Commit 15b59336 by jartigag Committed by GitHub

Docs: Make tables formatting more consistent (#28164)

* Make the documentation tables formatting more consistent

* Suggestions incorporated
parent 0e17a15f
......@@ -133,17 +133,17 @@ The Azure Monitor data source Plugin provides the following queries you can spec
| Name | Description |
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| _Subscriptions()_ | Returns a list of subscriptions. |
| _ResourceGroups()_ | Returns a list of resource groups. |
| _ResourceGroups(12345678-aaaa-bbbb-cccc-123456789aaa)_ | Returns a list of resource groups for a specified subscription. |
| _Namespaces(aResourceGroup)_ | Returns a list of namespaces for the specified resource group. |
| _Namespaces(12345678-aaaa-bbbb-cccc-123456789aaa, aResourceGroup)_ | Returns a list of namespaces for the specified resource group and subscription. |
| _ResourceNames(aResourceGroup, aNamespace)_ | Returns a list of resource names. |
| _ResourceNames(12345678-aaaa-bbbb-cccc-123456789aaa, aResourceGroup, aNamespace)_ | Returns a list of resource names for a specified subscription. |
| _MetricNamespace(aResourceGroup, aNamespace, aResourceName)_ | Returns a list of metric namespaces. |
| _MetricNamespace(12345678-aaaa-bbbb-cccc-123456789aaa, aResourceGroup, aNamespace, aResourceName)_ | Returns a list of metric namespaces for a specified subscription. |
| _MetricNames(aResourceGroup, aNamespace, aResourceName)_ | Returns a list of metric names. |
| _MetricNames(12345678-aaaa-bbbb-cccc-123456789aaa, aResourceGroup, aNamespace, aResourceName)_ | Returns a list of metric names for a specified subscription. |
| `Subscriptions()` | Returns a list of subscriptions. |
| `ResourceGroups()` | Returns a list of resource groups. |
| `ResourceGroups(12345678-aaaa-bbbb-cccc-123456789aaa)` | Returns a list of resource groups for a specified subscription. |
| `Namespaces(aResourceGroup)` | Returns a list of namespaces for the specified resource group. |
| `Namespaces(12345678-aaaa-bbbb-cccc-123456789aaa, aResourceGroup)` | Returns a list of namespaces for the specified resource group and subscription. |
| `ResourceNames(aResourceGroup, aNamespace)` | Returns a list of resource names. |
| `ResourceNames(12345678-aaaa-bbbb-cccc-123456789aaa, aResourceGroup, aNamespace)` | Returns a list of resource names for a specified subscription. |
| `MetricNamespace(aResourceGroup, aNamespace, aResourceName)` | Returns a list of metric namespaces. |
| `MetricNamespace(12345678-aaaa-bbbb-cccc-123456789aaa, aResourceGroup, aNamespace, aResourceName)` | Returns a list of metric namespaces for a specified subscription. |
| `MetricNames(aResourceGroup, aNamespace, aResourceName)` | Returns a list of metric names. |
| `MetricNames(12345678-aaaa-bbbb-cccc-123456789aaa, aResourceGroup, aNamespace, aResourceName)` | Returns a list of metric names for a specified subscription. |
......@@ -212,8 +212,8 @@ Check out the [Templating]({{< relref "../variables/" >}}) documentatio
| Name | Description |
| ---------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| _AppInsightsMetricNames()_ | Returns a list of metric names. |
| _AppInsightsGroupBys(aMetricName)_ | Returns a list of "group bys" for the specified metric name. |
| `AppInsightsMetricNames()` | Returns a list of metric names. |
| `AppInsightsGroupBys(aMetricName)` | Returns a list of "group bys" for the specified metric name. |
......@@ -327,22 +327,22 @@ types of template variables.
