Commit 38d34501 by Torkel Ödegaard

refactoring, moved graph directive to a seperate js file

parent 2c5bfec0
......@@ -8,5 +8,6 @@ define([
], function () {});
\ No newline at end of file
function (angular, $, kbn, moment, _) {
'use strict';
var module = angular.module('kibana.directives');
module.directive('grafanaGraph', function(filterSrv, $rootScope) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
template: '<div> </div>',
link: function(scope, elem) {
var data, plot;
var hiddenData = {};
scope.$on('refresh',function() {
if ($rootScope.fullscreen && !scope.fullscreen) {
scope.$on('toggleLegend', function(e, alias) {
if (hiddenData[alias]) {
delete hiddenData[alias];
// Receive render events
scope.$on('render',function(event, d) {
data = d || data;
// Re-render if the window is resized
angular.element(window).bind('resize', function() {
// Function for rendering panel
function render_panel() {
if (!data) {
try {
elem.css({ height: scope.height || scope.panel.height || scope.row.height });
} catch(e) { return; }
_.each(data, function(series) {
series.label =;
series.color =;
_.each(_.keys(scope.hiddenSeries), function(seriesAlias) {
var dataSeries = _.find(data, function(series) {
return === seriesAlias;
if (dataSeries) {
hiddenData[] = dataSeries;
data = _.without(data, dataSeries);
// Set barwidth based on specified interval
var barwidth = kbn.interval_to_ms(scope.panel.interval);
var stack = scope.panel.stack ? true : null;
// Populate element
var options = {
legend: { show: false },
series: {
stackpercent: scope.panel.stack ? scope.panel.percentage : false,
stack: scope.panel.percentage ? null : stack,
lines: {
show: scope.panel.lines,
// Silly, but fixes bug in stacked percentages
fill: scope.panel.fill === 0 ? 0.001 : scope.panel.fill/10,
lineWidth: scope.panel.linewidth,
steps: scope.panel.steppedLine
bars: {
show: scope.panel.bars,
fill: 1,
barWidth: barwidth/1.5,
zero: false,
lineWidth: 0
points: {
show: scope.panel.points,
fill: 1,
fillColor: false,
radius: scope.panel.pointradius
shadowSize: 1
yaxes: [],
xaxis: {
timezone: scope.panel.timezone,
show: scope.panel['x-axis'],
mode: "time",
min: _.isUndefined(scope.range.from) ? null : scope.range.from.getTime(),
max: _.isUndefined( ? null :,
timeformat: time_format(scope.panel.interval),
label: "Datetime",
ticks: elem.width()/100
grid: {
backgroundColor: null,
borderWidth: 0,
hoverable: true,
color: '#c8c8c8'
if(scope.panel.annotate.enable) { = {
levels: 1,
data: scope.annotations,
types: {
'annotation': {
level: 1,
icon: {
icon: "icon-tag icon-flip-vertical",
size: 20,
color: "#222",
outline: "#bbb"
//xaxis: int // the x axis to attach events to
if(scope.panel.interactive) {
options.selection = { mode: "x", color: '#666' };
// when rendering stacked bars, we need to ensure each point that has data is zero-filled
// so that the stacking happens in the proper order
var required_times = [];
if (data.length > 1) {
required_times = Array.prototype.concat.apply([],, function (query) {
return query.time_series.getOrderedTimes();
required_times = _.uniq(required_times.sort(function (a, b) {
// decending numeric sort
return a-b;
}), true);
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var _d = data[i].time_series.getFlotPairs(required_times, scope.panel.nullPointMode);
data[i].yaxis = data[i].info.yaxis;
data[i].data = _d;
data[i].info.y_format = data[i].yaxis === 1 ? scope.panel.y_format : scope.panel.y2_format;
configureAxisOptions(data, options);
plot = $.plot(elem, data, options);
if (scope.panel.leftYAxisLabel) {
elem.css('margin-left', '10px');
var yaxisLabel = $("<div class='axisLabel yaxisLabel'></div>")
yaxisLabel.css("margin-top", yaxisLabel.width() / 2 - 20);
} else if (elem.css('margin-left')) {
elem.css('margin-left', '');
function configureAxisOptions(data, options)
var defaults = {
position: 'left',
show: scope.panel['y-axis'],
min: scope.panel.grid.min,
max: scope.panel.percentage && scope.panel.stack ? 100 : scope.panel.grid.max
if (_.findWhere(data, {yaxis: 2})) {
var secondY = _.clone(defaults);
secondY.position = 'right';
configureAxisMode(options.yaxes[1], scope.panel.y2_format);
configureAxisMode(options.yaxes[0], scope.panel.y_format);
function configureAxisMode(axis, format) {
if (format === 'bytes') {
axis.mode = "byte";
if (format === 'short') {
axis.tickFormatter = function(val) {
return kbn.shortFormat(val,0);
if (format === 'ms') {
axis.tickFormatter = kbn.msFormat;
function time_format(interval) {
var _int = kbn.interval_to_seconds(interval);
if(_int >= 2628000) {
return "%Y-%m";
if(_int >= 10000) {
return "%Y-%m-%d";
if(_int >= 60) {
return "%H:%M<br>%m-%d";
return "%H:%M:%S";
var $tooltip = $('<div>');
elem.bind("plothover", function (event, pos, item) {
var group, value, timestamp;
if (item) {
if ( || scope.panel.tooltip.query_as_alias) {
group = '<small style="font-size:0.9em;">' +
'<i class="icon-circle" style="color:'+item.series.color+';"></i>' + ' ' +
( ||
} else {
group = kbn.query_color_dot(item.series.color, 15) + ' ';
value = (scope.panel.stack && scope.panel.tooltip.value_type === 'individual') ?
item.datapoint[1] - item.datapoint[2] :
if( === 'bytes') {
value = kbn.byteFormat(value,2);
if( === 'short') {
value = kbn.shortFormat(value,2);
if( === 'ms') {
value = kbn.msFormat(value);
timestamp = scope.panel.timezone === 'browser' ?
moment(item.datapoint[0]).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss') :
moment.utc(item.datapoint[0]).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss');
group + value + " @ " + timestamp
.place_tt(pos.pageX, pos.pageY);
} else {
elem.bind("plotselected", function (event, ranges) {
from : moment.utc(ranges.xaxis.from).toDate(),
to : moment.utc(,
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
<center><img ng-show='panel.loading && _.isUndefined(data)' src="img/load_big.gif"></center>
<div histogram-chart class="pointer histogram-chart" params="{{panel}}">
<div grafana-graph class="pointer histogram-chart" params="{{panel}}">
<div ng-if="panel.legend" class="grafana-legend-container">
......@@ -79,12 +79,6 @@
<div class="editor-option">
<label class="small">Legend</label><input type="checkbox" ng-model="panel.legend" ng-checked="panel.legend">
<div ng-show="panel.legend" class="editor-option">
<label class="small">Query <tip>If no alias is set, show the query in the legend</tip></label><input type="checkbox" ng-model="panel.show_query" ng-checked="panel.show_query">
<div ng-show="panel.legend" class="editor-option">
<label class="small">Counts</label><input type="checkbox" ng-model="panel.legend_counts" ng-checked="panel.legend_counts">
<div class="section">
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