Commit 336c1b7b by simnv

Fix groupby selection

Default groupby selection for influxdb is escaped not like a regex, but as a glob. It works fine with one value in variable, but when you select multiple values, query is incorrect:
> SHOW TAG KEYS FROM "os.disk.fs.space_total" WHERE "host" =~ /{host-1,host-2}$/
parent c09d5062
......@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ export function InfluxDatasource(instanceSettings, $q, backendSrv, templateSrv)
this.metricFindQuery = function (query) {
var interpolated;
try {
interpolated = templateSrv.replace(query);
interpolated = templateSrv.replace(query, null, 'regex');
} catch (err) {
return $q.reject(err);
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