| Name | Description |
| -------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| _workspaces()_ | Returns a list of workspaces for the default subscription. |
| _workspaces(12345678-aaaa-bbbb-cccc-123456789aaa)_ | Returns a list of workspaces for the specified subscription (the parameter can be quoted or unquoted). |
| `workspaces()` | Returns a list of workspaces for the default subscription. |
| `workspaces(12345678-aaaa-bbbb-cccc-123456789aaa)` | Returns a list of workspaces for the specified subscription (the parameter can be quoted or unquoted). |
Example variable queries:
<!-- prettier-ignore-start -->
| Query | Description |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------- |
| _subscriptions()_ | Returns a list of Azure subscriptions |
| _workspaces()_ | Returns a list of workspaces for default subscription |
| _workspaces("12345678-aaaa-bbbb-cccc-123456789aaa")_ | Returns a list of workspaces for a specified subscription |
| _workspaces("$subscription")_ | With template variable for the subscription parameter |
| _workspace("myWorkspace").Heartbeat \| distinct Computer_ | Returns a list of Virtual Machines |
| _workspace("$workspace").Heartbeat \| distinct Computer_ | Returns a list of Virtual Machines with template variable |
| _workspace("$workspace").Perf \| distinct ObjectName_ | Returns a list of objects from the Perf table |
| _workspace("$workspace").Perf \| where ObjectName == "$object" \| distinct CounterName_ | Returns a list of metric names from the Perf table |
| `subscriptions()` | Returns a list of Azure subscriptions |
| `workspaces()` | Returns a list of workspaces for default subscription |
| `workspaces("12345678-aaaa-bbbb-cccc-123456789aaa")` | Returns a list of workspaces for a specified subscription |
| `workspaces("$subscription")` | With template variable for the subscription parameter |
| `workspace("myWorkspace").Heartbeat \| distinct Computer` | Returns a list of Virtual Machines |
| `workspace("$workspace").Heartbeat \| distinct Computer` | Returns a list of Virtual Machines with template variable |
| `workspace("$workspace").Perf \| distinct ObjectName` | Returns a list of objects from the Perf table |
| `workspace("$workspace").Perf \| where ObjectName == "$object" \| distinct CounterName` | Returns a list of metric names from the Perf table |
<!-- prettier-ignore-end -->
......@@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ Grafana ships with built-in support for Google Cloud Monitoring. Just add it as
| Name | Description |
| --------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| _Name_ | The data source name. This is how you refer to the data source in panels and queries. |
| _Default_ | Default data source means that it will be pre-selected for new panels. |
| _Service Account Key_ | Service Account Key File for a GCP Project. Instructions below on how to create it. |
| `Name` | The data source name. This is how you refer to the data source in panels and queries. |
| `Default` | Default data source means that it will be pre-selected for new panels. |
| `Service Account Key` | Service Account Key File for a GCP Project. Instructions below on how to create it. |
## Authentication
......@@ -241,16 +241,16 @@ Variable of the type _Query_ allows you to query Google Cloud Monitoring for var
| Name | Description |
| -------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| _Metric Types_ | Returns a list of metric type names that are available for the specified service. |
| _Labels Keys_ | Returns a list of keys for `metric label` and `resource label` in the specified metric. |
| _Labels Values_ | Returns a list of values for the label in the specified metric. |
| _Resource Types_ | Returns a list of resource types for the specified metric. |
| _Aggregations_ | Returns a list of aggregations (cross series reducers) for the specified metric. |
| _Aligners_ | Returns a list of aligners (per series aligners) for the specified metric. |
| _Alignment periods_ | Returns a list of all alignment periods that are available in Google Cloud Monitoring query editor in Grafana |
| _Selectors_ | Returns a list of selectors that can be used in SLO (Service Level Objectives) queries |
| _SLO Services_ | Returns a list of Service Monitoring services that can be used in SLO queries |
| _Service Level Objectives (SLO)_ | Returns a list of SLO's for the specified SLO service |
| `Metric Types` | Returns a list of metric type names that are available for the specified service. |
| `Labels Keys` | Returns a list of keys for `metric label` and `resource label` in the specified metric. |
| `Labels Values` | Returns a list of values for the label in the specified metric. |
| `Resource Types` | Returns a list of resource types for the specified metric. |
| `Aggregations` | Returns a list of aggregations (cross series reducers) for the specified metric. |
| `Aligners` | Returns a list of aligners (per series aligners) for the specified metric. |
| `Alignment periods` | Returns a list of all alignment periods that are available in Google Cloud Monitoring query editor in Grafana |
| `Selectors` | Returns a list of selectors that can be used in SLO (Service Level Objectives) queries |
| `SLO Services` | Returns a list of Service Monitoring services that can be used in SLO queries |
| `Service Level Objectives (SLO)` | Returns a list of SLO's for the specified SLO service |
### Using variables in queries
......@@ -26,10 +26,10 @@ visualize logs or metrics stored in Elasticsearch. You can also annotate your gr
| Name | Description |
| --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| *Name* | The data source name. This is how you refer to the data source in panels and queries. |
| *Default* | Default data source means that it will be pre-selected for new panels. |
| *Url* | The HTTP protocol, IP, and port of your Elasticsearch server. |
| *Access* | Server (default) = URL needs to be accessible from the Grafana backend/server, Browser = URL needs to be accessible from the browser. |
| `Name` | The data source name. This is how you refer to the data source in panels and queries. |
| `Default` | Default data source means that it will be pre-selected for new panels. |
| `Url` | The HTTP protocol, IP, and port of your Elasticsearch server. |
| `Access` | Server (default) = URL needs to be accessible from the Grafana backend/server, Browser = URL needs to be accessible from the browser. |
Access mode controls how requests to the data source will be handled. Server should be the preferred way if nothing else stated.
