Commit 24e624ba by Torkel Ödegaard

Merge branch 'master' of

parents 3f9cb803 a13f6e0e
$HTTP["host"] =~ "kibana" {
server.document-root = "/var/ww/kibana/src"
auth.backend = "plain"
auth.backend.plain.userfile = "/etc/lighttpd/kibanapassword"
index-file.names = ( "index.html", "index.htm" )
auth.require = ( "/" => (
"method" => "basic",
"realm" => "Password Protected",
"require" => "valid-user"
$HTTP["url"] =~ "^/kibana-int/(dashboard/|temp).*$" {
proxy.balance = "hash"
proxy.server = ( "" => ( ( "host" => "", "port" => "9200" ) ) )
$HTTP["url"] =~ "^.*/_(mapping|search|nodes|aliases)$" {
proxy.balance = "hash"
proxy.server = ( "" => ( ( "host" => "", "port" => "9200" ) ) )
......@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ function (angular, $, config, _) {
$rootScope.$emit('open-search', evt);
}, { inputDisabled: true });
keyboardManager.bind('ctrl+h', function(evt) {
keyboardManager.bind('ctrl+h', function() {
var current = dashboard.current.hideControls;
dashboard.current.hideControls = !current;
dashboard.current.panel_hints = !current;
......@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ function (angular, $, config, _) {
$rootScope.$emit('save-dashboard', evt);
}, { inputDisabled: true });
keyboardManager.bind('ctrl+r', function(evt) {
keyboardManager.bind('ctrl+r', function() {
}, { inputDisabled: true });
......@@ -162,6 +162,12 @@ function (angular, $, config, _) {
$scope.pulldownTabStyle = function(i) {
var classes = ['bgPrimary','bgSuccess','bgWarning','bgDanger','bgInverse','bgInfo'];
i = i%classes.length;
return classes[i];
$scope.setEditorTabs = function(panelMeta) {
$scope.editorTabs = ['General','Panel'];
if(!_.isUndefined(panelMeta.editorTabs)) {
function (angular, _) {
function (angular, _, moment) {
'use strict';
var module = angular.module('kibana.controllers');
......@@ -160,7 +161,6 @@ function (angular, _) {
......@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ function (angular, _, config, graphiteFuncs, Parser) {
$scope.init = function() {
$scope.funcCategories = graphiteFuncs.getCategories();
i = 10;
function parseTarget() {
function (angular) {
function (angular,_) {
'use strict';
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ function (angular) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function(scope, elem) {
// create a new modal. Can't reuse one modal unforunately as the directive will not
// re-render on show.
......@@ -20,11 +21,23 @@ function (angular) {
// Create a temp scope so we can discard changes to it if needed
var tmpScope = scope.$new();
tmpScope.panel = angular.copy(scope.panel);
tmpScope.editSave = function(panel) {
// Correctly set the top level properties of the panel object
_.each(panel,function(v,k) {
scope.panel[k] = panel[k];
var panelModal = $modal({
template: './app/partials/paneleditor.html',
persist: true,
show: false,
scope: scope,
scope: tmpScope,
keyboard: false
......@@ -30,9 +30,6 @@ function (angular) {
'}" ng-model="row.panels"><i class="icon-move"></i></span>'+
'</span>' +
'<span class="extra row-button" ng-show="panel.draggable == false">' +
'<span class="row-text">{{panel.type}}</span>'+
'</span>' +
'<span class="row-button extra" ng-show="panel.editable != false">' +
'<span config-modal class="pointer">'+
......@@ -51,7 +48,7 @@ function (angular) {
'</span>' +
'<span ng-if="panelMeta.menuItems" class="dropdown" ng-show="panel.title">' +
'<span class="pointer dropdown-toggle row-text row-button panel-title pointer" data-toggle="dropdown" tabindex="1">' +
'<span class="dropdown-toggle panel-text panel-title pointer" data-toggle="dropdown" tabindex="1">' +
'{{panel.title}}' +
'</span>' +
'<ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu">' +
......@@ -59,7 +56,7 @@ function (angular) {
'</ul>' +
'<span ng-if="!panelMeta.menuItems" class="row-button row-text panel-title pointer" ng-show="panel.title">' +
'<span ng-if="!panelMeta.menuItems" class="panel-text panel-title" ng-show="panel.title">' +
'{{panel.title}}' +
......@@ -8,23 +8,14 @@
vertical-align: top;
width: 220px;
padding: 5px 5px 0px 5px;
border: #555 1px solid;
margin: 5px 5px 5px 0px;
color: #fff;
background-color: #444;
.filter-panel-filter ul {
margin-bottom: 3px;
