Commit 11a53763 by David Kaltschmidt

Explore: Fix logging query parser for regex with quantifiers

- ensure that selectors have to be preceded by whitespace or line beginning
- glacing over the fact that ` {0,1}` could be a valid regexp, but we're using space as query/regexp separators anyway, so I think it's fine for now
parent 088c2e70
......@@ -42,4 +42,15 @@ describe('parseQuery', () => {
regexp: '',
it('returns query and regexp with quantifiers', () => {
expect(parseQuery('{foo="bar"} \\.java:[0-9]{1,5}')).toEqual({
query: '{foo="bar"}',
regexp: '\\.java:[0-9]{1,5}',
expect(parseQuery('\\.java:[0-9]{1,5} {foo="bar"}')).toEqual({
query: '{foo="bar"}',
regexp: '\\.java:[0-9]{1,5}',
const selectorRegexp = /{[^{]*}/g;
const selectorRegexp = /(?:^|\s){[^{]*}/g;
export function parseQuery(input: string) {
const match = input.match(selectorRegexp);
let query = '';
let regexp = input;
if (match) {
query = match[0];
query = match[0].trim();
regexp = input.replace(selectorRegexp, '').trim();
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