......@@ -113,9 +113,9 @@ You can control the name for time series via the `Alias` input field.
| Pattern | Description |
| -------------------- | ------------------------------------------------- |
| *{{term fieldname}}* | replaced with value of a term group by |
| *{{metric}}* | replaced with metric name (ex. Average, Min, Max) |
| *{{field}}* | replaced with the metric field name |
| `{{term fieldname}}` | replaced with value of a term group by |
| `{{metric}}` | replaced with metric name (ex. Average, Min, Max) |
| `{{field}}` | replaced with the metric field name |
## Pipeline metrics
......@@ -138,9 +138,9 @@ The Elasticsearch data source supports two types of queries you can use in the *
| Query | Description |
| -------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| *{"find": "fields", "type": "keyword"}* | Returns a list of field names with the index type `keyword`. |
| *{"find": "terms", "field": "@hostname", "size": 1000}* | Returns a list of values for a field using term aggregation. Query will use current dashboard time range as time range for query. |
| *{"find": "terms", "field": "@hostname", "query": '<lucene query>'}* | Returns a list of values for a field using term aggregation and a specified lucene query filter. Query will use current dashboard time range as time range for query. |
| `{"find": "fields", "type": "keyword"}` | Returns a list of field names with the index type `keyword`. |
| `{"find": "terms", "field": "@hostname", "size": 1000}` | Returns a list of values for a field using term aggregation. Query will use current dashboard time range as time range for query. |
| `{"find": "terms", "field": "@hostname", "query": '<lucene query>'}` | Returns a list of values for a field using term aggregation and a specified lucene query filter. Query will use current dashboard time range as time range for query. |
There is a default size limit of 500 on terms queries. Set the size property in your query to set a custom limit.
You can use other variables inside the query. Example query definition for a variable named `$host`.
......@@ -187,11 +187,11 @@ for annotation events.
| Name | Description |
| -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| Query | You can leave the search query blank or specify a lucene query. |
| Time | The name of the time field, needs to be date field. |
| Time End | Optional name of the time end field needs to be date field. If set, then annotations will be marked as a region between time and time-end. |
| Text | Event description field. |
| Tags | Optional field name to use for event tags (can be an array or a CSV string). |
| `Query` | You can leave the search query blank or specify a lucene query. |
| `Time` | The name of the time field, needs to be date field. |
| `Time End` | Optional name of the time end field needs to be date field. If set, then annotations will be marked as a region between time and time-end. |
| `Text` | Event description field. |
| `Tags` | Optional field name to use for event tags (can be an array or a CSV string). |
## Querying Logs (BETA)
......@@ -24,21 +24,21 @@ Refer to [Add a data source]({{< relref "" >}}) for instruct
To access Graphite settings, hover your mouse over the **Configuration** (gear) icon, then click **Data Sources**, and then click the Graphite data source.
Name | Description
------------ | -------------
Name | The data source name. This is how you refer to the data source in panels and queries.
Default | Default data source means that it will be pre-selected for new panels.
URL | The HTTP protocol, IP, and port of your graphite-web or graphite-api install.
Access | Server (default) = URL needs to be accessible from the Grafana backend/server, Browser = URL needs to be accessible from the browser.
Auth | Refer to [Authentication]({{< relref "../auth/" >}}) for more information.
Basic Auth | Enable basic authentication to the data source.
User | User name for basic authentication.
Password | Password for basic authentication.
Custom HTTP Headers | Click **Add header** to add a custom HTTP header.
Header | Enter the custom header name.
Value | Enter the custom header value.
Graphite details |
Version | Select your version of Graphite.
Type | Select your type of Graphite.
--------------------- | -------------
`Name` | The data source name. This is how you refer to the data source in panels and queries.
`Default` | Default data source means that it will be pre-selected for new panels.
