Commit 220c4f4a by Mitsuhiro Tanda

add test

parent 3447b8b2
......@@ -235,7 +235,8 @@ func parseMultiSelectValue(input string) []string {
// Please update the region list in public/app/plugins/datasource/cloudwatch/partials/config.html
func (e *CloudWatchExecutor) handleGetRegions(ctx context.Context, parameters *simplejson.Json, queryContext *tsdb.TsdbQuery) ([]suggestData, error) {
dsInfo := e.getDsInfo("default")
if cache, ok := regionCache.Load(dsInfo.Profile); ok {
profile := dsInfo.Profile
if cache, ok := regionCache.Load(profile); ok {
if cache2, ok2 := cache.([]suggestData); ok2 {
return cache2, nil
......@@ -276,7 +277,7 @@ func (e *CloudWatchExecutor) handleGetRegions(ctx context.Context, parameters *s
for _, region := range regions {
result = append(result, suggestData{Text: region, Value: region})
regionCache.Store(dsInfo.Profile, result)
regionCache.Store(profile, result)
return result, nil
......@@ -9,20 +9,26 @@ import (
. ""
type mockedEc2 struct {
Resp ec2.DescribeInstancesOutput
Resp ec2.DescribeInstancesOutput
RespRegions ec2.DescribeRegionsOutput
func (m mockedEc2) DescribeInstancesPages(in *ec2.DescribeInstancesInput, fn func(*ec2.DescribeInstancesOutput, bool) bool) error {
fn(&m.Resp, true)
return nil
func (m mockedEc2) DescribeRegions(in *ec2.DescribeRegionsInput) (*ec2.DescribeRegionsOutput, error) {
return &m.RespRegions, nil
func TestCloudWatchMetrics(t *testing.T) {
......@@ -82,6 +88,31 @@ func TestCloudWatchMetrics(t *testing.T) {
Convey("When calling handleGetRegions", t, func() {
executor := &CloudWatchExecutor{
ec2Svc: mockedEc2{RespRegions: ec2.DescribeRegionsOutput{
Regions: []*ec2.Region{
RegionName: aws.String("ap-northeast-2"),
jsonData := simplejson.New()
jsonData.Set("defaultRegion", "default")
executor.DataSource = &models.DataSource{
JsonData: jsonData,
SecureJsonData: securejsondata.SecureJsonData{},
result, _ := executor.handleGetRegions(context.Background(), simplejson.New(), &tsdb.TsdbQuery{})
Convey("Should return regions", func() {
So(result[0].Text, ShouldEqual, "ap-northeast-1")
So(result[1].Text, ShouldEqual, "ap-northeast-2")
Convey("When calling handleGetEc2InstanceAttribute", t, func() {
executor := &CloudWatchExecutor{
ec2Svc: mockedEc2{Resp: ec2.DescribeInstancesOutput{
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