.filter-must {
border-top: #7EB26D 3px solid;
.filter-mustNot {
border-top: #E24D42 3px solid;
.filter-either {
border-top: #EF843C 3px solid;
.filter-deselected {
opacity: 0.5;
......@@ -39,7 +30,6 @@
.filter-apply {
margin-bottom: 5px;
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ function (angular, app, _) {
$scope.add = function(query) {
$scope.add = function() {
editing : true,
type : 'filter',
......@@ -74,6 +74,24 @@ function (angular, app, _) {
return !_.contains(['type','id','active','editing', 'name', 'query', 'value'],key);
$scope.getFilterClass = function(filter) {
if( !== true) {
return 'muted';
} else {
switch (filter.mandate)
case 'must':
return 'text-success';
case 'mustNot':
return 'text-error';
case 'either':
return 'text-warning';
return 'text-info';
$scope.isEditable = function(filter) {
var uneditable = ['time'];
if(_.contains(uneditable,filter.type)) {
......@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@
<span ng-show='panel.options'>
<a class="link underline small" ng-show='panel.options' ng-click="options=!options">
<i ng-show="!options" class="icon-caret-right"></i><i ng-show="options" class="icon-caret-down"></i> View
<a class="link small" ng-show='panel.options' ng-click="options=!options">
View <i ng-show="!options" class="icon-caret-right"></i><i ng-show="options" class="icon-caret-down"></i>
</a> |&nbsp
<span ng-show='panel.zoomlinks && data'>
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span4">
<label class="small">Relative time options <small>comma seperated</small></label>
<input type="text" array-join class="input-large" ng-model="panel.time_options">
<div class="span4">
<label class="small">Auto-refresh options <small>comma seperated</small></label>
<input type="text" array-join class="input-large" ng-model="panel.refresh_intervals">
<div class="span2">
<label class="small">Time Field</label>
<input type="text" class="input-small" ng-model="panel.timefield">
<div class="editor-row">
<div class="section">
<div class="editor-option">
<label class="small">Relative time options <small>comma seperated</small></label>
<input type="text" array-join class="input-large" ng-model="panel.time_options">
<div class="editor-option">
<label class="small">Auto-refresh options <small>comma seperated</small></label>
<input type="text" array-join class="input-large" ng-model="panel.refresh_intervals">
<div class="editor-option">
<label class="small">Time Field</label>
<input type="text" class="input-small" ng-model="panel.timefield">
<!-- is there a better way to repeat without actually affecting the page? -->
<nil ng-repeat="pulldown in dashboard.current.pulldowns" ng-controller="PulldownCtrl" ng-show="pulldown.enable">
<div class="top-row-close pointer pull-left" ng-class="pulldownTabStyle($index)" ng-click="toggle_pulldown(pulldown);dismiss();" bs-tooltip="'Toggle '+pulldown.type" data-placement="bottom">
<span class="small">{{pulldown.type}}</span>
<i class="small" ng-class="{'icon-caret-left':pulldown.collapse,'icon-caret-right':!pulldown.collapse}"></i>
<i class="small icon-star" ng-show="row.notice && pulldown.collapse"></i>
<div class="clearfix bgNav" ng-hide="pulldown.collapse"></div>
<div class="top-row-open" ng-hide="pulldown.collapse">
<kibana-simple-panel type="pulldown.type" ng-cloak></kibana-simple-panel>
<div class="top-row-close pointer" ng-click="toggle_pulldown(pulldown);dismiss();" bs-tooltip="'Toggle '+pulldown.type" data-placement="bottom">
<span class="small row-text">{{pulldown.type}}</span>
<i class="small" ng-class="{'icon-caret-left':pulldown.collapse,'icon-caret-up':!pulldown.collapse}"></i>
<i class="small icon-star text-warning" ng-show="row.notice && pulldown.collapse"></i>
<div class="clearfix bgNav" ></div>
<div class="container-fluid main" ng-class="{'grafana-dashboard-hide-controls': dashboard.current.hideControls}">
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="row-fluid container" style="margin-top:10px; width:98%">
......@@ -21,32 +22,28 @@
<div class="row-fluid grafana-row" style="padding:0px;margin:0px;position:relative;">
<div class="row-close span12" ng-show="row.collapse" data-placement="bottom" >
<span class="row-button" bs-modal="'app/partials/roweditor.html'" class="pointer">
