***LDAP**: Basic Auth now supports LDAP username and password, [#6940](https://github.com/grafana/grafana/pull/6940), thx [@utkarshcmu](https://github.com/utkarshcmu)
***LDAP**: Basic Auth now supports LDAP username and password, [#6940](https://github.com/grafana/grafana/pull/6940), thx [@utkarshcmu](https://github.com/utkarshcmu)
***LDAP**: Now works with Auth Proxy, role and organisation mapping & sync will regularly be performed. [#6895](https://github.com/grafana/grafana/pull/6895), thx [@Seuf](https://github.com/seuf)
***LDAP**: Now works with Auth Proxy, role and organisation mapping & sync will regularly be performed. [#6895](https://github.com/grafana/grafana/pull/6895), thx [@Seuf](https://github.com/seuf)
***Alerting**: Adds OK as no data option. [#6866](https://github.com/grafana/grafana/issues/6866)
***Alerting**: Adds OK as no data option. [#6866](https://github.com/grafana/grafana/issues/6866)
***Alert list**: Order alerts based on state. [#6676](https://github.com/grafana/grafana/issues/6676)
### Bugfixes
### Bugfixes
***API**: HTTP API for deleting org returning incorrect message for a non-existing org [#6679](https://github.com/grafana/grafana/issues/6679)
***API**: HTTP API for deleting org returning incorrect message for a non-existing org [#6679](https://github.com/grafana/grafana/issues/6679)
***Dashboard**: Posting empty dashboard result in corrupted dashboard [#5443](https://github.com/grafana/grafana/issues/5443)
***Dashboard**: Posting empty dashboard result in corrupted dashboard [#5443](https://github.com/grafana/grafana/issues/5443)
`regions()` | Returns a list of regions AWS provides their service.
`regions()` | Returns a list of regions AWS provides their service.
`namespaces()` | Returns a list of namespaces CloudWatch support.
`namespaces()` | Returns a list of namespaces CloudWatch support.
`metrics(namespace)` | Returns a list of metrics in the namespace.
`metrics(namespace, [region])` | Returns a list of metrics in the namespace. (specify region for custom metrics)
`dimension_keys(namespace)` | Returns a list of dimension keys in the namespace.
`dimension_keys(namespace)` | Returns a list of dimension keys in the namespace.
`dimension_values(region, namespace, metric, dimension_key)` | Returns a list of dimension values matching the specified `region`, `namespace`, `metric` and `dimension_key`.
`dimension_values(region, namespace, metric, dimension_key)` | Returns a list of dimension values matching the specified `region`, `namespace`, `metric` and `dimension_key`.
`ebs_volume_ids(region, instance_id)` | Returns a list of volume id matching the specified `region`, `instance_id`.
`ebs_volume_ids(region, instance_id)` | Returns a list of volume id matching the specified `region`, `instance_id`.
<selectclass="gf-form-input"ng-model="ctrl.panel.sortOrder"ng-options="f.value as f.text for f in ctrl.sortOrderOptions"ng-change="ctrl.onRender()"></select>
<gf-form-switchclass="gf-form"label="Alerts from this dashboard"label-class="width-18"checked="ctrl.panel.onlyAlertsOnDashboard"on-change="ctrl.updateStateFilter()"></gf-form-switch>
<gf-form-switchclass="gf-form"label="Alerts from this dashboard"label-class="width-18"checked="ctrl.panel.onlyAlertsOnDashboard"on-change="ctrl.updateStateFilter()"></gf-form-switch>