Commit 23060614 by Torkel Ödegaard

wip: react panel minor progrss

parent 65b96e11
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import { createStore } from 'app/stores/store';
import colors from 'app/core/utils/colors';
import { BackendSrv } from 'app/core/services/backend_srv';
import { DatasourceSrv } from 'app/features/plugins/datasource_srv';
import { AngularLoader, setAngularLoader } from 'app/core/services/angular_loader';
export class GrafanaCtrl {
/** @ngInject */
......@@ -22,8 +23,12 @@ export class GrafanaCtrl {
backendSrv: BackendSrv,
angularLoader: AngularLoader,
datasourceSrv: DatasourceSrv
) {
// make angular loader service available to react components
// create store with env services
createStore({ backendSrv, datasourceSrv });
$scope.init = function() {
import angular from 'angular';
import coreModule from 'app/core/core_module';
import _ from 'lodash';
export interface AttachedPanel {
export interface AngularComponent {
export class PanelLoader {
export class AngularLoader {
/** @ngInject */
constructor(private $compile, private $rootScope) {}
load(elem, panel, dashboard): AttachedPanel {
var template = '<plugin-component type="panel" class="panel-height-helper"></plugin-component>';
var panelScope = this.$rootScope.$new();
panelScope.panel = panel;
panelScope.dashboard = dashboard;
load(elem, scopeProps, template): AngularComponent {
var scope = this.$rootScope.$new();
const compiledElem = this.$compile(template)(panelScope);
_.assign(scope, scopeProps);
const compiledElem = this.$compile(template)(scope);
const rootNode = angular.element(elem);
return {
destroy: () => {
coreModule.service('panelLoader', PanelLoader);
coreModule.service('angularLoader', AngularLoader);
let angularLoaderInstance: AngularLoader;
export function setAngularLoader(pl: AngularLoader) {
angularLoaderInstance = pl;
// away to access it from react
export function getAngularLoader(): AngularLoader {
return angularLoaderInstance;
......@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ import './export_data/export_data_modal';
import './ad_hoc_filters';
import './repeat_option/repeat_option';
import './dashgrid/DashboardGridDirective';
import './dashgrid/PanelLoader';
import './dashgrid/RowOptions';
import './folder_picker/folder_picker';
import './move_to_folder_modal/move_to_folder';
import config from 'app/core/config';
import coreModule from 'app/core/core_module';
import { PanelContainer } from './dashgrid/PanelContainer';
import { DashboardModel } from './dashboard_model';
import { PanelModel } from './panel_model';
export class DashboardCtrl implements PanelContainer {
export class DashboardCtrl {
dashboard: DashboardModel;
dashboardViewState: any;
loadedFallbackDashboard: boolean;
......@@ -22,8 +21,7 @@ export class DashboardCtrl implements PanelContainer {
private dashboardSrv,
private unsavedChangesSrv,
private dashboardViewStateSrv,
public playlistSrv,
private panelLoader
public playlistSrv
) {
// temp hack due to way dashboards are loaded
// can't use controllerAs on route yet
......@@ -119,10 +117,6 @@ export class DashboardCtrl implements PanelContainer {
return this.dashboard;
getPanelLoader() {
return this.panelLoader;
timezoneChanged() {
......@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ import ReactGridLayout from 'react-grid-layout';
import { GRID_CELL_HEIGHT, GRID_CELL_VMARGIN, GRID_COLUMN_COUNT } from 'app/core/constants';
import { DashboardPanel } from './DashboardPanel';
import { DashboardModel } from '../dashboard_model';
import { PanelContainer } from './PanelContainer';
import { PanelModel } from '../panel_model';
import classNames from 'classnames';
import sizeMe from 'react-sizeme';
......@@ -60,18 +59,15 @@ function GridWrapper({
const SizedReactLayoutGrid = sizeMe({ monitorWidth: true })(GridWrapper);
export interface DashboardGridProps {
getPanelContainer: () => PanelContainer;
dashboard: DashboardModel;
export class DashboardGrid extends React.Component<DashboardGridProps, any> {
gridToPanelMap: any;
