Commit 2034d4b9 by benrubson

update kbn specs to make tests OK

parent 69b87fdb
......@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ define([
it('10m 1600 resolution', function() {
var range = { from: dateMath.parse('now-10m'), to: dateMath.parse('now') };
var str = kbn.calculateInterval(range, 1600, null);
it('fixed user interval', function() {
......@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ define([
it('large time range and user low limit', function() {
var range = { from: dateMath.parse('now-14d'), to: dateMath.parse('now') };
var str = kbn.calculateInterval(range, 1000, '>10s');
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