Commit 1b5bc450 by Torkel Ödegaard Committed by GitHub

Docs: Move data links down (#18072)

Felt this was in the wrong place, it is not the most important option and should not be above the main graph options.
parent ca628832
......@@ -35,37 +35,6 @@ The general tab allows customization of a panel's appearance and menu options.
### Repeat
Repeat a panel for each value of a variable. Repeating panels are described in more detail [here]({{< relref "../../reference/" >}}).
### Data link
> Only available in Grafana v6.3+.
Data link in graph settings allows adding dynamic links to the visualization. Those links can link to either other dashboard or to an external URL.
{{< docs-imagebox img="/img/docs/data_link.png" max-width= "800px" >}}
Data link is defined by title, url and a setting whether or not it should be opened in a new window.
**Title** is a human readable label for the link that will be displayed in the UI. The link itself is accessible in the graph's context menu when user **clicks on a single data point**:
{{< docs-imagebox img="/img/docs/data_link_tooltip.png" max-width= "800px" >}}
**URL** field allows the URL configuration for a given link. Apart from regular query params it also supports built-in variables and dashboard variables that you can choose from
available suggestions:
{{< docs-imagebox img="/img/docs/data_link_typeahead.png" max-width= "800px" >}}
Available built-in variables are:
1. ``__all_variables`` - will add all current dashboard's variables to the URL
2. ``__url_time_range`` - will add current dashboard's time range to the URL (i.e. ``?from=now-6h&to=now``)
3. ``__series_name`` - will add series name as a query param in the URL (i.e. ``?series=B-series``)
4. ``__value_time`` - will add datapoint's timestamp (Unix ms epoch) to the URL (i.e. ``?time=1560268814105``)
#### Template variables in data links
When linking to another dashboard that uses template variables, you can use ``var-myvar=${myvar}`` syntax (where ``myvar`` is a name of template variable)
to use current dashboard's variable value.
## Metrics
......@@ -218,3 +187,35 @@ Time regions allow you to highlight certain time regions of the graph to make it
The time range tab allows you to override the dashboard time range and specify a panel specific time.
Either through a relative from now time option or through a timeshift.
Panel time overrides & timeshift are described in more detail [here]({{< relref "reference/" >}}).
### Data link
> Only available in Grafana v6.3+.
Data link in graph settings allows adding dynamic links to the visualization. Those links can link to either other dashboard or to an external URL.
{{< docs-imagebox img="/img/docs/data_link.png" max-width= "800px" >}}
Data link is defined by title, url and a setting whether or not it should be opened in a new window.
**Title** is a human readable label for the link that will be displayed in the UI. The link itself is accessible in the graph's context menu when user **clicks on a single data point**:
{{< docs-imagebox img="/img/docs/data_link_tooltip.png" max-width= "800px" >}}
**URL** field allows the URL configuration for a given link. Apart from regular query params it also supports built-in variables and dashboard variables that you can choose from
available suggestions:
{{< docs-imagebox img="/img/docs/data_link_typeahead.png" max-width= "800px" >}}
Available built-in variables are:
1. ``__all_variables`` - will add all current dashboard's variables to the URL
2. ``__url_time_range`` - will add current dashboard's time range to the URL (i.e. ``?from=now-6h&to=now``)
3. ``__series_name`` - will add series name as a query param in the URL (i.e. ``?series=B-series``)
4. ``__value_time`` - will add datapoint's timestamp (Unix ms epoch) to the URL (i.e. ``?time=1560268814105``)
#### Template variables in data links
When linking to another dashboard that uses template variables, you can use ``var-myvar=${myvar}`` syntax (where ``myvar`` is a name of template variable)
to use current dashboard's variable value.
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