Commit 3745cccd by Stephanie Closson Committed by GitHub

Toolkit: include a github release utility (#22520)

* Adding git publish to toolkit

* grafana-toolkit new feature plugin:github-release

* Feedback from code review
1. Used async await and exec for executing commands
2. Using dist folder to get plugin information

* Reverting change to plugin.json back to original value.

* reverted changes to yarn.lock

* reverted changes to yarn.lock

* feedback from code review

* feedback from code review 2

* moved constants to recommended functions

* styling changes and reverting yarn.lock

* removing changes to package.json

* replced execLine with execa

* better error detection around the publish token

* made simpler with commitHash from build

* Testing showed a number of required changes:
- Make the sha configurable
  or through environment variable
  or through git config.
- Allow a release to be recreated
- Set name and repo from git config as this is what
ghr is expecting anyway.
- Appropriate errors if the user
  tries to run a release without
  doing a ci-build and ci-package first.

* Using spinner.
Took out extra dependencies out of project.json
wrote tests manually.

* Updated tests. Now passing

* Adding git publish to toolkit

* grafana-toolkit new feature plugin:github-release

* Feedback from code review
1. Used async await and exec for executing commands
2. Using dist folder to get plugin information

* Reverting change to plugin.json back to original value.

* reverted changes to yarn.lock

* reverted changes to yarn.lock

* feedback from code review

* feedback from code review 2

* moved constants to recommended functions

* styling changes and reverting yarn.lock

* removing changes to package.json

* replced execLine with execa

* better error detection around the publish token

* made simpler with commitHash from build

* Testing showed a number of required changes:
- Make the sha configurable
  or through environment variable
  or through git config.
- Allow a release to be recreated
- Set name and repo from git config as this is what
ghr is expecting anyway.
- Appropriate errors if the user
  tries to run a release without
  doing a ci-build and ci-package first.

* Using spinner.
Took out extra dependencies out of project.json
wrote tests manually.