<span class="row-button bgWarning" bs-modal="'app/partials/roweditor.html'" class="pointer">
<i bs-tooltip="'Configure row'" data-placement="right" ng-show="row.editable" class="icon-cog pointer"></i>
<span class="row-button" ng-click="toggle_row(row)" ng-show="row.collapsable">
<i bs-tooltip="'Expand row'" data-placement="right" ng-show="row.editable" class="icon-caret-right pointer" ></i>
<span class="row-button bgPrimary" ng-click="toggle_row(row)" ng-show="row.collapsable">
<i bs-tooltip="'Expand row'" data-placement="right" ng-show="row.editable" class="icon-caret-left pointer" ></i>
<span class="row-button row-text" ng-click="toggle_row(row)" ng-class="{'pointer':row.collapsable}">{{row.title || 'Row '+$index}}</span>
<div style="text-align:center" class="row-open" ng-show="!row.collapse">
<span ng-show="row.collapsable">
<i bs-tooltip="'Hide row'" data-placement="right" class="icon-caret-up" ng-click="toggle_row(row)"></i>
<div ng-show="row.collapsable" class='row-tab bgPrimary' ng-click="toggle_row(row)">
<i bs-tooltip="'Hide row'" data-placement="right" class="icon-caret-right" ></i>
<span bs-modal="'app/partials/roweditor.html'" ng-show="row.editable">
<div bs-modal="'app/partials/roweditor.html'" class='row-tab bgWarning' ng-show="row.editable">
<i bs-tooltip="'Configure row'" data-placement="right" class="icon-cog pointer"></i>
<span ng-show="rowSpan(row) == 12 && row.editable">
<i bs-tooltip="'Row full. Create a new row to add more panels'" data-placement="right" class="icon-columns"></i>
<span ng-show="rowSpan(row) > 12">
<i bs-tooltip="'Total span > 12. This row may format poorly'" data-placement="right" class="icon-warning-sign text-warning"></i>
<div ng-show="rowSpan(row) > 12" class='row-tab bgDanger'>
<i bs-tooltip="'Total span > 12. This row may format poorly'" data-placement="right" class="icon-warning-sign"></i>
......@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span8">
<table class="table table-condensed table-bordered">
<table class="table table-striped">
<th width="1%"></th>
<th width="1%"></th>
......@@ -19,5 +19,6 @@
<div class="modal-footer">
<!-- close_edit() is provided here to allow for a scope to perform action on dismiss -->
<button type="button" class="btn btn-danger" ng-click="editor.index=0;close_edit();dismiss()">Close</button>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-success" ng-click="editor.index=0;editSave(panel);close_edit();dismiss()">Save</button>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-danger" ng-click="editor.index=0;dismiss()">Cancel</button>
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
<div class="row-fluid" ng-if="editor.index == 1">
<div class="span12">
<h4>Panels <i class="icon-plus-sign link" bs-tooltip="'Add panel'" ng-click="editor.index = 2"></i></h4>
<table class="table table-condensed table-striped">
......@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@
<div class="modal-footer">
<button ng-show="panel.type &amp;&amp; editor.index == 2" ng-click="add_panel(row,panel); reset_panel(); editor.index == 1;" class="btn btn-success" ng-disabled="panel.loadingEditor">Add Panel</button>
<button ng-show="editor.index == 1" ng-click="editor.index = 2;" class="btn btn-success" ng-disabled="panel.loadingEditor">Add Panel</button>
<button ng-show="panel.type && editor.index == 2" ng-click="add_panel(row,panel); reset_panel(); editor.index = 1;" class="btn btn-success" ng-disabled="panel.loadingEditor">Add Panel</button>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-danger" ng-click="editor.index=0;dismiss();reset_panel();close_edit()">Close</button>
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -115,7 +115,6 @@ function (angular, $, kbn, _, config, moment, Modernizr) {
// as their default
if (Modernizr.localstorage) {
if(!(_.isUndefined(window.localStorage['dashboard'])) && window.localStorage['dashboard'] !== '') {
alertSrv.set('Saving to browser storage has been replaced',' with saving to Elasticsearch.'+
' Click <a href="#/dashboard/local/deprecated">here</a> to load your old dashboard anyway.');
......@@ -215,7 +214,6 @@ function (angular, $, kbn, _, config, moment, Modernizr) {
this.set_default = function(route) {
