Commit 20bc1afe by Torkel Ödegaard

more refactoring and moving stuff outof graphite panel

parent e3f56f26
......@@ -9,109 +9,129 @@ function (angular, app, _) {
var module = angular.module('kibana.controllers');
module.controller('RowCtrl', function($scope, $rootScope, $timeout) {
var _d = {
title: "Row",
height: "150px",
collapse: false,
collapsable: true,
editable: true,
panels: [],
notice: false
$scope.init = function() {
$scope.toggle_row = function(row) {
if(!row.collapsable) {
row.collapse = row.collapse ? false : true;
if (!row.collapse) {
$timeout(function() {
} else {
row.notice = false;
$scope.rowSpan = function(row) {
var panels = _.filter(row.panels, function(p) {
return $scope.isPanel(p);
var _d = {
title: "Row",
height: "150px",
collapse: false,
collapsable: true,
editable: true,
panels: [],
notice: false
$scope.init = function() {
$scope.toggle_row = function(row) {
if(!row.collapsable) {
row.collapse = row.collapse ? false : true;
if (!row.collapse) {
$timeout(function() {
return _.reduce(_.pluck(panels,'span'), function(p,v) {
return p+v;
// This can be overridden by individual panels
$scope.close_edit = function() {
$scope.add_panel = function(row,panel) {
$scope.remove_panel_from_row = function(row, panel) {
if (confirm('Are you sure you want to remove this ' + panel.type + ' panel?')) {
row.panels = _.without(row.panels,panel);
} else {
row.notice = false;
$scope.rowSpan = function(row) {
var panels = _.filter(row.panels, function(p) {
return $scope.isPanel(p);
return _.reduce(_.pluck(panels,'span'), function(p,v) {
return p+v;
// This can be overridden by individual panels
$scope.close_edit = function() {
$scope.add_panel = function(row,panel) {
$scope.remove_panel_from_row = function(row, panel) {
if (confirm('Are you sure you want to remove this ' + panel.type + ' panel?')) {
row.panels = _.without(row.panels,panel);
$scope.duplicatePanel = function(panel, row) {
row = row || $scope.row;
var currentRowSpan = $scope.rowSpan(row);
if (currentRowSpan <= 9) {
else {
var rowsList = $scope.dashboard.current.rows;
var rowIndex = _.indexOf(rowsList, row);
if (rowIndex === rowsList.length - 1) {
var newRow = angular.copy($scope.row);
newRow.panels = [];
$scope.duplicatePanel(panel, newRow);
else {
$scope.duplicatePanel(panel, rowsList[rowIndex+1]);
/** @scratch /panels/0
* [[panels]]
* = Panels
* [partintro]
* --
* *Kibana* dashboards are made up of blocks called +panels+. Panels are organized into rows
* and can serve many purposes, though most are designed to provide the results of a query or
* multiple queries as a visualization. Other panels may show collections of documents or
* allow you to insert instructions for your users.
* Panels can be configured easily via the Kibana web interface. For more advanced usage, such
* as templated or scripted dashboards, documentation of panel properties is available in this
* section. You may find settings here which are not exposed via the web interface.
* Each panel type has its own properties, hover there are several that are shared.
$scope.reset_panel = function(type) {
defaultSpan = 4,
_as = 12-$scope.rowSpan($scope.row);
$scope.panel = {
error : false,
/** @scratch /panels/1
* span:: A number, 1-12, that describes the width of the panel.
span : _as < defaultSpan && _as > 0 ? _as : defaultSpan,
/** @scratch /panels/1
* editable:: Enable or disable the edit button the the panel
editable: true,
/** @scratch /panels/1
* type:: The type of panel this object contains. Each panel type will require additional
* properties. See the panel types list to the right.
type : type
/** @scratch /panels/0
* [[panels]]
* = Panels
* [partintro]
* --
* *Kibana* dashboards are made up of blocks called +panels+. Panels are organized into rows
* and can serve many purposes, though most are designed to provide the results of a query or
* multiple queries as a visualization. Other panels may show collections of documents or
* allow you to insert instructions for your users.
* Panels can be configured easily via the Kibana web interface. For more advanced usage, such
* as templated or scripted dashboards, documentation of panel properties is available in this
* section. You may find settings here which are not exposed via the web interface.
* Each panel type has its own properties, hover there are several that are shared.
$scope.reset_panel = function(type) {
defaultSpan = 4,
_as = 12-$scope.rowSpan($scope.row);
$scope.panel = {
error : false,
/** @scratch /panels/1
* span:: A number, 1-12, that describes the width of the panel.
span : _as < defaultSpan && _as > 0 ? _as : defaultSpan,
/** @scratch /panels/1
* editable:: Enable or disable the edit button the the panel
editable: true,
/** @scratch /panels/1
* type:: The type of panel this object contains. Each panel type will require additional
* properties. See the panel types list to the right.
type : type
/** @scratch /panels/2
* --
/** @scratch /panels/2
* --
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ function (angular, app, $, _, kbn, moment, timeSeries) {
menuItems: [
{ text: 'Edit', click: 'openConfigureModal()' },
{ text: 'Fullscreen', click: 'toggleFullscreen()' },
{ text: 'Duplicate', click: 'duplicate()' },
{ text: 'Duplicate', click: 'duplicatePanel(panel)' },
{ text: 'Span', submenu: [
{ text: '1', click: 'updateColumnSpan(1)' },
{ text: '2', click: 'updateColumnSpan(2)' },
......@@ -266,15 +266,6 @@ function (angular, app, $, _, kbn, moment, timeSeries) {
* Fetch the data for a chunk of a queries results. Multiple segments occur when several indicies
* need to be consulted (like timestamped logstash indicies)
* The results of this function are stored on the scope's data property. This property will be an
* array of objects with the properties info, time_series, and hits. These objects are used in the
* render_panel function to create the historgram.
$scope.get_data = function() {
delete $scope.panel.error;
......@@ -381,11 +372,12 @@ function (angular, app, $, _, kbn, moment, timeSeries) {
$timeout(function() {
if (oldTimeRange !== $scope.range) {
else {
......@@ -421,27 +413,6 @@ function (angular, app, $, _, kbn, moment, timeSeries) {
$scope.duplicate = function(addToRow) {
addToRow = addToRow || $scope.row;
var currentRowSpan = $scope.rowSpan(addToRow);
if (currentRowSpan <= 9) {
else {
var rowsList = $scope.dashboard.current.rows;
var rowIndex = _.indexOf(rowsList, addToRow);
if (rowIndex === rowsList.length - 1) {
var newRow = angular.copy($scope.row);
newRow.panels = [];
else {
$scope.toggleFullscreen = function() {
if ($scope.fullscreen && !$scope.editMode) {
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