Commit 2c5eb8bf by Rashid Khan

Updated default dashboard, added filtering panel

parent de8f8c58
......@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ function flatten_json(object,root,array) {
} else if(obj.length === 1 && _.isNumber(obj[0])) {
array[rootname] = parseFloat(obj[0]);
} else {
array[rootname] = typeof obj === 'undefined' ? null : obj.join(',');
array[rootname] = typeof obj === 'undefined' ? null : obj;
} else {
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ var config = new Settings(
elasticsearch: "http://"+window.location.hostname+":9200",
// elasticsearch: 'http://localhost:9200',
kibana_index: "kibana-int",
modules: ['histogram','map','pie','table',
modules: ['histogram','map','pie','table','filtering',
"title": "Logstash Search",
"services": {},
"services": {
"query": {
"idQueue": [],
"list": {
"0": {
"query": "*",
"alias": "",
"color": "#7EB26D",
"id": 0
"ids": [
"filter": {
"idQueue": [],
"list": {
"0": {
"from": "2013-07-15T03:54:27.219Z",
"to": "2013-07-15T04:09:27.219Z",
"field": "@timestamp",
"type": "time",
"mandate": "must",
"alias": "",
"id": 0
"ids": [
"rows": [
"title": "Options",
......@@ -11,13 +43,14 @@
"panels": [
"loading": false,
"error": false,
"error": "",
"span": 5,
"editable": true,
"group": [
"type": "timepicker",
"status": "Stable",
"mode": "relative",
"time_options": [
......@@ -27,18 +60,18 @@
"timespan": "6h",
"timespan": "15m",
"timefield": "@timestamp",
"index": "[logstash-]YYYY.MM.DD",
"defaultindex": "NOINDEX",
"index_interval": "day",
"timeformat": "",
"refresh": {
"enable": false,
"interval": 30,
"min": 3
"filter_id": 0
"loading": false,
......@@ -49,6 +82,7 @@
"type": "dashcontrol",
"status": "Stable",
"save": {
"gist": false,
"elasticsearch": true,
......@@ -62,7 +96,6 @@
"hide_control": false,
"elasticsearch_size": 20,
"elasticsearch_saveto": "kibana-int",
"temp": true,
"temp_ttl": "30d"
......@@ -83,16 +116,12 @@
"group": [
"type": "stringquery",
"type": "query",
"status": "Experimental",
"label": "Search",
"query": "*",
"size": 100,
"sort": [
"multi": false,
"multi_arrange": "horizontal"
"history": [],
"remember": 10
......@@ -105,61 +134,77 @@
"panels": [
"loading": false,
"span": 12,
"span": 9,
"editable": true,
"group": [
"type": "histogram",
"status": "Stable",
"query": [
"query": "*",
"label": "*"
"label": "Query"
"interval": "5m",
"show": [
"mode": "count",
"time_field": "@timestamp",
"value_field": null,
"auto_int": true,
"resolution": 100,
"interval": "10s",
"fill": 3,
"linewidth": 3,
"timezone": "browser",
"spyable": true,
"zoomlinks": true,
"fill": 0,
"linewidth": 2,
"bars": true,
"stack": true,
"points": false,
"lines": false,
"legend": true,
"x-axis": true,
"y-axis": true
"y-axis": true,
"percentage": false,
"interactive": true
"loading": false,
"span": 0,
"error": false,
"span": 3,
"editable": true,
"group": [
"type": "hits",
"type": "filtering",
"status": "Stable",
"query": [
"query": "*",
"label": "*"
"label": "Query"
"style": {
"font-size": "9pt"
"aggregate": false,
"arrangement": "horizontal",
"chart": true,
"counters": true,
"count_pos": "above"
"mode": "count",
"time_field": "@timestamp",
"value_field": null,
"auto_int": true,
"resolution": 100,
"interval": "5m",
"fill": 3,
"linewidth": 3,
"timezone": "browser",
"spyable": true,
"zoomlinks": true,
"bars": true,
"stack": true,
"points": false,
"lines": false,
"legend": true,
"x-axis": true,
"y-axis": true,
"percentage": false,
"interactive": true,
"title": "Filters"
......@@ -179,6 +224,7 @@
"type": "fields",
"status": "Beta",
"style": {},
"arrange": "vertical",
"micropanel_position": "right",
......@@ -197,21 +243,10 @@
"type": "table",
"status": "Stable",
"query": "*",
"interval": "1y",
"show": [
"fill": 3,
"overflow": "min-height",
"timezone": "browser",
