Commit 262a09bb by Torkel Ödegaard

feat(ldap): added support for binding initially with an admin user searching for…

feat(ldap): added support for binding initially with an admin user searching for user and then binding again to authenticate current user, #1450
parent 0320baeb
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package auth
import (
......@@ -18,7 +19,8 @@ func init() {
UseSSL: false,
Host: "",
Port: "389",
BindDN: "cn=%s,dc=grafana,dc=org",
BindDN: "cn=admin,dc=grafana,dc=org",
BindPassword: "grafana",
AttrName: "givenName",
AttrSurname: "sn",
AttrUsername: "cn",
......@@ -74,6 +76,13 @@ func (a *ldapAuther) login(query *AuthenticateUserQuery) error {
log.Info("email: %s", ldapUser.Email)
log.Info("memberOf: %s", ldapUser.MemberOf)
// check if a second user bind is needed
if a.server.BindPassword != "" {
if err := a.secondBind(ldapUser, query.Password); err != nil {
return err
if grafanaUser, err := a.getGrafanaUserFor(ldapUser); err != nil {
return err
} else {
......@@ -190,12 +199,28 @@ func (a *ldapAuther) syncOrgRoles(user *m.User, ldapUser *ldapUserInfo) error {
return nil
func (a *ldapAuther) secondBind(ldapUser *ldapUserInfo, userPassword string) error {
if err := a.conn.Bind(ldapUser.DN, userPassword); err != nil {
if ldapErr, ok := err.(*ldap.Error); ok {
if ldapErr.ResultCode == 49 {
return ErrInvalidCredentials
return err
return nil
func (a *ldapAuther) initialBind(username, userPassword string) error {
if a.server.BindPassword != "" {
userPassword = a.server.BindPassword
bindPath := fmt.Sprintf(a.server.BindDN, username)
bindPath := a.server.BindDN
if strings.Contains(bindPath, "%s") {
bindPath = fmt.Sprintf(a.server.BindDN, username)
if err := a.conn.Bind(bindPath, userPassword); err != nil {
if ldapErr, ok := err.(*ldap.Error); ok {
......@@ -247,6 +272,7 @@ func (a *ldapAuther) searchForUser(username string) (*ldapUserInfo, error) {
return &ldapUserInfo{
DN: searchResult.Entries[0].DN,
LastName: getLdapAttr(a.server.AttrSurname, searchResult),
FirstName: getLdapAttr(a.server.AttrName, searchResult),
Username: getLdapAttr(a.server.AttrUsername, searchResult),
package auth
type ldapUserInfo struct {
DN string
FirstName string
LastName string
Username string
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