if (Modernizr.localstorage) {
// Purge any old dashboards
if(!_.isUndefined(window.localStorage['dashboard'])) {
......@@ -236,7 +236,9 @@ define([
var idCount =;
if(idCount > 0) {
// Make a sorted copy of the ids array
var ids = _.clone(;
var ids = _.sortBy(_.clone(,function(num){
return num;
return kbn.smallestMissing(ids);
} else {
// No ids currently in list
......@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ function (angular, _, $, config) {
function buildGraphitePostParams(options) {
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ function (Settings) {
* The URL to your elasticsearch server. You almost certainly don't
* want +http://localhost:9200+ here. Even if Kibana and Elasticsearch are on
* the same host. By default this will attempt to reach ES at the same host you have
* elasticsearch installed on. You probably want to set it to the FQDN of your
* kibana installed on. You probably want to set it to the FQDN of your
* elasticsearch host
elasticsearch: "http://"+window.location.hostname+":9200",
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
......@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
<body ng-cloak>
<!--<link rel="stylesheet" ng-href="css/bootstrap.{{||'dark'}}.min.css">-->
<link rel="stylesheet" ng-href="css/bootstrap.{{||'dark'}}.min.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/bootstrap-responsive.min.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/font-awesome.min.css">
// Slate 2.3.2
// Variables
// --------------------------------------------------
// Global values
// --------------------------------------------------
// Grays
// -------------------------
@black: #000;
@grayDarker: #272B30;
@grayDark: #3A3F44;
@gray: #52575C;
@grayLight: #7A8288;
@grayLighter: #BBBFC2;
@white: #fff;
// Accent colors
// -------------------------
@blue: #5bc0de;
@blueDark: #108CBB;
@green: #62c462;
@red: #ee5f5b;
@yellow: #F6D30D;
@orange: #f89406;
@pink: #c3325f;
@purple: #7a43b6;
// Scaffolding
// -------------------------
@bodyBackground: @grayDarker;
@textColor: #C8C8C8;
// Links
// -------------------------
@linkColor: @white;
@linkColorHover: @white;
// Typography
// -------------------------
@sansFontFamily: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
@serifFontFamily: Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif;
@monoFontFamily: Monaco, Menlo, Consolas, "Courier New", monospace;
@baseFontSize: 14px;
@baseFontFamily: @sansFontFamily;
@baseLineHeight: 21px;
@altFontFamily: @serifFontFamily;
@headingsFontFamily: inherit; // empty to use BS default, @baseFontFamily
@headingsFontWeight: bold; // instead of browser default, bold
@headingsColor: inherit; // empty to use BS default, @textColor
// Component sizing
// -------------------------
// Based on 14px font-size and 20px line-height
@fontSizeLarge: @baseFontSize * 1.25; // ~18px
@fontSizeSmall: @baseFontSize * 0.85; // ~12px
@fontSizeMini: @baseFontSize * 0.75; // ~11px
@paddingLarge: 11px 19px; // 44px
@paddingSmall: 2px 10px; // 26px
@paddingMini: 0px 6px; // 22px
@baseBorderRadius: 4px;
@borderRadiusLarge: 6px;
@borderRadiusSmall: 3px;
// Tables
// -------------------------
@tableBackground: transparent; // overall background-color
@tableBackgroundAccent: darken(@grayDark, 5%); // for striping
@tableBackgroundHover: @grayDark; // for hover
@tableBorder: lighten(@grayDark, 2%); // table and cell border
// Buttons
// -------------------------
@btnBackground: @gray;
@btnBackgroundHighlight: darken(@gray, 10%);
@btnBorder: darken(@gray, 20%);
@btnPrimaryBackground: @grayLight;
@btnPrimaryBackgroundHighlight: spin(@btnPrimaryBackground, 15%);
@btnInfoBackground: @blue;
@btnInfoBackgroundHighlight: #2f96b4;
@btnSuccessBackground: @green;
@btnSuccessBackgroundHighlight: #51a351;
@btnWarningBackground: lighten(@orange, 15%);
@btnWarningBackgroundHighlight: @orange;
@btnDangerBackground: @red;
@btnDangerBackgroundHighlight: #bd362f;
@btnInverseBackground: @gray;
@btnInverseBackgroundHighlight: @grayDarker;
// Forms
// -------------------------
@inputText: @white;
@inputBackground: @gray;
@inputBorder: @grayLight;
@inputBorderRadius: @baseBorderRadius;
@inputDisabledBackground: @grayLighter;