panelContainer: PanelContainer;
dashboard: DashboardModel;
panelMap: { [id: string]: PanelModel };
constructor(props) {
this.panelContainer = this.props.getPanelContainer();
this.onLayoutChange = this.onLayoutChange.bind(this);
this.onResize = this.onResize.bind(this);
this.onResizeStop = this.onResizeStop.bind(this);
......@@ -81,20 +77,20 @@ export class DashboardGrid extends React.Component<DashboardGridProps, any> {
this.state = { animated: false };
// subscribe to dashboard events
this.dashboard = this.panelContainer.getDashboard();
this.dashboard.on('panel-added', this.triggerForceUpdate.bind(this));
this.dashboard.on('panel-removed', this.triggerForceUpdate.bind(this));
this.dashboard.on('repeats-processed', this.triggerForceUpdate.bind(this));
this.dashboard.on('view-mode-changed', this.onViewModeChanged.bind(this));
this.dashboard.on('row-collapsed', this.triggerForceUpdate.bind(this));
this.dashboard.on('row-expanded', this.triggerForceUpdate.bind(this));
let dashboard = this.props.dashboard;
dashboard.on('panel-added', this.triggerForceUpdate.bind(this));
dashboard.on('panel-removed', this.triggerForceUpdate.bind(this));
dashboard.on('repeats-processed', this.triggerForceUpdate.bind(this));
dashboard.on('view-mode-changed', this.onViewModeChanged.bind(this));
dashboard.on('row-collapsed', this.triggerForceUpdate.bind(this));
dashboard.on('row-expanded', this.triggerForceUpdate.bind(this));
buildLayout() {
const layout = [];
this.panelMap = {};
for (let panel of this.dashboard.panels) {
for (let panel of this.props.dashboard.panels) {
let stringId =;
this.panelMap[stringId] = panel;
......@@ -129,7 +125,7 @@ export class DashboardGrid extends React.Component<DashboardGridProps, any> {
triggerForceUpdate() {
......@@ -137,7 +133,7 @@ export class DashboardGrid extends React.Component<DashboardGridProps, any> {
onWidthChange() {
for (const panel of this.dashboard.panels) {
for (const panel of this.props.dashboard.panels) {
......@@ -176,11 +172,11 @@ export class DashboardGrid extends React.Component<DashboardGridProps, any> {
renderPanels() {
const panelElements = [];
for (let panel of this.dashboard.panels) {
for (let panel of this.props.dashboard.panels) {
const panelClasses = classNames({ panel: true, 'panel--fullscreen': panel.fullscreen });
<div key={} className={panelClasses}>
<DashboardPanel panel={panel} dashboard={this.dashboard} panelContainer={this.panelContainer} />
<DashboardPanel panel={panel} dashboard={this.props.dashboard} />
......@@ -193,8 +189,8 @@ export class DashboardGrid extends React.Component<DashboardGridProps, any> {
className={classNames({ layout: true, animated: this.state.animated })}
import { react2AngularDirective } from 'app/core/utils/react2angular';
import { DashboardGrid } from './DashboardGrid';
react2AngularDirective('dashboardGrid', DashboardGrid, [
['getPanelContainer', { watchDepth: 'reference', wrapApply: false }],
react2AngularDirective('dashboardGrid', DashboardGrid, [['dashboard', { watchDepth: 'reference' }]]);
......@@ -2,9 +2,8 @@ import React from 'react';
import config from 'app/core/config';
import { PanelModel } from '../panel_model';
import { DashboardModel } from '../dashboard_model';
import { AttachedPanel } from './PanelLoader';
import { getAngularLoader, AngularComponent } from 'app/core/services/angular_loader';
import { DashboardRow } from './DashboardRow';
import { PanelContainer } from './PanelContainer';
import { AddPanelPanel } from './AddPanelPanel';
import { importPluginModule } from 'app/features/plugins/plugin_loader';
import { PanelChrome } from './PanelChrome';
......@@ -12,12 +11,11 @@ import { PanelChrome } from './PanelChrome';
export interface DashboardPanelProps {
panel: PanelModel;
dashboard: DashboardModel;
panelContainer: PanelContainer;
export class DashboardPanel extends React.Component<DashboardPanelProps, any> {
element: any;
attachedPanel: AttachedPanel;
angularPanel: AngularComponent;
pluginInfo: any;
pluginExports: any;
specialPanels = {};
