
CreatedAt: time.Unix(token.CreatedAt, 0),
SeenAt: time.Unix(token.SeenAt, 0),
return JSON(200, result)
func (server *HTTPServer) revokeUserAuthTokenInternal(c *models.ReqContext, userID int64, cmd models.RevokeAuthTokenCmd) Response {
userQuery := models.GetUserByIdQuery{Id: userID}
if err := bus.Dispatch(&userQuery); err != nil {
if err == models.ErrUserNotFound {
return Error(404, "User not found", err)
return Error(500, "Failed to get user", err)
token, err := server.AuthTokenService.GetUserToken(userID, cmd.AuthTokenId)
if err != nil {
if err == models.ErrUserTokenNotFound {
return Error(404, "User auth token not found", err)
return Error(500, "Failed to get user auth token", err)
if c.UserToken != nil && c.UserToken.Id == token.Id {
return Error(400, "Cannot revoke active user auth token", nil)
err = server.AuthTokenService.RevokeToken(token)
if err != nil {
if err == models.ErrUserTokenNotFound {
return Error(404, "User auth token not found", err)
return Error(500, "Failed to revoke user auth token", err)
return JSON(200, util.DynMap{
"message": "User auth token revoked",
package api
import (
m ""
. ""
func TestUserTokenApiEndpoint(t *testing.T) {
Convey("When current user attempts to revoke an auth token for a non-existing user", t, func() {
userId := int64(0)
bus.AddHandler("test", func(cmd *m.GetUserByIdQuery) error {
userId = cmd.Id
return m.ErrUserNotFound
cmd := m.RevokeAuthTokenCmd{AuthTokenId: 2}
revokeUserAuthTokenScenario("Should return not found when calling POST on", "/api/user/revoke-auth-token", "/api/user/revoke-auth-token", cmd, 200, func(sc *scenarioContext) {
sc.fakeReqWithParams("POST", sc.url, map[string]string{}).exec()
So(sc.resp.Code, ShouldEqual, 404)
So(userId, ShouldEqual, 200)
Convey("When current user gets auth tokens for a non-existing user", t, func() {
userId := int64(0)
bus.AddHandler("test", func(cmd *m.GetUserByIdQuery) error {
userId = cmd.Id
return m.ErrUserNotFound
getUserAuthTokensScenario("Should return not found when calling GET on", "/api/user/auth-tokens", "/api/user/auth-tokens", 200, func(sc *scenarioContext) {
sc.fakeReqWithParams("GET", sc.url, map[string]string{}).exec()
So(sc.resp.Code, ShouldEqual, 404)
So(userId, ShouldEqual, 200)
Convey("When logout an existing user from all devices", t, func() {
bus.AddHandler("test", func(cmd *m.GetUserByIdQuery) error {
cmd.Result = &m.User{Id: 200}
return nil
logoutUserFromAllDevicesInternalScenario("Should be successful", 1, func(sc *scenarioContext) {
sc.fakeReqWithParams("POST", sc.url, map[string]string{}).exec()
So(sc.resp.Code, ShouldEqual, 200)
Convey("When logout a non-existing user from all devices", t, func() {
bus.AddHandler("test", func(cmd *m.GetUserByIdQuery) error {
return m.ErrUserNotFound
logoutUserFromAllDevicesInternalScenario("Should return not found", TestUserID, func(sc *scenarioContext) {
sc.fakeReqWithParams("POST", sc.url, map[string]string{}).exec()
So(sc.resp.Code, ShouldEqual, 404)
Convey("When revoke an auth token for a user", t, func() {
bus.AddHandler("test", func(cmd *m.GetUserByIdQuery) error {
cmd.Result = &m.User{Id: 200}
return nil
cmd := m.RevokeAuthTokenCmd{AuthTokenId: 2}
token := &m.UserToken{Id: 1}
revokeUserAuthTokenInternalScenario("Should be successful", cmd, 200, token, func(sc *scenarioContext) {