"spyable": true,
"zoomlinks": true,
"size": 50,
"pages": 10,
"size": 100,
"pages": 5,
"offset": 0,
"sort": [
......@@ -220,14 +255,24 @@
"style": {
"font-size": "9pt"
"overflow": "min-height",
"fields": [
"sortable": true
"highlight": [],
"sortable": true,
"header": true,
"paging": true,
"spyable": true
"editable": true
"editable": true,
"index": {
"interval": "day",
"pattern": "[logstash-]YYYY.MM.DD",
"default": "MISSING_INDEX"
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
<div class="navbar navbar-static-top">
<div class="navbar-inner">
<div class="container-fluid">
<p class="navbar-text pull-right"><small><strong>Kibana 3</strong> <small>milestone 2</small></small></p>
<p class="navbar-text pull-right"><small><strong>Kibana 3</strong> <small>milestone pre-3</small></small></p>
<span class="brand">{{dashboard.current.title}}</span>
<div class="brand"><i class='icon-cog pointer' ng-show='dashboard.current.editable' bs-modal="'partials/dasheditor.html'"></i></div>
......@@ -361,7 +361,6 @@ angular.module('', [])
case 'querystring':
return ejs.QueryFilter(ejs.QueryStringQuery(filter.query))
case 'terms':
......@@ -499,7 +498,7 @@ angular.module('', [])
// No? Ok, grab default.json, its all we have now
} else {
......@@ -524,6 +523,7 @@ angular.module('', [])
// This is not optimal, we should be getting the entire index list here, or at least every
// index that possibly matches the pattern
self.indices = [self.current.index.default]
} else {
self.indices = [self.current.index.pattern]
......@@ -700,6 +700,7 @@ angular.module('', [])
this.dash_load = function(dashboard) {
if(dashboard.index.interval === 'none') {
self.indices = [dashboard.index.pattern]
......@@ -707,8 +708,6 @@ angular.module('', [])
self.current = dashboard;
// Ok, now that we've setup the current dashboard, we can inject our services
query = $injector.get('query');
filterSrv = $injector.get('filterSrv')
<a class="close" ng-click="dismiss()" href="">×</a>
Micro Analysis of {{micropanel.field}}
<i class="pointer icon-search" ng-click="fieldExists(micropanel.field,'exists');dismiss();"></i>
<i class="pointer icon-ban-circle" ng-click="fieldExists(micropanel.field,'missing');dismiss();"></i>
<i class="pointer icon-search" ng-click="fieldExists(micropanel.field,'must');dismiss();"></i>
<i class="pointer icon-ban-circle" ng-click="fieldExists(micropanel.field,'mustNot');dismiss();"></i>
<br><small>{{micropanel.count}} events in the table set</small>
<table style="width:480px" class='table table-bordered table-striped table-condensed'>
......@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
<tr ng-repeat='field in micropanel.values'>
<td>{{{true: "__blank__",false:field[0]}[field[0] == ""]}}</td>
<i class="pointer icon-search" ng-click="build_search(micropanel.field,field[0]);dismiss();"></i>
<i class="pointer icon-ban-circle" ng-click="build_search(micropanel.field,field[0],true);dismiss();"></i>
<i class="pointer icon-search" ng-click="build_search(micropanel.field,field[0],'must');dismiss();"></i>
<i class="pointer icon-ban-circle" ng-click="build_search(micropanel.field,field[0],'mustNot');dismiss();"></i>
......@@ -79,14 +79,15 @@ angular.module('kibana.fields', [])
$scope.build_search = function(field,value,negate) {
var query = (negate ? '-':'+')+field+":\""+value+"\""
$scope.build_search = function(field,value,mandate) {
var query = field+":"+angular.toJson(value)
$scope.fieldExists = function(field,mode) {
$scope.fieldExists = function(field,mandate) {
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span12">
No options here
\ No newline at end of file
.input-query-alias {
margin-bottom: 5px !important;
<a class="close" ng-click="render();dismiss();" href="">×</a>
<h6>Query Alias</h6>