......@@ -55,17 +53,19 @@ export class DashboardPanel extends React.Component<DashboardPanelProps, any> {
componentDidUpdate() {
// skip loading angular component if we have no element
// or we have already loaded it
if (!this.element || this.attachedPanel) {
if (!this.element || this.angularPanel) {
const loader = this.props.panelContainer.getPanelLoader();
this.attachedPanel = loader.load(this.element, this.props.panel, this.props.dashboard);
let loader = getAngularLoader();
var template = '<plugin-component type="panel" class="panel-height-helper"></plugin-component>';
let scopeProps = { panel: this.props.panel, dashboard: this.props.dashboard };
this.angularPanel = loader.load(this.element, scopeProps, template);
componentWillUnmount() {
if (this.attachedPanel) {
if (this.angularPanel) {
......@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ export class PanelChrome extends React.Component<PanelChromeProps, any> {
let PanelComponent = this.props.component;
console.log('PanelChrome render');
return (
<div className="panel-height-helper">
......@@ -42,9 +41,7 @@ export class PanelChrome extends React.Component<PanelChromeProps, any> {
{<PanelComponent />}
{this.props.panel.isEditing && <PanelEditor panel={this.props.panel} dashboard={this.props.dashboard} />}
{this.props.panel.isEditing && <PanelEditor panel={this.props.panel} dashboard={this.props.dashboard} />}
......@@ -55,7 +52,7 @@ export class PanelChrome extends React.Component<PanelChromeProps, any> {
if (panel.fullscreen) {
var docHeight = $(window).height();
var editHeight = Math.floor(docHeight * 0.4);
var editHeight = Math.floor(docHeight * 0.3);
var fullscreenHeight = Math.floor(docHeight * 0.8);
height = panel.isEditing ? editHeight : fullscreenHeight;
} else {
import { DashboardModel } from '../dashboard_model';
import { PanelLoader } from './PanelLoader';
export interface PanelContainer {
getPanelLoader(): PanelLoader;
getDashboard(): DashboardModel;
import React from 'react';
import { PanelModel } from '../panel_model';
import { DashboardModel } from '../dashboard_model';
import { getAngularLoader, AngularComponent } from 'app/core/services/angular_loader';
interface PanelEditorProps {
panel: PanelModel;
......@@ -8,9 +9,38 @@ interface PanelEditorProps {
export class PanelEditor extends React.Component<PanelEditorProps, any> {
queryElement: any;
queryComp: AngularComponent;
constructor(props) {
componentDidMount() {
if (!this.queryElement) {
let loader = getAngularLoader();
var template = '<plugin-component type="query-ctrl" />';
let scopeProps = {
ctrl: {
panel: this.props.panel,
dashboard: this.props.dashboard,
panelCtrl: {
panel: this.props.panel,
dashboard: this.props.dashboard,
target: {},
this.queryComp = loader.load(this.queryElement, scopeProps, template);
render() {
return (
<div className="tabbed-view tabbed-view--panel-edit">
<div className="tabbed-view tabbed-view--panel-edit-new">
<div className="tabbed-view-header">
<ul className="gf-tabs">
<li className="gf-tabs-item">
......@@ -26,7 +56,9 @@ export class PanelEditor extends React.Component<PanelEditorProps, any> {
<div className="tabbed-view-body">testing</div>
<div className="tabbed-view-body">
<div ref={element => (this.queryElement = element)} className="panel-height-helper" />
......@@ -110,6 +110,7 @@ function pluginDirectiveLoader($compile, datasourceSrv, $rootScope, $q, $http, $
let datasource = || scope.ctrl.panel.datasource;
return datasourceSrv.get(datasource).then(ds => {
scope.datasource = ds;
console.log('scope', scope);
return importPluginModule(ds.meta.module).then(dsModule => {
return {
......@@ -11,8 +11,7 @@
<dashboard-submenu ng-if="ctrl.dashboard.meta.submenuEnabled" dashboard="ctrl.dashboard">
<dashboard-grid get-panel-container="ctrl.getPanelContainer">
<dashboard-grid dashboard="ctrl.dashboard"></dashboard-grid>
......@@ -10,6 +10,15 @@
background: none;
&.tabbed-view--panel-edit-new {
padding: 10px 0 0 0;
.tabbed-view-header {
padding: 0px;
background: none;
.tabbed-view-header {
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