@formActionsBackground: darken(@grayDarker, 3%);
@inputHeight: @baseLineHeight + 10px; // base line-height + 8px vertical padding + 2px top/bottom border
// Dropdowns
// -------------------------
@dropdownBackground: @grayDark;
@dropdownBorder: rgba(0,0,0,.2);
@dropdownDividerTop: transparent;
@dropdownDividerBottom: darken(@grayDarker, 5%);
@dropdownLinkColor: @grayLight;
@dropdownLinkColorHover: @white;
@dropdownLinkColorActive: @white;
@dropdownLinkBackgroundActive: @grayDarker;
@dropdownLinkBackgroundHover: @grayDarker;
// --------------------------------------------------
// Z-index master list
// -------------------------
// Used for a bird's eye view of components dependent on the z-axis
// Try to avoid customizing these :)
@zindexDropdown: 1000;
@zindexPopover: 1010;
@zindexTooltip: 1030;
@zindexFixedNavbar: 1030;
@zindexModalBackdrop: 1040;
@zindexModal: 1050;
// Sprite icons path
// -------------------------
@iconSpritePath: "../img/glyphicons-halflings.png";
@iconWhiteSpritePath: "../img/glyphicons-halflings-white.png";
// Input placeholder text color
// -------------------------
@placeholderText: @grayLight;
// Hr border color
// -------------------------
@hrBorder: darken(@grayDarker, 5%);
// Horizontal forms & lists
// -------------------------
@horizontalComponentOffset: 180px;
// Wells
// -------------------------
@wellBackground: darken(@grayDarker, 3%);
// Navbar
// -------------------------
@navbarCollapseWidth: 979px;
@navbarCollapseDesktopWidth: @navbarCollapseWidth + 1;
@navbarHeight: 40px;
@navbarBackground: @grayDarker;
@navbarBackgroundHighlight: @grayDark;
@navbarBorder: darken(@navbarBackground, 12%);
@navbarText: @textColor;
@navbarLinkColor: @textColor;
@navbarLinkColorHover: @white;
@navbarLinkColorActive: @navbarLinkColorHover;
@navbarLinkBackgroundHover: @grayDark;
@navbarLinkBackgroundActive: @navbarBackground;
@navbarBrandColor: @grayLighter;
// Inverted navbar
@navbarInverseBackground: darken(@grayDarker, 10%);
@navbarInverseBackgroundHighlight: @grayDarker;
@navbarInverseBorder: #252525;
@navbarInverseText: @grayLight;
@navbarInverseLinkColor: @grayLight;
@navbarInverseLinkColorHover: @white;
@navbarInverseLinkColorActive: @navbarInverseLinkColorHover;
@navbarInverseLinkBackgroundHover: transparent;
@navbarInverseLinkBackgroundActive: @navbarInverseBackground;
@navbarInverseSearchBackground: lighten(@navbarInverseBackground, 25%);
@navbarInverseSearchBackgroundFocus: @white;
@navbarInverseSearchBorder: @navbarInverseBackground;
@navbarInverseSearchPlaceholderColor: #ccc;
@navbarInverseBrandColor: @navbarInverseLinkColor;
// Pagination
// -------------------------
@paginationBackground: #fff;
@paginationBorder: #ddd;
@paginationActiveBackground: #f5f5f5;
// Hero unit
// -------------------------
@heroUnitBackground: darken(@grayDarker, 3%);
@heroUnitHeadingColor: inherit;
@heroUnitLeadColor: inherit;
// Form states and alerts
// -------------------------
@warningText: #c09853;
@warningBackground: #fcf8e3;
@warningBorder: darken(spin(@warningBackground, -10), 3%);
@errorText: #b94a48;
@errorBackground: #f2dede;
@errorBorder: darken(spin(@errorBackground, -10), 3%);
@successText: #468847;
@successBackground: #dff0d8;
@successBorder: darken(spin(@successBackground, -10), 5%);
@infoText: #3a87ad;
@infoBackground: #d9edf7;
@infoBorder: darken(spin(@infoBackground, -10), 7%);
// Tooltips and popovers
// -------------------------
@tooltipColor: #fff;
@tooltipBackground: @dropdownBackground;
@tooltipArrowWidth: 5px;
@tooltipArrowColor: @tooltipBackground;
@popoverBackground: @dropdownBackground;
@popoverArrowWidth: 10px;
@popoverArrowColor: @dropdownBackground;
@popoverTitleBackground: lighten(@popoverBackground, 3%);
// Special enhancement for popovers
@popoverArrowOuterWidth: @popoverArrowWidth + 1;
@popoverArrowOuterColor: rgba(0,0,0,.25);
// --------------------------------------------------
// Default 940px grid
// -------------------------
@gridColumns: 12;
@gridColumnWidth: 60px;
@gridGutterWidth: 10px;
@gridRowWidth: (@gridColumns * @gridColumnWidth) + (@gridGutterWidth * (@gridColumns - 1));
// 1200px min
@gridColumnWidth1200: 70px;
@gridGutterWidth1200: 10px;
@gridRowWidth1200: (@gridColumns * @gridColumnWidth1200) + (@gridGutterWidth1200 * (@gridColumns - 1));
