Commit 109fd998 by Liang Jiameng Committed by Daniel Lee

Add a new notifier : DingTalk (#8473)

* add alerting notifier: DingDing

* add alerting notifier: DingDing

* add dingding unit test

* add dingding unit test

* delete debug code & format code style.

* fix build failed: dingding_test.go
parent a5afd815
......@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ var (
M_Alerting_Notification_Sent_Slack Counter
M_Alerting_Notification_Sent_Email Counter
M_Alerting_Notification_Sent_Webhook Counter
M_Alerting_Notification_Sent_DingDing Counter
M_Alerting_Notification_Sent_PagerDuty Counter
M_Alerting_Notification_Sent_LINE Counter
M_Alerting_Notification_Sent_Victorops Counter
......@@ -116,6 +117,7 @@ func initMetricVars(settings *MetricSettings) {
M_Alerting_Notification_Sent_Slack = RegCounter("alerting.notifications_sent", "type", "slack")
M_Alerting_Notification_Sent_Email = RegCounter("alerting.notifications_sent", "type", "email")
M_Alerting_Notification_Sent_Webhook = RegCounter("alerting.notifications_sent", "type", "webhook")
M_Alerting_Notification_Sent_DingDing = RegCounter("alerting.notifications_sent", "type", "dingding")
M_Alerting_Notification_Sent_PagerDuty = RegCounter("alerting.notifications_sent", "type", "pagerduty")
M_Alerting_Notification_Sent_Victorops = RegCounter("alerting.notifications_sent", "type", "victorops")
M_Alerting_Notification_Sent_OpsGenie = RegCounter("alerting.notifications_sent", "type", "opsgenie")
package notifiers
import (
m ""
func init() {
Type: "dingding",
Name: "DingDing",
Description: "Sends HTTP POST request to DingDing",
Factory: NewDingDingNotifier,
OptionsTemplate: `
<h3 class="page-heading">DingDing settings</h3>
<div class="gf-form">
<span class="gf-form-label width-10">Url</span>
<input type="text" required class="gf-form-input max-width-26" ng-model="ctrl.model.settings.url"></input>
func NewDingDingNotifier(model *m.AlertNotification) (alerting.Notifier, error) {
url := model.Settings.Get("url").MustString()
if url == "" {
return nil, alerting.ValidationError{Reason: "Could not find url property in settings"}
return &DingDingNotifier{
NotifierBase: NewNotifierBase(model.Id, model.IsDefault, model.Name, model.Type, model.Settings),
Url: url,
log: log.New("alerting.notifier.dingding"),
}, nil
type DingDingNotifier struct {
Url string
log log.Logger
func (this *DingDingNotifier) Notify(evalContext *alerting.EvalContext) error {
this.log.Info("Sending dingding")
messageUrl, err := evalContext.GetRuleUrl()
if err != nil {
this.log.Error("Failed to get messageUrl", "error", err, "dingding", this.Name)
messageUrl = ""
this.log.Info("messageUrl:" + messageUrl)
message := evalContext.Rule.Message
picUrl := evalContext.ImagePublicUrl
title := evalContext.GetNotificationTitle()
bodyJSON, err := simplejson.NewJson([]byte(`{
"msgtype": "link",
"link": {
"text": "` + message + `",
"title": "` + title + `",
"picUrl": "` + picUrl + `",
"messageUrl": "` + messageUrl + `"
if err != nil {
this.log.Error("Failed to create Json data", "error", err, "dingding", this.Name)
body, _ := bodyJSON.MarshalJSON()
cmd := &m.SendWebhookSync{
Url: this.Url,
Body: string(body),
if err := bus.DispatchCtx(evalContext.Ctx, cmd); err != nil {
this.log.Error("Failed to send DingDing", "error", err, "dingding", this.Name)
return err
return nil
package notifiers
import (
m ""
. ""
func TestDingDingNotifier(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Line notifier tests", t, func() {
Convey("empty settings should return error", func() {
json := `{ }`
settingsJSON, _ := simplejson.NewJson([]byte(json))
model := &m.AlertNotification{
Name: "dingding_testing",
Type: "dingding",
Settings: settingsJSON,
_, err := NewDingDingNotifier(model)
So(err, ShouldNotBeNil)
Convey("settings should trigger incident", func() {
json := `
"url": ""
settingsJSON, _ := simplejson.NewJson([]byte(json))
model := &m.AlertNotification{
Name: "dingding_testing",
Type: "dingding",
Settings: settingsJSON,
not, err := NewDingDingNotifier(model)
notifier := not.(*DingDingNotifier)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(notifier.Name, ShouldEqual, "dingding_testing")
So(notifier.Type, ShouldEqual, "dingding")
So(notifier.Url, ShouldEqual, "")
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