Commit 241a0ee7 by Marcus Olsson Committed by GitHub

Docs: Fix playlist layout issues (#19739)

parent 3825c5fb
......@@ -11,15 +11,15 @@ weight = 4
# Playlist
A playlist is a list of dashboards that are displayed in a sequence. You might use a Playlist to build situational awareness or to present your metrics to your team or visitors.
A playlist is a list of dashboards that are displayed in a sequence. You might use a playlist to build situational awareness or to present your metrics to your team or visitors.
Grafana automatically scales dashboards to any resolution, which makes them perfect for big screens.
You can access the Playlist feature from Grafana's side menu, in the Dashboards submenu.
## Create a playlist
{{< docs-imagebox img="/img/docs/v50/playlist.png" max-width="25rem">}}
{{< docs-imagebox img="/img/docs/v50/playlist.png" max-width="25rem" class="docs-image--right">}}
## Create a playlist
You create a playlist to present dashboards in a sequence, with a set order and time interval between dashboards.
......@@ -29,7 +29,8 @@ You create a playlist to present dashboards in a sequence, with a set order and
1. In the **Name** text box, enter a name for your playlist.
1. In the **Interval** text box, enter a time interval.
The time interval is the amount of time for Grafana to stay on a particular dashboard before advancing to the next one on the playlist.
The time interval is the amount of time for Grafana to stay on a particular dashboard before advancing to the next one on the playlist.
1. Next to the dashboard(s) you want to add to your playlist, click **Add to playlist**.
1. Click **Create**.
......@@ -148,4 +149,4 @@ You can share a playlist by copying the link address on the view mode you prefer
Example: The URL for the first playlist on the Grafana Play site in Kiosk mode will look like this:
1. Paste the URL to your destination.
\ No newline at end of file
1. Paste the URL to your destination.
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