Commit 178bb1d3 by Dominik Prokop Committed by Torkel Ödegaard

Echo: mechanism for collecting custom events lazily (#20365)

* Introduce Echo for collecting frontend metrics

* Update public/app/core/services/echo/Echo.ts

Co-Authored-By: Peter Holmberg <>

* Custom meta when adding event

* Rename consumer to backend

* Remove buffer from Echo

* Minor tweaks

* Update package.json

* Update public/app/app.ts

* Update public/app/app.ts

* Collect paint metrics when collecting tti. Remove echoBackendFactory

* Update yarn.lock

* Move Echo interfaces to runtime

* progress on meta and echo

* Collect meta analytics events

* Move MetaanalyticsBackend to enterprise repo

* Fixed unit tests

* Removed unused type from test

* Fixed issues with chunk loading (reverted index-template changes)

* Restored changes

* Fixed webpack prod
parent 4b8a50e7
......@@ -256,6 +256,7 @@
"tether": "1.4.5",
"tether-drop": "",
"tinycolor2": "1.4.1",
"tti-polyfill": "0.2.2",
"xss": "1.0.3"
"resolutions": {
export * from './services';
export * from './config';
export * from './types';
export { loadPluginCss, SystemJS } from './utils/plugin';
export { reportMetaAnalytics } from './utils/analytics';
interface SizeMeta {
width: number;
height: number;
export interface EchoMeta {
screenSize: SizeMeta;
windowSize: SizeMeta;
userAgent: string;
url?: string;
* A unique browser session
sessionId: string;
userLogin: string;
userId: number;
userSignedIn: boolean;
ts: number;
export interface EchoBackend<T extends EchoEvent = any, O = any> {
options: O;
supportedEvents: EchoEventType[];
flush: () => void;
addEvent: (event: T) => void;
export interface EchoEvent<T extends EchoEventType = any, P = any> {
type: EchoEventType;
payload: P;
meta: EchoMeta;
export enum EchoEventType {
Performance = 'performance',
MetaAnalytics = 'meta-analytics',
export interface EchoSrv {
flush(): void;
addBackend(backend: EchoBackend): void;
addEvent<T extends EchoEvent>(event: Omit<T, 'meta'>, meta?: {}): void;
let singletonInstance: EchoSrv;
export function setEchoSrv(instance: EchoSrv) {
singletonInstance = instance;
export function getEchoSrv(): EchoSrv {
return singletonInstance;
export const registerEchoBackend = (backend: EchoBackend) => {
......@@ -2,3 +2,4 @@ export * from './backendSrv';
export * from './AngularLoader';
export * from './dataSourceSrv';
export * from './LocationSrv';
export * from './EchoSrv';
import { EchoEvent, EchoEventType } from '../services/EchoSrv';
export interface MetaAnalyticsEventPayload {
eventName: string;
dashboardId?: number;
dashboardUid?: string;
dashboardName?: string;
folderName?: string;
panelId?: number;
panelName?: string;
datasourceName: string;
datasourceId?: number;
error?: string;
duration: number;
dataSize?: number;
export interface MetaAnalyticsEvent extends EchoEvent<EchoEventType.MetaAnalytics, MetaAnalyticsEventPayload> {}
import { getEchoSrv, EchoEventType } from '../services/EchoSrv';
import { MetaAnalyticsEvent, MetaAnalyticsEventPayload } from '../types/analytics';
export const reportMetaAnalytics = (payload: MetaAnalyticsEventPayload) => {
type: EchoEventType.MetaAnalytics,
......@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ $btn-drag-image: '../img/grab_dark.svg';
$navbar-btn-gicon-brightness: brightness(0.5);
$btn-active-box-shadow: 0px 0px 4px rgba(255,120,10,0.5);
$btn-active-box-shadow: 0px 0px 4px rgba(255, 120, 10, 0.5);
// Forms
// -------------------------
......@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ import 'vendor/angular-other/angular-strap';
import $ from 'jquery';
import angular from 'angular';
import config from 'app/core/config';
// @ts-ignore
import ttiPolyfill from 'tti-polyfill';
// @ts-ignore ignoring this for now, otherwise we would have to extend _ interface with move
import _ from 'lodash';
import { AppEvents, setMarkdownOptions, setLocale } from '@grafana/data';
......@@ -34,6 +36,10 @@ _.move = (array: [], fromIndex: number, toIndex: number) => {
import { coreModule, angularModules } from 'app/core/core_module';
import { registerAngularDirectives } from 'app/core/core';
import { setupAngularRoutes } from 'app/routes/routes';
import { setEchoSrv, registerEchoBackend } from '@grafana/runtime';
import { Echo } from './core/services/echo/Echo';
import { reportPerformance } from './core/services/echo/EchoSrv';
import { PerformanceBackend } from './core/services/echo/backends/PerformanceBackend';
import 'app/routes/GrafanaCtrl';
import 'app/features/all';
......@@ -163,6 +169,26 @@ export class GrafanaApp {
initEchoSrv() {
setEchoSrv(new Echo({ debug: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' }));
ttiPolyfill.getFirstConsistentlyInteractive().then((tti: any) => {
// Collecting paint metrics first