sc.userAuthTokenService.GetUserTokenProvider = func(userId, userTokenId int64) (*m.UserToken, error) {
return &m.UserToken{Id: 2}, nil
sc.fakeReqWithParams("POST", sc.url, map[string]string{}).exec()
So(sc.resp.Code, ShouldEqual, 200)
Convey("When revoke the active auth token used by himself", t, func() {
bus.AddHandler("test", func(cmd *m.GetUserByIdQuery) error {
cmd.Result = &m.User{Id: TestUserID}
return nil
cmd := m.RevokeAuthTokenCmd{AuthTokenId: 2}
token := &m.UserToken{Id: 2}
revokeUserAuthTokenInternalScenario("Should not be successful", cmd, TestUserID, token, func(sc *scenarioContext) {
sc.userAuthTokenService.GetUserTokenProvider = func(userId, userTokenId int64) (*m.UserToken, error) {
return token, nil
sc.fakeReqWithParams("POST", sc.url, map[string]string{}).exec()
So(sc.resp.Code, ShouldEqual, 400)
Convey("When gets auth tokens for a user", t, func() {
bus.AddHandler("test", func(cmd *m.GetUserByIdQuery) error {
cmd.Result = &m.User{Id: TestUserID}
return nil
currentToken := &m.UserToken{Id: 1}
getUserAuthTokensInternalScenario("Should be successful", currentToken, func(sc *scenarioContext) {
tokens := []*m.UserToken{
Id: 1,
ClientIp: "",
UserAgent: "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/72.0.3626.119 Safari/537.36",
CreatedAt: time.Now().Unix(),
SeenAt: time.Now().Unix(),
Id: 2,
ClientIp: "",
UserAgent: "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 11_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/604.1.38 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/11.0 Mobile/15A372 Safari/604.1",
CreatedAt: time.Now().Unix(),
SeenAt: time.Now().Unix(),
sc.userAuthTokenService.GetUserTokensProvider = func(userId int64) ([]*m.UserToken, error) {
return tokens, nil
sc.fakeReqWithParams("GET", sc.url, map[string]string{}).exec()
So(sc.resp.Code, ShouldEqual, 200)
result := sc.ToJSON()
So(result.MustArray(), ShouldHaveLength, 2)
resultOne := result.GetIndex(0)
So(resultOne.Get("id").MustInt64(), ShouldEqual, tokens[0].Id)
So(resultOne.Get("isActive").MustBool(), ShouldBeTrue)
So(resultOne.Get("clientIp").MustString(), ShouldEqual, "")
So(resultOne.Get("userAgent").MustString(), ShouldEqual, "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/72.0.3626.119 Safari/537.36")
So(resultOne.Get("createdAt").MustString(), ShouldEqual, time.Unix(tokens[0].CreatedAt, 0).Format(time.RFC3339))
So(resultOne.Get("seenAt").MustString(), ShouldEqual, time.Unix(tokens[0].SeenAt, 0).Format(time.RFC3339))
resultTwo := result.GetIndex(1)
So(resultTwo.Get("id").MustInt64(), ShouldEqual, tokens[1].Id)
So(resultTwo.Get("isActive").MustBool(), ShouldBeFalse)
So(resultTwo.Get("clientIp").MustString(), ShouldEqual, "")
So(resultTwo.Get("userAgent").MustString(), ShouldEqual, "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 11_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/604.1.38 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/11.0 Mobile/15A372 Safari/604.1")
So(resultTwo.Get("createdAt").MustString(), ShouldEqual, time.Unix(tokens[1].CreatedAt, 0).Format(time.RFC3339))
So(resultTwo.Get("seenAt").MustString(), ShouldEqual, time.Unix(tokens[1].SeenAt, 0).Format(time.RFC3339))
func revokeUserAuthTokenScenario(desc string, url string, routePattern string, cmd m.RevokeAuthTokenCmd, userId int64, fn scenarioFunc) {
Convey(desc+" "+url, func() {
defer bus.ClearBusHandlers()
