Commit 1d27a7f9 by Mitsuhiro Tanda Committed by Torkel Ödegaard

(cloudwatch) fix wrong cache key of credentials (#5124)

parent fb4dc77f
......@@ -57,11 +57,12 @@ var awsCredentialCache map[string]cache = make(map[string]cache)
var credentialCacheLock sync.RWMutex
func getCredentials(profile string, region string, assumeRoleArn string) *credentials.Credentials {
cacheKey := profile + ":" + assumeRoleArn
if _, ok := awsCredentialCache[profile]; ok {
if awsCredentialCache[profile].expiration != nil &&
(*awsCredentialCache[profile].expiration).After(time.Now().UTC()) {
result := awsCredentialCache[profile].credential
if _, ok := awsCredentialCache[cacheKey]; ok {
if awsCredentialCache[cacheKey].expiration != nil &&
(*awsCredentialCache[cacheKey].expiration).After(time.Now().UTC()) {
result := awsCredentialCache[cacheKey].credential
return result
......@@ -118,7 +119,7 @@ func getCredentials(profile string, region string, assumeRoleArn string) *creden
&ec2rolecreds.EC2RoleProvider{Client: ec2metadata.New(sess), ExpiryWindow: 5 * time.Minute},
awsCredentialCache[profile] = cache{
awsCredentialCache[cacheKey] = cache{
credential: creds,
expiration: expiration,
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