const paintMetrics = performance.getEntriesByType('paint');
for (const metric of paintMetrics) {
reportPerformance(, Math.round(metric.startTime + metric.duration));
reportPerformance('tti', tti);
registerEchoBackend(new PerformanceBackend({}));
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
reportPerformance('dcl', Math.round(;
export default new GrafanaApp();
......@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ const setup = (propOverrides?: object) => {
orgCount: 2,
orgRole: '',
orgId: 1,
login: 'hello',
orgName: 'Grafana',
timezone: 'UTC',
helpFlags1: 1,
......@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ export class User {
orgRole: any;
orgId: number;
orgName: string;
login: string;
orgCount: number;
timezone: string;
helpFlags1: number;
import { EchoBackend, EchoMeta, EchoEvent, EchoSrv } from '@grafana/runtime';
import { contextSrv } from '../context_srv';
interface EchoConfig {
// How often should metrics be reported
flushInterval: number;
// Enables debug mode
debug: boolean;
* Echo is a service for collecting events from Grafana client-app
* It collects events, distributes them across registered backend and flushes once per configured interval
* It's up to the registered backend to decide what to do with a given type of metric
export class Echo implements EchoSrv {
private config: EchoConfig = {
flushInterval: 10000, // By default Echo flushes every 10s
debug: false,
private backends: EchoBackend[] = [];
// meta data added to every event collected
constructor(config?: Partial<EchoConfig>) {
this.config = {
setInterval(this.flush, this.config.flushInterval);
logDebug = (...msg: any) => {
if (this.config.debug) {
// tslint:disable-next-line
// console.debug('ECHO:', ...msg);
flush = () => {
for (const backend of this.backends) {
addBackend = (backend: EchoBackend) => {
this.logDebug('Adding backend', backend);
addEvent = <T extends EchoEvent>(event: Omit<T, 'meta'>, _meta?: {}) => {
const meta = this.getMeta();
const _event = {
meta: {
for (const backend of this.backends) {
if (backend.supportedEvents.length === 0 || backend.supportedEvents.indexOf(_event.type) > -1) {
this.logDebug('Adding event', _event);
getMeta = (): EchoMeta => {
return {
sessionId: '',
userLogin: contextSrv.user.login,
userSignedIn: contextSrv.user.isSignedIn,
screenSize: {
width: window.innerWidth,
height: window.innerHeight,
windowSize: {
width: window.screen.width,
height: window.screen.height,
userAgent: window.navigator.userAgent,
url: window.location.href,
import { getEchoSrv, EchoEventType } from '@grafana/runtime';
import { PerformanceEvent } from './backends/PerformanceBackend';
export const reportPerformance = (metric: string, value: number) => {
type: EchoEventType.Performance,
payload: {
metricName: metric,
duration: value,
import { EchoBackend, EchoEvent, EchoEventType } from '@grafana/runtime';
export interface PerformanceEventPayload {
metricName: string;
duration: number;
export interface PerformanceEvent extends EchoEvent<EchoEventType.Performance, PerformanceEventPayload> {}
export interface PerformanceBackendOptions {
url?: string;
* Echo's performance metrics consumer
* Reports performance metrics to given url (TODO)
export class PerformanceBackend implements EchoBackend<PerformanceEvent, PerformanceBackendOptions> {
private buffer: PerformanceEvent[] = [];
supportedEvents = [EchoEventType.Performance];
constructor(public options: PerformanceBackendOptions) {}
addEvent = (e: EchoEvent) => {
flush = () => {
if (this.buffer.length === 0) {
const result = {
metrics: this.buffer,
// Currently we don have API for sending the metrics hence loging to console in dev environment
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
console.log('PerformanceBackend flushing:', result);
this.buffer = [];
// TODO: Enable backend request when we have metrics API
// if (this.options.url) {
// getBackendSrv().post(this.options.url, result);
// }
import { PanelQueryRunner } from './PanelQueryRunner';
import { PanelData, DataQueryRequest, dateTime, ScopedVars } from '@grafana/data';
import { PanelModel } from './PanelModel';
import { DashboardModel } from './index';
import { setEchoSrv } from '@grafana/runtime';
import { Echo } from '../../../core/services/echo/Echo';
// Defined within setup functions
const panelsForCurrentDashboardMock: { [key: number]: PanelModel } = {};
const dashboardModel = new DashboardModel({
panels: [{ id: 1, type: 'graph' }],
jest.mock('app/features/dashboard/services/DashboardSrv', () => ({
getDashboardSrv: () => {
return {
getCurrent: () => {
return {
getPanelById: (id: number) => {
return panelsForCurrentDashboardMock[id];
getCurrent: () => dashboardModel,
......@@ -68,6 +65,7 @@ function describeQueryRunnerScenario(description: string, scenarioFn: ScenarioFn
