Commit 1d587450 by David Kaltschmidt

IFQL range variable expansion

parent 08ee1da6
......@@ -54,23 +54,32 @@ export default class InfluxDatasource {
this.supportMetrics = true;
query(options) {
prepareQueries(options) {
const targets = _.cloneDeep(options.targets);
const queryTargets = targets.filter(t => t.query);
const timeFilter = this.getTimeFilter(options);
options.scopedVars.range = { value: timeFilter };
// Filter empty queries and replace grafana variables
const queryTargets = targets.filter(t => t.query).map(t => {
const interpolated = this.templateSrv.replace(t.query, options.scopedVars);
return {
query: interpolated,
return queryTargets;
query(options) {
const queryTargets = this.prepareQueries(options);
if (queryTargets.length === 0) {
return Promise.resolve({ data: [] });
// replace grafana variables
const timeFilter = this.getTimeFilter(options);
options.scopedVars.timeFilter = { value: timeFilter };
const queries = => {
const { query, resultFormat } = target;
// TODO replace templated variables
// allQueries = this.templateSrv.replace(allQueries, scopedVars);
if (resultFormat === 'table') {
return (
this._seriesQuery(query, options)
......@@ -224,32 +233,29 @@ export default class InfluxDatasource {
getTimeFilter(options) {
var from = this.getInfluxTime(options.rangeRaw.from, false);
var until = this.getInfluxTime(, true);
var fromIsAbsolute = from[from.length - 1] === 'ms';
if (until === 'now()' && !fromIsAbsolute) {
return 'time >= ' + from;
const from = this.getInfluxTime(options.rangeRaw.from, false);
const to = this.getInfluxTime(, true);
if (to === 'now') {
return `start: ${from}`;
return 'time >= ' + from + ' and time <= ' + until;
return `start: ${from}, stop: ${to}`;
getInfluxTime(date, roundUp) {
if (_.isString(date)) {
if (date === 'now') {
return 'now()';
return date;
var parts = /^now-(\d+)([d|h|m|s])$/.exec(date);
const parts = /^now\s*-\s*(\d+)([d|h|m|s])$/.exec(date);
if (parts) {
var amount = parseInt(parts[1]);
var unit = parts[2];
return 'now() - ' + amount + unit;
const amount = parseInt(parts[1]);
const unit = parts[2];
return '-' + amount + unit;
date = dateMath.parse(date, roundUp);
return date.valueOf() + 'ms';
return date.toISOString();
import InfluxDatasource from './datasource';
import { InfluxQueryCtrl } from './query_ctrl';
import { InfluxIfqlQueryCtrl } from './query_ctrl';
class InfluxConfigCtrl {
static templateUrl = 'partials/config.html';
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ class InfluxAnnotationsQueryCtrl {
export {
InfluxDatasource as Datasource,
InfluxQueryCtrl as QueryCtrl,
InfluxIfqlQueryCtrl as QueryCtrl,
InfluxConfigCtrl as ConfigCtrl,
InfluxAnnotationsQueryCtrl as AnnotationsQueryCtrl,
import { QueryCtrl } from 'app/plugins/sdk';
export class InfluxQueryCtrl extends QueryCtrl {
function makeDefaultQuery(database) {
return `from(db: "${database}")
|> range($range)
|> limit(n:1000)
export class InfluxIfqlQueryCtrl extends QueryCtrl {
static templateUrl = 'partials/query.editor.html';
resultFormats: any[];
......@@ -8,6 +14,10 @@ export class InfluxQueryCtrl extends QueryCtrl {
/** @ngInject **/
constructor($scope, $injector) {
super($scope, $injector);
if ( === undefined) { = makeDefaultQuery(this.datasource.database);
this.resultFormats = [{ text: 'Time series', value: 'time_series' }, { text: 'Table', value: 'table' }];
import moment from 'moment';
import { TemplateSrv } from 'app/features/templating/template_srv';
import Datasource from '../datasource';
describe('InfluxDB (IFQL)', () => {
const templateSrv = new TemplateSrv();
const ds = new Datasource({ url: '' }, {}, templateSrv);
rangeRaw: { to: 'now', from: 'now - 3h' },
scopedVars: {},
targets: [],
let queries: any[];
describe('prepareQueries()', () => {
it('filters empty queries', () => {
queries = ds.prepareQueries(DEFAULT_OPTIONS);
queries = ds.prepareQueries({
targets: [{ query: '' }],
it('replaces $range variable', () => {
queries = ds.prepareQueries({
targets: [{ query: 'from(db: "test") |> range($range)' }],
expect(queries[0].query).toBe('from(db: "test") |> range(start: -3h)');
it('replaces $range variable with custom dates', () => {
const to = moment();
const from = moment().subtract(1, 'hours');
queries = ds.prepareQueries({
rangeRaw: { to, from },
targets: [{ query: 'from(db: "test") |> range($range)' }],
const start = from.toISOString();
const stop = to.toISOString();
expect(queries[0].query).toBe(`from(db: "test") |> range(start: ${start}, stop: ${stop})`);
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