`URL` | The HTTP protocol, IP, and port of your graphite-web or graphite-api install.
`Access` | Server (default) = URL needs to be accessible from the Grafana backend/server, Browser = URL needs to be accessible from the browser.
`Auth` | Refer to [Authentication]({{< relref "../auth/" >}}) for more information.
`Basic Auth` | Enable basic authentication to the data source.
`User` | User name for basic authentication.
`Password` | Password for basic authentication.
`Custom HTTP Headers` | Click **Add header** to add a custom HTTP header.
`Header` | Enter the custom header name.
`Value` | Enter the custom header value.
`Graphite details` |
`Version` | Select your version of Graphite.
`Type` | Select your type of Graphite.
Access mode controls how requests to the data source will be handled. Server should be the preferred way if nothing else is stated.
......@@ -130,12 +130,12 @@ For more information, refer to [Variables and templates]({{< relref "../variable
Graphite 1.1 introduced tags and Grafana added support for Graphite queries with tags in version 5.0. To create a variable using tag values, use the Grafana functions `tags` and `tag_values`.
Query | Description
------------ | -------------
tags() | Returns all tags.
tags(server=~backend\*) | Returns only tags that occur in series matching the filter expression.
tag_values(server) | Return tag values for the specified tag.
tag_values(server, server=~backend\*) | Returns filtered tag values that occur for the specified tag in series matching those expressions.
tag_values(server, server=~backend\*, app=~${apps:regex}) | Multiple filter expressions and expressions can contain other variables.
----------------------------------------------------------- | -------------
`tags()` | Returns all tags.
`tags(server=~backend\*)` | Returns only tags that occur in series matching the filter expression.
`tag_values(server)` | Return tag values for the specified tag.
`tag_values(server, server=~backend\*)` | Returns filtered tag values that occur for the specified tag in series matching those expressions.
`tag_values(server, server=~backend\*, app=~${apps:regex})` | Multiple filter expressions and expressions can contain other variables.
For more details, see the [Graphite docs on the autocomplete API for tags](
......@@ -28,15 +28,15 @@ Grafana ships with a feature-rich data source plugin for InfluxDB. The plugin in
### InfluxQL (classic InfluxDB query)
Name | Description
------------ | -------------
*Name* | The data source name. This is how you refer to the data source in panels and queries.
*Default* | Default data source means that it will be pre-selected for new panels.
*URL* | The HTTP protocol, IP address and port of your InfluxDB API (InfluxDB API port is by default 8086)
*Access* | Server (default) = URL needs to be accessible from the Grafana backend/server, Browser = URL needs to be accessible from the browser.
*Database* | Name of your InfluxDB database
*User* | Name of your database user
*Password* | Database user's password
*HTTP mode* | How to query the database (`GET` or `POST` HTTP verb). The `POST` verb allows heavy queries that would return an error using the `GET` verb. Default is `GET`.
----------- | -------------
`Name` | The data source name. This is how you refer to the data source in panels and queries.
`Default` | Default data source means that it will be pre-selected for new panels.
`URL` | The HTTP protocol, IP address and port of your InfluxDB API (InfluxDB API port is by default 8086)
`Access` | Server (default) = URL needs to be accessible from the Grafana backend/server, Browser = URL needs to be accessible from the browser.
`Database` | Name of your InfluxDB database
`User` | Name of your database user
`Password` | Database user's password
`HTTP mode` | How to query the database (`GET` or `POST` HTTP verb). The `POST` verb allows heavy queries that would return an error using the `GET` verb. Default is `GET`.
Access mode controls how requests to the data source will be handled. Server should be the preferred way if nothing else stated.
......@@ -129,11 +129,11 @@ The client supports Flux running on InfluxDB 1.8+. See [1.8 compatibility](http
Name | Description
------------ | -------------
*URL* | The HTTP protocol, IP address and port of your InfluxDB API (InfluxDB 2.0 API port is by default 9999)
*Organization* | The [Influx organization]( that will be used for Flux queries. This is also used to for the `v.organization` query macro
*Token* | The authentication token used for Flux queries. With Influx 2.0, use the [influx authentication token to function]( For influx 1.8, the token is `username:password`
*Default Bucket* | The [Influx bucket]( that will be used for the `v.defaultBucket` macro in Flux queries
---------------- | -------------
`URL` | The HTTP protocol, IP address and port of your InfluxDB API (InfluxDB 2.0 API port is by default 9999)
`Organization` | The [Influx organization]( that will be used for Flux queries. This is also used to for the `v.organization` query macro
`Token` | The authentication token used for Flux queries. With Influx 2.0, use the [influx authentication token to function]( For influx 1.8, the token is `username:password`
`Default Bucket` | The [Influx bucket]( that will be used for the `v.defaultBucket` macro in Flux queries
You can use the [Flux query and scripting language]( Grafana's Flux query editor is a text editor for raw Flux queries with Macro support.