beforeEach(async () => {
setEchoSrv(new Echo());
const datasource: any = {
......@@ -103,13 +101,6 @@ function describeQueryRunnerScenario(description: string, scenarioFn: ScenarioFn
panelsForCurrentDashboardMock[1] = {
id: 1,
getQueryRunner: () => {
return ctx.runner;
} as PanelModel; = [];;
import { getDashboardSrv } from '../services/DashboardSrv';
import { PanelData, LoadingState, DataSourceApi } from '@grafana/data';
import { reportMetaAnalytics, MetaAnalyticsEventPayload } from '@grafana/runtime';
export function getAnalyticsProcessor(datasource: DataSourceApi) {
let done = false;
return (data: PanelData) => {
if (!data.request || done) {
if (data.state !== LoadingState.Done && data.state !== LoadingState.Error) {
const eventData: MetaAnalyticsEventPayload = {
panelId: data.request.panelId,
dashboardId: data.request.dashboardId,
// app: 'dashboard',
// count: 1,
dataSize: 0,
duration: data.request.endTime - data.request.startTime,
eventName: 'data-request',
// sessionId: '',
// enrich with dashboard info
const dashboard = getDashboardSrv().getCurrent();
if (dashboard) {
eventData.dashboardId =;
eventData.dashboardName = dashboard.title;
eventData.dashboardUid = dashboard.uid;
eventData.folderName = dashboard.meta.folderTitle;
if (data.series.length > 0) {
// estimate size
eventData.dataSize = data.series.length * data.series[0].length;
if (data.error) {
eventData.error = data.error.message;
// this done check is to make sure we do not double emit events in case
// there are multiple responses with done state
done = true;
......@@ -10,9 +10,24 @@ import {
import { Subscriber, Observable, Subscription } from 'rxjs';
import { runRequest } from './runRequest';
import { deepFreeze } from '../../../../test/core/redux/reducerTester';
import { DashboardModel } from './DashboardModel';
import { setEchoSrv } from '@grafana/runtime';
import { Echo } from '../../../core/services/echo/Echo';
const dashboardModel = new DashboardModel({
panels: [{ id: 1, type: 'graph' }],
jest.mock('app/features/dashboard/services/DashboardSrv', () => ({
getDashboardSrv: () => {
return {
getCurrent: () => dashboardModel,
class ScenarioCtx {
ds: DataSourceApi;
request: DataQueryRequest;
......@@ -84,6 +99,7 @@ function runRequestScenario(desc: string, fn: (ctx: ScenarioCtx) => void) {
const ctx = new ScenarioCtx();
beforeEach(() => {
setEchoSrv(new Echo());
return ctx.setupFn();
// Libraries
import { Observable, of, timer, merge, from } from 'rxjs';
import { flatten, map as lodashMap, isArray, isString } from 'lodash';
import { map, catchError, takeUntil, mapTo, share, finalize } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { map, catchError, takeUntil, mapTo, share, finalize, tap } from 'rxjs/operators';
// Utils & Services
import { getBackendSrv } from 'app/core/services/backend_srv';
// Types
......@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import {
} from '@grafana/data';
import { getAnalyticsProcessor } from './analyticsProcessor';
import { ExpressionDatasourceID, expressionDatasource } from 'app/features/expressions/ExpressionDatasource';
type MapOfResponsePackets = { [str: string]: DataQueryResponse };
......@@ -119,6 +120,7 @@ export function runRequest(datasource: DataSourceApi, request: DataQueryRequest)
error: processQueryError(err),
// finalize is triggered when subscriber unsubscribes
// This makes sure any still running network requests are cancelled
import app from './app';
......@@ -141,7 +141,6 @@ export function grafanaAppDirective(
controller: GrafanaCtrl,
link: (scope: IRootScopeService & AppEventEmitter, elem: JQuery) => {
const body = $('body');
// see
$.fn.modal.Constructor.prototype.enforceFocus = () => {};
......@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ module.exports = (env = {}) =>
new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
filename: path.resolve(__dirname, '../../public/views/index.html'),
template: path.resolve(__dirname, '../../public/views/index-template.html'),
inject: 'body',
inject: false,
chunksSortMode: 'none',
excludeChunks: ['dark', 'light']
......@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ module.exports = merge(common, {
new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
filename: path.resolve(__dirname, '../../public/views/index.html'),
template: path.resolve(__dirname, '../../public/views/index-template.html'),
inject: 'body',
inject: false,
excludeChunks: ['manifest', 'dark', 'light'],
chunksSortMode: 'none'
......@@ -20371,6 +20371,11 @@ tsutils@^3.9.1:
tslib "^1.8.1"
version "0.2.2"
resolved ""
integrity sha512-URIoJxvsHThbQEJij29hIBUDHx9UNoBBCQVjy7L8PnzkqY8N6lsAI6h8JrT1Wt2lA0avus/DkuiJxd9qpfCpqw==
version "0.0.0"
resolved ""
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