Commit 1fada5dd by Torkel Ödegaard

build/grunt script fixes

parent a55b9bb8
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ module.exports = function(grunt) {
grunt.registerTask('build', [
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ module.exports = function(config) {
everything_but_less_to_temp: {
cwd: '<%= srcDir %>',
expand: true,
src: ['**/*', '!**/*.less'],
src: ['**/*', '!**/*.less', '!config.js'],
dest: '<%= tempDir %>'
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ module.exports = function(config) {
return {
dest: {
expand: true,
src: ['**/*.js', '!config.js', '!app/dashboards/*.js', '!app/dashboards/**/*.js',],
src: ['**/*.js', '!config.sample.js', '!app/dashboards/*.js', '!app/dashboards/**/*.js',],
dest: '<%= destDir %>',
cwd: '<%= destDir %>',
options: {
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