// 768px-979px
@gridColumnWidth768: 42px;
@gridGutterWidth768: 10px;
@gridRowWidth768: (@gridColumns * @gridColumnWidth768) + (@gridGutterWidth768 * (@gridColumns - 1));
// Fluid grid
// -------------------------
@fluidGridColumnWidth: percentage(@gridColumnWidth/@gridRowWidth);
@gridGutterWidth: 10px;
//@fluidGridGutterWidth: percentage(@gridGutterWidth/@gridRowWidth);
// 1200px min
@fluidGridColumnWidth1200: percentage(@gridColumnWidth1200/@gridRowWidth1200);
@gridGutterWidth: 10px;
//@fluidGridGutterWidth1200: percentage(@gridGutterWidth1200/@gridRowWidth1200);
// 768px-979px
@fluidGridColumnWidth768: percentage(@gridColumnWidth768/@gridRowWidth768);
@gridGutterWidth: 10px;
//@fluidGridGutterWidth768: percentage(@gridGutterWidth768/@gridRowWidth768);
// Cosmo 2.3.2
// Bootswatch
// -----------------------------------------------------
.panelCont {
outline: 1px solid darken(@bodyBackground, 10%);
border-top: 1px solid lighten(@bodyBackground, 10%);
padding: 0px 10px 10px 10px;
background: darken(@bodyBackground, 5%);
margin: 0px;
// -----------------------------------------------------
body {
font-weight: 300;
background: @bodyBackground;
//url('../img/light.png') repeat right top;
h1 {
font-size: 50px;
h2, h3 {
font-size: 26px;
h4 {
font-size: 14px;
h5, h6 {
font-size: 11px;
blockquote {
padding: 10px 15px;
background-color: @grayLighter;
border-left-color: @gray;
&.pull-right {
padding: 10px 15px;
border-right-color: @gray;
small {
color: @gray;
.muted {
color: @gray;
.text-warning { color: @orange; }
a.text-warning:hover { color: darken(@orange, 10%); }
.text-error { color: @red; }
a.text-error:hover { color: darken(@red, 10%); }
.text-info { color: @purple; }
a.text-info:hover { color: darken(@purple, 10%); }
.text-success { color: @green; }
a.text-success:hover { color: darken(@green, 10%); }
// -----------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------
.navbar {
.navbar-inner {
background-image: none;
.brand {
&:hover {
color: @navbarLinkColorHover;
.nav > .active > a,
.nav > .active > a:hover,
.nav > .active > a:focus {
background-color: @navbarLinkBackgroundHover;
.nav > .dropdown-toggle,
.nav > .dropdown-toggle,
.nav > .dropdown-toggle {
color: @white;
&:hover {
color: @grayLighter;
.navbar-search .search-query {
line-height: normal;
&-inverse {
.nav > li > a {
text-shadow: none;
.nav > .active > a,
.nav > .active > a:hover,
.nav > .active > a:focus {
background-color: @navbarInverseLinkBackgroundHover;
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// NAV
// -----------------------------------------------------
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li > a:hover, > a, > a:hover {
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color: @white;
li.disabled > a {
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& > li:last-child > span {
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& > .active > span {
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& > .disabled > span,
& > .disabled > a,
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&.warning {
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// Containers
// ---------------------
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// Backgrounds
// ---------------------
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div.editor-row {
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div.editor-row div.section {
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......@@ -73,63 +137,66 @@ form {
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padding-right: 0px;
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float:right !important;
border-bottom: 1px solid lighten(@bodyBackground, 5%);
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......@@ -196,11 +265,6 @@ form {
color: @linkColorHover;
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cursor: pointer;
......@@ -279,12 +343,12 @@ div.flot-text {
padding:3px 0px 3px 0px;
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color: @white;
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color: @textColor;
color: @white;
padding: 3px 10px 0px 10px;
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