......@@ -144,11 +144,11 @@ The macros support copying and pasting from [Chronograph](https://www.influxdata
Macro example | Description
------------ | -------------
*`v.timeRangeStart`* | Will be replaced by the start of the currently active time selection. For example, *2020-06-11T13:31:00Z*
*`v.timeRangeEnd`* | Will be replaced by the end of the currently active time selection. For example, *2020-06-11T14:31:00Z*
*`v.windowPeriod`* | Will be replaced with an interval string compatible with Flux that corresponds to Grafana's calculated interval based on the time range of the active time selection. For example, *5s*
*`v.defaultBucket`* | Will be replaced with the data source configuration's "Default Bucket" setting
*`v.organization`* | Will be replaced with the data source configuration's "Organization" setting
`v.timeRangeStart` | Will be replaced by the start of the currently active time selection. For example, *2020-06-11T13:31:00Z*
`v.timeRangeEnd` | Will be replaced by the end of the currently active time selection. For example, *2020-06-11T14:31:00Z*
`v.windowPeriod` | Will be replaced with an interval string compatible with Flux that corresponds to Grafana's calculated interval based on the time range of the active time selection. For example, *5s*
`v.defaultBucket` | Will be replaced with the data source configuration's "Default Bucket" setting
`v.organization` | Will be replaced with the data source configuration's "Organization" setting
For example, the following query will be interpolated as the query that follows it, with interval and time period values changing according to active time selection\):
......@@ -19,14 +19,14 @@ Just add it as a data source and you are ready to query your traces in [Explore]
To access Jaeger settings, click the **Configuration** (gear) icon, then click **Data Sources**, and then click **Jaeger**.
| Name | Description |
| --------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| _Name_ | The data source name. This is how you refer to the data source in panels, queries, and Explore. |
| _Default_ | Default data source means that it will be pre-selected for new panels. |
| _URL_ | The URL of the Jaeger instance, e.g., `http://localhost:16686` |
| _Access_ | Server (default) = URL needs to be accessible from the Grafana backend/server, Browser = URL needs to be accessible from the browser. |
| _Basic Auth_ | Enable basic authentication to the Jaeger data source. |
| _User_ | User name for basic authentication. |
| _Password_ | Password for basic authentication. |
| --------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `Name` | The data source name. This is how you refer to the data source in panels, queries, and Explore. |
| `Default` | Default data source means that it will be pre-selected for new panels. |
| `URL` | The URL of the Jaeger instance, e.g., `http://localhost:16686` |
| `Access` | Server (default) = URL needs to be accessible from the Grafana backend/server, Browser = URL needs to be accessible from the browser. |
| `Basic Auth` | Enable basic authentication to the Jaeger data source. |
| `User` | User name for basic authentication. |
| `Password` | Password for basic authentication. |
## Query traces
......@@ -31,10 +31,10 @@ Just add it as a data source and you are ready to query your log data in [Explor
| Name | Description |
| --------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| _Name_ | The data source name. This is how you refer to the data source in panels, queries, and Explore. |
| _Default_ | Default data source means that it will be pre-selected for new panels. |
| _URL_ | The URL of the Loki instance, e.g., `http://localhost:3100` |
| _Maximum lines_ | Upper limit for number of log lines returned by Loki (default is 1000). Decrease if your browser is sluggish when displaying logs in Explore. |
| `Name` | The data source name. This is how you refer to the data source in panels, queries, and Explore. |
| `Default` | Default data source means that it will be pre-selected for new panels. |
| `URL` | The URL of the Loki instance, e.g., `http://localhost:3100` |
| `Maximum lines` | Upper limit for number of log lines returned by Loki (default is 1000). Decrease if your browser is sluggish when displaying logs in Explore. |
### Derived fields
......@@ -25,12 +25,12 @@ Grafana ships with advanced support for OpenTSDB.
