@@ -54,24 +54,6 @@ Check for the presence of a role using the [JMESPath](http://jmespath.org/exampl
See [JMESPath examples](#jmespath-examples) for more information.
## Set up OAuth2 with Okta
First set up Grafana as an OpenId client "webapplication" in Okta. Then set the Base URIs to `https://<grafana domain>/` and set the Login redirect URIs to `https://<grafana domain>/login/generic_oauth`.
Finally set up the generic oauth module like this:
> Note: It's important to ensure that the [root_url]({{< relref "../installation/configuration/#root-url" >}}) in Grafana is set in your Azure Application Reply URLs (App -> Settings -> Reply URLs)
## Set up OAuth2 with Centrify
1. Create a new Custom OpenID Connect application configuration in the Centrify dashboard.