Commit 114431be by Alexander Zobnin

heatmap: add tests for heatmap_data_converter

parent 84b15fc7
......@@ -5,6 +5,16 @@ import _ from 'lodash';
let VALUE_INDEX = 0;
let TIME_INDEX = 1;
interface XBucket {
x: number;
buckets: any;
interface YBucket {
y: number;
values: number[];
* Convert set of time series into heatmap buckets
* @return {Object} Heatmap object:
......@@ -347,11 +357,51 @@ function logp(value, base) {
return Math.log(value) / Math.log(base);
* Compare two heatmap data objects
* @param objA
* @param objB
function isHeatmapDataEqual(objA: any, objB: any): boolean {
let is_eql = true;
_.forEach(objA, (xBucket: XBucket, x) => {
if (objB[x]) {
_.forEach(xBucket.buckets, (yBucket: YBucket, y) => {
if (objB[x].buckets && objB[x].buckets[y]) {
if (objB[x].buckets[y].values) {
is_eql = _.isEqual(yBucket.values.sort(), objB[x].buckets[y].values.sort());
if (!is_eql) {
return false;
} else {
is_eql = false;
return false;
} else {
is_eql = false;
return false;
if (!is_eql) {
return false;
} else {
is_eql = false;
return false;
return is_eql;
export {
///<reference path="../../../../headers/common.d.ts" />
import _ from 'lodash';
import { describe, beforeEach, it, sinon, expect, angularMocks } from '../../../../../test/lib/common';
import TimeSeries from 'app/core/time_series2';
import { convertToHeatMap, isHeatmapDataEqual } from '../heatmap_data_converter';
describe('isHeatmapDataEqual', () => {
let ctx: any = {};
beforeEach(() => {
ctx.heatmapA = {
'1422774000000': {
x: 1422774000000,
buckets: {
'1': { y: 1, values: [1, 1.5] },
'2': { y: 2, values: [1] }
ctx.heatmapB = {
'1422774000000': {
x: 1422774000000,
buckets: {
'1': { y: 1, values: [1.5, 1] },
'2': { y: 2, values: [1] }
it('should proper compare objects', () => {
let heatmapC = _.cloneDeep(ctx.heatmapA);
heatmapC['1422774000000'].buckets['1'].values = [1, 1.5];
let heatmapD = _.cloneDeep(ctx.heatmapA);
heatmapD['1422774000000'].buckets['1'].values = [1.5, 1, 1.6];
let heatmapE = _.cloneDeep(ctx.heatmapA);
heatmapE['1422774000000'].buckets['1'].values = [1, 1.6];
expect(isHeatmapDataEqual(ctx.heatmapA, ctx.heatmapB));
expect(isHeatmapDataEqual(ctx.heatmapA, heatmapC));
expect(isHeatmapDataEqual(ctx.heatmapA, heatmapD));
expect(isHeatmapDataEqual(ctx.heatmapA, heatmapE));
describe('HeatmapDataConverter', () => {
let ctx: any = {};
beforeEach(() => {
ctx.series = [];
ctx.series.push(new TimeSeries({
datapoints: [[1, 1422774000000], [2, 1422774060000]],
alias: 'series1'
ctx.series.push(new TimeSeries({
datapoints: [[2, 1422774000000], [3, 1422774060000]],
alias: 'series2'
ctx.xBucketSize = 60000; // 60s
ctx.yBucketSize = 1;
ctx.logBase = 1;
describe('when logBase is 1 (linear scale)', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
ctx.logBase = 1;
it('should build proper heatmap data', () => {
let expectedHeatmap = {
'1422774000000': {
x: 1422774000000,
buckets: {
'1': { y: 1, values: [1] },
'2': { y: 2, values: [2] }
'1422774060000': {
x: 1422774060000,
buckets: {
'2': { y: 2, values: [2] },
'3': { y: 3, values: [3] }
let heatmap = convertToHeatMap(ctx.series, ctx.yBucketSize, ctx.xBucketSize, ctx.logBase);
expect(isHeatmapDataEqual(heatmap, expectedHeatmap));
describe('when logBase is 2', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
ctx.logBase = 2;
it('should build proper heatmap data', () => {
let expectedHeatmap = {
'1422774000000': {
x: 1422774000000,
buckets: {
'1': { y: 1, values: [1] },
'2': { y: 2, values: [2] }
'1422774060000': {
x: 1422774060000,
buckets: {
'2': { y: 2, values: [2, 3] }
let heatmap = convertToHeatMap(ctx.series, ctx.yBucketSize, ctx.xBucketSize, ctx.logBase);
expect(isHeatmapDataEqual(heatmap, expectedHeatmap));
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