* Updated tests. Now passing

* updated test for reducers, from master

* package.json and yarn.lock from master
parent 5a53c2d0
......@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import { pluginTestTask } from './tasks/plugin.tests';
import { searchTestDataSetupTask } from './tasks/searchTestDataSetup';
import { closeMilestoneTask } from './tasks/closeMilestone';
import { pluginDevTask } from './tasks/';
import { githubPublishTask } from './tasks/plugin.utils';
import {
......@@ -208,6 +209,22 @@ export const run = (includeInternalScripts = false) => {
.option('--dryrun', 'Do a dry run only', false)
.option('--verbose', 'Print verbose', false)
.option('--commitHash <hashKey>', 'Specify the commit hash')
.option('--recreate', 'Recreate the release if already present')
.description('Publish to github ... etc etc etc')
.action(async cmd => {
await execTask(githubPublishTask)({
dryrun: cmd.dryrun,
verbose: cmd.verbose,
commitHash: cmd.commitHash,
recreate: cmd.recreate,
// Test the manifest creation
......@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ describe('Manifest', () => {
......@@ -118,6 +118,14 @@ const packagePluginRunner: TaskRunner<PluginCIOptions> = async () => {
const packagesDir = path.resolve(ciDir, 'packages');
const distDir = path.resolve(ciDir, 'dist');
const docsDir = path.resolve(ciDir, 'docs');
const jobsDir = path.resolve(ciDir, 'jobs');
fs.exists(jobsDir, jobsDirExists => {
if (!jobsDirExists) {
throw 'You must run plugin:ci-build prior to running plugin:ci-package';
const grafanaEnvDir = path.resolve(ciDir, 'grafana-test-env');
await execa('rimraf', [packagesDir, distDir, grafanaEnvDir]);
import { Task, TaskRunner } from './task';
import { getPluginJson } from '../../config/utils/pluginValidation';
import { GitHubRelease } from '../utils/githubRelease';
import { getPluginId } from '../../config/utils/getPluginId';
import { getCiFolder } from '../../plugins/env';
import { useSpinner } from '../utils/useSpinner';
import path = require('path');
// @ts-ignore
import execa = require('execa');
interface Command extends Array<any> {}
const releaseNotes = async (): Promise<string> => {
const { stdout } = await`awk \'BEGIN {FS="##"; RS=""} FNR==3 {print; exit}\'`);
return stdout;
const checkoutBranch = async (branchName: string): Promise<Command> => {
const currentBranch = await`git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`);
const branchesAvailable = await
`(git branch -a | grep ${branchName} | grep -v remote) || echo 'No release found'`
if (currentBranch.stdout !== branchName) {
if (branchesAvailable.stdout.trim() === branchName) {
return ['git', ['checkout', branchName]];
} else {
return ['git', ['checkout', '-b', branchName]];
return [];
const gitUrlParse = (url: string): { owner: string; name: string } => {
let matchResult: RegExpMatchArray | null = [];
if (url.match(/^ {
// We have an ssh style url.
matchResult = url.match(/^*?)\/(.*?)\.git/);
if (url.match(/^https:\/\/\//)) {
// We have an https style url
matchResult = url.match(/^https:\/\/\/(.*?)\/(.*?)\/.git/);
if (matchResult && matchResult.length > 2) {
return {
owner: matchResult[1],
name: matchResult[2],
throw `Coult not find a suitable git repository. Received [${url}]`;
const prepareRelease = useSpinner<any>('Preparing release', async ({ dryrun, verbose }) => {
const ciDir = getCiFolder();
const distDir = path.resolve(ciDir, 'dist');
const distContentDir = path.resolve(distDir, getPluginId());
const pluginJsonFile = path.resolve(distContentDir, 'plugin.json');
const pluginVersion = getPluginJson(pluginJsonFile).info.version;
const GIT_EMAIL = '';
const GIT_USERNAME = 'CircleCI Automation';
const githubPublishScript: Command = [
['git', ['config', '', GIT_EMAIL]],
['git', ['config', '', GIT_USERNAME]],
await checkoutBranch(`release-${pluginVersion}`),
['git', ['add', '--force', distDir], { dryrun }],
['commit', '-m', `automated release ${pluginVersion} [skip ci]`],
okOnError: [/nothing to commit/g, /nothing added to commit/g, /no changes added to commit/g],
['git', ['tag', '-f', pluginVersion]],
['git', ['push', '-f', 'origin', `release-${pluginVersion}`], { dryrun }],
for (let line of githubPublishScript) {
const opts = line.length === 3 ? line[2] : {};
const command = line[0];
const args = line[1];
try {
if (verbose) {
console.log('executing >>', line);
if (line.length > 0 && line[0].length > 0) {
if (opts['dryrun']) {
const { stdout } = await execa(command, args);
if (verbose) {
} else {
if (verbose) {
console.log('skipping empty line');
} catch (ex) {
const err: string = ex.message;
if (opts['okOnError'] && Array.isArray(opts['okOnError'])) {
let trueError = true;
for (let regex of opts['okOnError']) {
if (err.match(regex)) {
trueError = false;
if (!trueError) {
// This is not an error
interface GithubPluglishReleaseOptions {
commitHash?: string;
recreate?: boolean;
githubToken: string;
gitRepoOwner: string;
gitRepoName: string;
const createRelease = useSpinner<GithubPluglishReleaseOptions>(
'Creating release',
async ({ commitHash, recreate, githubToken, gitRepoName, gitRepoOwner }) => {
const gitRelease = new GitHubRelease(githubToken, gitRepoOwner, gitRepoName, await releaseNotes(), commitHash);
return gitRelease.release(recreate || false);
export interface GithubPublishOptions {
dryrun?: boolean;
verbose?: boolean;
commitHash?: string;
recreate?: boolean;
const githubPublishRunner: TaskRunner<GithubPublishOptions> = async ({ dryrun, verbose, commitHash, recreate }) => {
if (!process.env['CIRCLE_REPOSITORY_URL']) {
throw `The release plugin requires you specify the repository url as environment variable CIRCLE_REPOSITORY_URL`;
if (!process.env['GITHUB_TOKEN']) {
throw `Github publish requires that you set the environment variable GITHUB_TOKEN to a valid github api token.
See: for more details.`;
const parsedUrl = gitUrlParse(process.env['CIRCLE_REPOSITORY_URL']);
const githubToken = process.env['GITHUB_TOKEN'];
await prepareRelease({
await createRelease({
gitRepoOwner: parsedUrl.owner,
export const githubPublishTask = new Task<GithubPublishOptions>('Github Publish', githubPublishRunner);
import { getPluginId } from '../../config/utils/getPluginId';
import { getPluginJson } from '../../config/utils/pluginValidation';
import { getCiFolder } from '../../plugins/env';
import path = require('path');
// @ts-ignore
import execa = require('execa');
const ghrPlatform = (): string => {
switch (process.platform) {
case 'win32':
return 'windows';
case 'darwin':
return 'darwin';
case 'linux':
return 'linux';
return process.platform;
class GitHubRelease {
token: string;
username: string;
repository: string;
releaseNotes: string;
commitHash?: string;
constructor(token: string, username: string, repository: string, releaseNotes: string, commitHash?: string) {
this.token = token;
this.username = username;
this.repository = repository;
this.releaseNotes = releaseNotes;
this.commitHash = commitHash;
* Get the ghr binary to perform the release
private async getGhr(): Promise<string> {
const GHR_VERSION = '0.13.0';
const GHR_ARCH = process.arch === 'x64' ? 'amd64' : '386';
const GHR_PLATFORM = ghrPlatform();
const GHR_EXTENSION = process.platform === 'linux' ? 'tar.gz' : 'zip';
const outName = `./ghr.${GHR_EXTENSION}`;
const archiveName = `ghr_v${GHR_VERSION}_${GHR_PLATFORM}_${GHR_ARCH}`;
const exeName = process.platform === 'linux' ? 'ghr' : 'ghr.exe';
const exeNameFullPath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), archiveName, exeName);
const ghrUrl = `${GHR_VERSION}/${archiveName}.${GHR_EXTENSION}`;
await execa('wget', [ghrUrl, `--output-document=${outName}`]);
if (GHR_EXTENSION === 'tar.gz') {
await execa('tar', ['zxvf', outName]);
} else {
await execa('unzip', ['-p', outName]);
if (process.platform === 'linux') {
await execa('chmod', ['755', exeNameFullPath]);
return exeNameFullPath;
async release(recreate: boolean) {
const ciDir = getCiFolder();
const distDir = path.resolve(ciDir, 'dist');
const distContentDir = path.resolve(distDir, getPluginId());
const pluginJsonFile = path.resolve(distContentDir, 'plugin.json');
const pluginInfo = getPluginJson(pluginJsonFile).info;
const PUBLISH_DIR = path.resolve(getCiFolder(), 'packages');
const commitHash = this.commitHash ||;
// Get the ghr binary according to platform
const ghrExe = await this.getGhr();
if (!commitHash) {
throw 'The release plugin was not able to locate a commithash for release. Either build using the ci, or specify the commit hash with --commitHash <value>';
const args = [
this.repository, // should override --- may not be the same
if (recreate) {
args.splice(12, 0, '-recreate');
const { stdout } = await execa(ghrExe, args);
export { GitHubRelease };
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