Commit 0e8638ec by kay delaney Committed by GitHub

Datasource/CloudWatch: Allows a user to search for log groups that aren't there initially (#24695)

Closes #24554
parent bc8c0513
......@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@ import { SelectableValue } from '@grafana/data';
import React from 'react';
export type SelectValue<T> = T | SelectableValue<T> | T[] | Array<SelectableValue<T>>;
export type InputActionMeta = {
action: 'set-value' | 'input-change' | 'input-blur' | 'menu-close';
export interface SelectCommonProps<T> {
allowCustomValue?: boolean;
......@@ -39,7 +42,7 @@ export interface SelectCommonProps<T> {
onCloseMenu?: () => void;
/** allowCustomValue must be enabled. Function decides what to do with that custom value. */
onCreateOption?: (value: string) => void;
onInputChange?: (label: string) => void;
onInputChange?: (value: string, actionMeta: InputActionMeta) => void;
onKeyDown?: (event: React.KeyboardEvent) => void;
onOpenMenu?: () => void;
openMenuOnFocus?: boolean;
......@@ -2,6 +2,13 @@ import React from 'react';
import { shallow } from 'enzyme';
import { CloudWatchLogsQueryField } from './LogsQueryField';
import { ExploreId } from '../../../../types';
import { DescribeLogGroupsRequest } from '../types';
import { SelectableValue } from '@grafana/data';
jest.mock('lodash/debounce', () => {
const fakeDebounce = (func: () => any, period: number) => func;
return fakeDebounce;
describe('CloudWatchLogsQueryField', () => {
it('updates upstream query log groups on region change', async () => {
......@@ -58,4 +65,151 @@ describe('CloudWatchLogsQueryField', () => {
// Make sure we correctly updated the upstream state
expect(onChange.mock.calls[onChange.mock.calls.length - 1][0]).toEqual({ region: 'region2', logGroupNames: [] });
it('should merge results of remote log groups search with existing results', async () => {
const allLogGroups = [
const onChange = jest.fn();
const wrapper = shallow<CloudWatchLogsQueryField>(
absoluteRange={{ from: 1, to: 10 }}
syntax={{} as any}
getRegions() {
return Promise.resolve([
label: 'region1',
value: 'region1',
text: 'region1',
label: 'region2',
value: 'region2',
text: 'region2',
describeLogGroups(params: DescribeLogGroupsRequest) {
const theLogGroups = allLogGroups
.filter(logGroupName => logGroupName.startsWith(params.logGroupNamePrefix ?? ''))
.slice(0, Math.max(params.limit ?? 50, 50));
return Promise.resolve(theLogGroups);
} as any
query={{} as any}
onRunQuery={() => {}}
const initialAvailableGroups = allLogGroups
.slice(0, 50)
.map(logGroupName => ({ value: logGroupName, label: logGroupName }));
availableLogGroups: initialAvailableGroups,
await wrapper.instance().onLogGroupSearch('Water', 'default', { action: 'input-change' });
let nextAvailableGroups = (wrapper.state('availableLogGroups') as Array<SelectableValue<string>>).map(
logGroup => logGroup.value
expect(nextAvailableGroups).toEqual( => logGroup.value).concat(['WaterGroup', 'WaterGroup2', 'WaterGroup3'])
await wrapper.instance().onLogGroupSearch('Velv', 'default', { action: 'input-change' });
nextAvailableGroups = (wrapper.state('availableLogGroups') as Array<SelectableValue<string>>).map(
logGroup => logGroup.value
.map(logGroup => logGroup.value)
.concat(['WaterGroup', 'WaterGroup2', 'WaterGroup3', 'VelvetGroup', 'VelvetGroup2', 'VelvetGroup3'])
......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
import React, { ReactNode } from 'react';
import intersectionBy from 'lodash/intersectionBy';
import debounce from 'lodash/debounce';
import unionBy from 'lodash/unionBy';
import {
......@@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ import { ExploreId } from 'app/types';
import { dispatch } from 'app/store/store';
import { changeModeAction } from 'app/features/explore/state/actionTypes';
import { appEvents } from 'app/core/core';
import { InputActionMeta } from '@grafana/ui/src/components/Select/types';
export interface CloudWatchLogsQueryFieldProps extends ExploreQueryFieldProps<CloudWatchDatasource, CloudWatchQuery> {
absoluteRange: AbsoluteTimeRange;
......@@ -104,11 +106,12 @@ export class CloudWatchLogsQueryField extends React.PureComponent<CloudWatchLogs
fetchLogGroupOptions = async (region: string) => {
fetchLogGroupOptions = async (region: string, logGroupNamePrefix?: string) => {
try {
const logGroups: string[] = await this.props.datasource.describeLogGroups({
refId: this.props.query.refId,
return => ({
......@@ -121,6 +124,30 @@ export class CloudWatchLogsQueryField extends React.PureComponent<CloudWatchLogs
onLogGroupSearch = (searchTerm: string, region: string, actionMeta: InputActionMeta) => {
if (actionMeta.action !== 'input-change') {
return Promise.resolve();
loadingLogGroups: true,
return this.fetchLogGroupOptions(region, searchTerm)
.then(matchingLogGroups => {
this.setState(state => ({
availableLogGroups: unionBy(state.availableLogGroups, matchingLogGroups, 'value'),
.finally(() => {
loadingLogGroups: false,
onLogGroupSearchDebounced = debounce(this.onLogGroupSearch, 300);
componentWillMount = () => {
const { datasource, query, onChange } = this.props;
......@@ -355,6 +382,9 @@ export class CloudWatchLogsQueryField extends React.PureComponent<CloudWatchLogs
noOptionsMessage="No log groups available"
onInputChange={(value, actionMeta) => {
this.onLogGroupSearchDebounced(value, selectedRegion.value ?? 'default', actionMeta);
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