Commit 24ead3a4 by ryan

add random_walk_table scenario

parent 2b5ac6ba
......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package testdata
import (
......@@ -101,6 +102,15 @@ func init() {
Id: "random_walk_table",
Name: "Random Walk Table",
Handler: func(query *tsdb.Query, context *tsdb.TsdbQuery) *tsdb.QueryResult {
return getRandomWalkTable(query, context)
Id: "slow_query",
Name: "Slow Query",
StringInput: "5s",
......@@ -267,6 +277,64 @@ func getRandomWalk(query *tsdb.Query, tsdbQuery *tsdb.TsdbQuery) *tsdb.QueryResu
return queryRes
func getRandomWalkTable(query *tsdb.Query, tsdbQuery *tsdb.TsdbQuery) *tsdb.QueryResult {
timeWalkerMs := tsdbQuery.TimeRange.GetFromAsMsEpoch()
to := tsdbQuery.TimeRange.GetToAsMsEpoch()
table := tsdb.Table{
Columns: []tsdb.TableColumn{
{Text: "Time"},
{Text: "Value"},
{Text: "Min"},
{Text: "Max"},
{Text: "Info"},
Rows: []tsdb.RowValues{},
withNil := query.Model.Get("withNil").MustBool(false)
walker := query.Model.Get("startValue").MustFloat64(rand.Float64() * 100)
spread := 2.5
var info strings.Builder
for i := int64(0); i < query.MaxDataPoints && timeWalkerMs < to; i++ {
delta := rand.Float64() - 0.5
walker += delta
if delta > 0 {
} else {
if math.Abs(delta) > .4 {
info.WriteString(" fast")
row := tsdb.RowValues{
walker - ((rand.Float64() * spread) + 0.01), // Min
walker + ((rand.Float64() * spread) + 0.01), // Max
// Add some random null values
if withNil && rand.Float64() > 0.8 {
for i := 1; i < 4; i++ {
if rand.Float64() > .2 {
row[i] = nil
table.Rows = append(table.Rows, row)
timeWalkerMs += query.IntervalMs
queryRes := tsdb.NewQueryResult()
queryRes.Tables = append(queryRes.Tables, &table)
return queryRes
func registerScenario(scenario *Scenario) {
ScenarioRegistry[scenario.Id] = scenario
......@@ -11,13 +11,14 @@ import (
func TestTestdataScenarios(t *testing.T) {
Convey("random walk ", t, func() {
if scenario, exist := ScenarioRegistry["random_walk"]; exist {
scenario, exist := ScenarioRegistry["random_walk"]
So(exist, ShouldBeTrue)
Convey("Should start at the requested value", func() {
req := &tsdb.TsdbQuery{
TimeRange: tsdb.NewFakeTimeRange("5m", "now", time.Now()),
Queries: []*tsdb.Query{
{RefId: "A", IntervalMs: 100, MaxDataPoints: 10, Model: simplejson.New()},
{RefId: "A", IntervalMs: 100, MaxDataPoints: 100, Model: simplejson.New()},
query := req.Queries[0]
......@@ -29,9 +30,67 @@ func TestTestdataScenarios(t *testing.T) {
So(result.Series, ShouldNotBeNil)
So(points[0][0].Float64, ShouldEqual, 1.234)
Convey("random walk table", t, func() {
scenario, exist := ScenarioRegistry["random_walk_table"]
So(exist, ShouldBeTrue)
} else {
Convey("Should return a table that looks like value/min/max", func() {
req := &tsdb.TsdbQuery{
TimeRange: tsdb.NewFakeTimeRange("5m", "now", time.Now()),
Queries: []*tsdb.Query{
{RefId: "A", IntervalMs: 100, MaxDataPoints: 100, Model: simplejson.New()},
result := scenario.Handler(req.Queries[0], req)
table := result.Tables[0]
So(len(table.Rows), ShouldBeGreaterThan, 50)
for _, row := range table.Rows {
value := row[1]
min := row[2]
max := row[3]
So(min, ShouldBeLessThan, value)
So(max, ShouldBeGreaterThan, value)
Convey("Should return a table with some nil values", func() {
req := &tsdb.TsdbQuery{
TimeRange: tsdb.NewFakeTimeRange("5m", "now", time.Now()),
Queries: []*tsdb.Query{
{RefId: "A", IntervalMs: 100, MaxDataPoints: 100, Model: simplejson.New()},
query := req.Queries[0]
query.Model.Set("withNil", true)
result := scenario.Handler(req.Queries[0], req)
table := result.Tables[0]
nil1 := false
nil2 := false
nil3 := false
So(len(table.Rows), ShouldBeGreaterThan, 50)
for _, row := range table.Rows {
if row[1] == nil {
nil1 = true
if row[2] == nil {
nil2 = true
if row[3] == nil {
nil3 = true
So(nil1, ShouldBeTrue)
So(nil2, ShouldBeTrue)
So(nil3, ShouldBeTrue)
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