<input class="input-medium input-query-alias" type="text" ng-model="queries.list[id].alias" placeholder='Alias...' />
<i ng-repeat="color in queries.colors" class="pointer" ng-class="{'icon-circle-blank':queries.list[id].color == color,'icon-circle':queries.list[id].color != color}" style="color:{{color}}" ng-click="queries.list[id].color = color;render();"> </i>
\ No newline at end of file
<kibana-panel ng-controller='filtering' ng-init="init()">
.filter-panel-filter {
margin-left: 10px;
width: 200px;
padding: 5px;
border: #555 1px solid;
margin: 0px 5px 5px 0px;
.filter-must {
border-bottom: #7EB26D 3px solid;
.filter-mustNot {
border-bottom: #E24D42 3px solid;
.filter-should {
border-bottom: #EF843C 3px solid;
.filter-remove {
margin-bottom: 0px !important;
<div ng-repeat="id in filterSrv.ids" class="small filter-panel-filter">
<div class="filter-{{filterSrv.list[id].mandate}}">
{{filterSrv.list[id].type}} ({{filterSrv.list[id].mandate}})
<i class="filter-remove pointer icon-remove" ng-click="remove(id)"></i>
<ul class="unstyled">
<li ng-repeat="(key,value) in stripped(filterSrv.list[id])"><strong>{{key}}</strong> : {{value}}</li>
\ No newline at end of file
## filtering
An experimental for interacting with the filter service
### Parameters
angular.module('kibana.filtering', [])
.controller('filtering', function($scope, filterSrv, $rootScope, dashboard) {
// Set and populate defaults
var _d = {
status : "Experimental"
$scope.init = function() {
$scope.filterSrv = filterSrv
$scope.remove = function(id) {
$scope.refresh = function(query) {
$scope.render = function(query) {
$scope.stripped = function(filter) {
var filter = _.omit(filter,'type','id','alias','mandate')
return filter
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -32,12 +32,6 @@
* x-axis :: Show x-axis labels and grid lines
* y-axis :: Show y-axis labels and grid lines
* interactive :: Allow drag to select time range
### Group Events
#### Receives
* time :: An object containing the time range to use and the index(es) to query
* query :: An Array of queries, even if its only one
#### Sends
* get_time :: On panel initialization get time range to query
......@@ -80,6 +74,8 @@ angular.module('kibana.histogram', [])
$scope.get_data = function(segment,query_id) {
......@@ -157,7 +153,10 @@ angular.module('kibana.histogram', [])
// Null values at each end of the time range ensure we see entire range
if(_.isUndefined($[i]) || _segment == 0) {
var data = [[_range.from.getTime(), null],[, null]];
var data = []
if(filterSrv.idsByType('time').length > 0) {
data = [[_range.from.getTime(), null],[, null]];
var hits = 0;
} else {
var data = $[i].data
......@@ -236,7 +235,7 @@ angular.module('kibana.histogram', [])
$scope.modal = {
title: "Inspector",
body : "<h5>Last Elasticsearch Query</h5><pre>"+
'curl -XGET '+config.elasticsearch+'/'+$scope.index+"/_search?pretty -d'\n"+
'curl -XGET '+config.elasticsearch+'/'+dashboard.indices+"/_search?pretty -d'\n"+
......@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
<span class="end-query">
<i class="icon-search pointer" ng-click="refresh()" ng-show="$last"></i>
<i class="icon-plus pointer" ng-click="queries.set({})" ng-show="$last"></i>
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -55,8 +55,7 @@ angular.module('kibana.table', [])
// Now that we're all setup, request the time from our group
$scope.set_listeners = function(group) {
......@@ -108,8 +107,8 @@ angular.module('kibana.table', [])
$scope.build_search = function(field,value,negate) {
var query = (negate ? '-':'+')+field+":\""+value+"\""
var query = field+":"+angular.toJson(value)
filterSrv.set({type:'querystring',query:query,mandate:(negate ? 'mustNot':'must')})
$scope.panel.offset = 0;
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