| Name | Description |
| ------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| *Name* | The data source name. This is how you refer to the data source in panels and queries. |
| *Default* | Default data source means that it will be pre-selected for new panels. |
| *Url* | The HTTP protocol, ip and port of you opentsdb server (default port is usually 4242) |
| *Access* | Server (default) = URL needs to be accessible from the Grafana backend/server, Browser = URL needs to be accessible from the browser. |
| *Version* | Version = opentsdb version, either <=2.1 or 2.2 |
| *Resolution* | Metrics from opentsdb may have datapoints with either second or millisecond resolution. |
| `Name` | The data source name. This is how you refer to the data source in panels and queries. |
| `Default` | Default data source means that it will be pre-selected for new panels. |
| `Url` | The HTTP protocol, ip and port of you opentsdb server (default port is usually 4242) |
| `Access` | Server (default) = URL needs to be accessible from the Grafana backend/server, Browser = URL needs to be accessible from the browser. |
| `Version` | Version = opentsdb version, either <=2.1 or 2.2 |
| `Resolution` | Metrics from opentsdb may have datapoints with either second or millisecond resolution. |
## Query editor
......@@ -65,11 +65,11 @@ When using OpenTSDB with a template variable of `query` type you can use followi
| Query | Description |
| --------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| *metrics(prefix)* | Returns metric names with specific prefix (can be empty) |
| *tag_names(cpu)* | Returns tag names (i.e. keys) for a specific cpu metric |
| *tag_values(cpu, hostname)* | Returns tag values for metric cpu and tag key hostname |
| *suggest_tagk(prefix)* | Returns tag names (i.e. keys) for all metrics with specific prefix (can be empty) |
| *suggest_tagv(prefix)* | Returns tag values for all metrics with specific prefix (can be empty) |
| `metrics(prefix)` | Returns metric names with specific prefix (can be empty) |
| `tag_names(cpu)` | Returns tag names (i.e. keys) for a specific cpu metric |
| `tag_values(cpu, hostname)` | Returns tag values for metric cpu and tag key hostname |
| `suggest_tagk(prefix)` | Returns tag names (i.e. keys) for all metrics with specific prefix (can be empty) |
| `suggest_tagv(prefix)` | Returns tag values for all metrics with specific prefix (can be empty) |
If you do not see template variables being populated in `Preview of values` section, you need to enable
`tsd.core.meta.enable_realtime_ts` in the OpenTSDB server settings. Also, to populate metadata of
......@@ -83,8 +83,8 @@ Some examples are mentioned below to make nested template queries work successfu
| Query | Description |
| ----------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| *tag_values(cpu, hostname, env=$env)* | Return tag values for cpu metric, selected env tag value and tag key hostname |
| *tag_values(cpu, hostname, env=$env, region=$region)* | Return tag values for cpu metric, selected env tag value, selected region tag value and tag key hostname |
| `tag_values(cpu, hostname, env=$env)` | Return tag values for cpu metric, selected env tag value and tag key hostname |
| `tag_values(cpu, hostname, env=$env, region=$region)` | Return tag values for cpu metric, selected env tag value, selected region tag value and tag key hostname |
For details on OpenTSDB metric queries, check out the official [OpenTSDB documentation](
......@@ -19,14 +19,14 @@ Just add it as a data source and you are ready to query your traces in [Explore]
To access Zipkin settings, click the **Configuration** (gear) icon, then click **Data Sources**, and then click **Zipkin**.
| Name | Description |
| --------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| _Name_ | The data source name. This is how you refer to the data source in panels, queries, and Explore. |
| _Default_ | Default data source means that it will be pre-selected for new panels. |
| _URL_ | The URL of the Zipkin instance, e.g., `http://localhost:9411` |
| _Access_ | Server (default) = URL needs to be accessible from the Grafana backend/server, Browser = URL needs to be accessible from the browser. |
| _Basic Auth_ | Enable basic authentication to the Zipkin data source. |
| _User_ | User name for basic authentication. |
| _Password_ | Password for basic authentication. |
| --------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `Name` | The data source name. This is how you refer to the data source in panels, queries, and Explore. |
| `Default` | Default data source means that it will be pre-selected for new panels. |
| `URL` | The URL of the Zipkin instance, e.g., `http://localhost:9411` |
| `Access` | Server (default) = URL needs to be accessible from the Grafana backend/server, Browser = URL needs to be accessible from the browser. |
| `Basic Auth` | Enable basic authentication to the Zipkin data source. |
| `User` | User name for basic authentication. |
| `Password` | Password for basic authentication. |
## Query traces
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