fakeAuthTokenService := auth.NewFakeUserAuthTokenService()
hs := HTTPServer{
Bus: bus.GetBus(),
AuthTokenService: fakeAuthTokenService,
sc := setupScenarioContext(url)
sc.userAuthTokenService = fakeAuthTokenService
sc.defaultHandler = Wrap(func(c *m.ReqContext) Response {
sc.context = c
sc.context.UserId = userId
sc.context.OrgId = TestOrgID
sc.context.OrgRole = m.ROLE_ADMIN
return hs.RevokeUserAuthToken(c, cmd)
sc.m.Post(routePattern, sc.defaultHandler)
func getUserAuthTokensScenario(desc string, url string, routePattern string, userId int64, fn scenarioFunc) {
Convey(desc+" "+url, func() {
defer bus.ClearBusHandlers()
fakeAuthTokenService := auth.NewFakeUserAuthTokenService()
hs := HTTPServer{
Bus: bus.GetBus(),
AuthTokenService: fakeAuthTokenService,
sc := setupScenarioContext(url)
sc.userAuthTokenService = fakeAuthTokenService
sc.defaultHandler = Wrap(func(c *m.ReqContext) Response {
sc.context = c
sc.context.UserId = userId
sc.context.OrgId = TestOrgID
sc.context.OrgRole = m.ROLE_ADMIN
return hs.GetUserAuthTokens(c)
sc.m.Get(routePattern, sc.defaultHandler)
func logoutUserFromAllDevicesInternalScenario(desc string, userId int64, fn scenarioFunc) {
Convey(desc, func() {
defer bus.ClearBusHandlers()
hs := HTTPServer{
Bus: bus.GetBus(),
AuthTokenService: auth.NewFakeUserAuthTokenService(),
sc := setupScenarioContext("/")
sc.defaultHandler = Wrap(func(c *m.ReqContext) Response {
sc.context = c
sc.context.UserId = TestUserID
sc.context.OrgId = TestOrgID
sc.context.OrgRole = m.ROLE_ADMIN
return hs.logoutUserFromAllDevicesInternal(userId)
sc.m.Post("/", sc.defaultHandler)
func revokeUserAuthTokenInternalScenario(desc string, cmd m.RevokeAuthTokenCmd, userId int64, token *m.UserToken, fn scenarioFunc) {
Convey(desc, func() {
defer bus.ClearBusHandlers()
fakeAuthTokenService := auth.NewFakeUserAuthTokenService()
hs := HTTPServer{
Bus: bus.GetBus(),
AuthTokenService: fakeAuthTokenService,
sc := setupScenarioContext("/")
sc.userAuthTokenService = fakeAuthTokenService
sc.defaultHandler = Wrap(func(c *m.ReqContext) Response {
sc.context = c
sc.context.UserId = TestUserID
sc.context.OrgId = TestOrgID
sc.context.OrgRole = m.ROLE_ADMIN
sc.context.UserToken = token
return hs.revokeUserAuthTokenInternal(c, userId, cmd)
sc.m.Post("/", sc.defaultHandler)
func getUserAuthTokensInternalScenario(desc string, token *m.UserToken, fn scenarioFunc) {
Convey(desc, func() {
defer bus.ClearBusHandlers()
fakeAuthTokenService := auth.NewFakeUserAuthTokenService()
hs := HTTPServer{
Bus: bus.GetBus(),
AuthTokenService: fakeAuthTokenService,
sc := setupScenarioContext("/")
sc.userAuthTokenService = fakeAuthTokenService
sc.defaultHandler = Wrap(func(c *m.ReqContext) Response {
sc.context = c
sc.context.UserId = TestUserID
sc.context.OrgId = TestOrgID
sc.context.OrgRole = m.ROLE_ADMIN
sc.context.UserToken = token
return hs.getUserAuthTokensInternal(c, TestUserID)
sc.m.Get("/", sc.defaultHandler)
package models
import "errors"
import (
// Typed errors
var (
......@@ -23,6 +25,10 @@ type UserToken struct {
UnhashedToken string
type RevokeAuthTokenCmd struct {
AuthTokenId int64 `json:"authTokenId"`
// UserTokenService are used for generating and validating user tokens
type UserTokenService interface {
CreateToken(userId int64, clientIP, userAgent string) (*UserToken, error)
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