Commit 391868c5 by Julian Kornberger

Use net.SplitHostPort to support IPv6

- Add some tests
- Make error message more helpful
parent a20f3d19
package middleware
import (
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ func initContextWithAuthProxy(ctx *m.ReqContext, orgID int64) bool {
// if auth proxy ip(s) defined, check if request comes from one of those
if err := checkAuthenticationProxy(ctx, proxyHeaderValue); err != nil {
if err := checkAuthenticationProxy(ctx.Req.RemoteAddr, proxyHeaderValue); err != nil {
ctx.Handle(407, "Proxy authentication required", err)
return true
......@@ -123,29 +123,25 @@ var syncGrafanaUserWithLdapUser = func(ctx *m.ReqContext, query *m.GetSignedInUs
return nil
func checkAuthenticationProxy(ctx *m.ReqContext, proxyHeaderValue string) error {
func checkAuthenticationProxy(remoteAddr string, proxyHeaderValue string) error {
if len(strings.TrimSpace(setting.AuthProxyWhitelist)) == 0 {
return nil
proxies := strings.Split(setting.AuthProxyWhitelist, ",")
remoteAddrSplit := strings.Split(ctx.Req.RemoteAddr, ":")
sourceIP := remoteAddrSplit[0]
sourceIP, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(remoteAddr)
if err != nil {
return err
found := false
// Compare allowed IP addresses to actual address
for _, proxyIP := range proxies {
if sourceIP == strings.TrimSpace(proxyIP) {
found = true
return nil
if !found {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("Request for user (%s) is not from the authentication proxy", proxyHeaderValue)
err := errors.New(msg)
return err
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("Request for user (%s) from %s is not from the authentication proxy", proxyHeaderValue, sourceIP)
func getSignedInUserQueryForProxyAuth(headerVal string) *m.GetSignedInUserQuery {
......@@ -226,11 +226,11 @@ func TestMiddlewareContext(t *testing.T) {
middlewareScenario("When auth_proxy is enabled and request RemoteAddr is not trusted", func(sc *scenarioContext) {
middlewareScenario("When auth_proxy is enabled and IPv4 request RemoteAddr is not trusted", func(sc *scenarioContext) {
setting.AuthProxyEnabled = true
setting.AuthProxyHeaderName = "X-WEBAUTH-USER"
setting.AuthProxyHeaderProperty = "username"
setting.AuthProxyWhitelist = ","
setting.AuthProxyWhitelist = ", 2001::23"
sc.fakeReq("GET", "/")
sc.req.Header.Add("X-WEBAUTH-USER", "torkelo")
......@@ -239,6 +239,24 @@ func TestMiddlewareContext(t *testing.T) {
Convey("should return 407 status code", func() {
So(sc.resp.Code, ShouldEqual, 407)
So(sc.resp.Body.String(), ShouldContainSubstring, "Request for user (torkelo) from is not from the authentication proxy")
middlewareScenario("When auth_proxy is enabled and IPv6 request RemoteAddr is not trusted", func(sc *scenarioContext) {
setting.AuthProxyEnabled = true
setting.AuthProxyHeaderName = "X-WEBAUTH-USER"
setting.AuthProxyHeaderProperty = "username"
setting.AuthProxyWhitelist = ", 2001::23"
sc.fakeReq("GET", "/")
sc.req.Header.Add("X-WEBAUTH-USER", "torkelo")
sc.req.RemoteAddr = "[2001:23]:12345"
Convey("should return 407 status code", func() {
So(sc.resp.Code, ShouldEqual, 407)
So(sc.resp.Body.String(), ShouldContainSubstring, "Request for user (torkelo) from 2001:23 is not from the authentication proxy")
......@@ -246,7 +264,7 @@ func TestMiddlewareContext(t *testing.T) {
setting.AuthProxyEnabled = true
setting.AuthProxyHeaderName = "X-WEBAUTH-USER"
setting.AuthProxyHeaderProperty = "username"
setting.AuthProxyWhitelist = ","
setting.AuthProxyWhitelist = ", 2001::23"
bus.AddHandler("test", func(query *m.GetSignedInUserQuery) error {
query.Result = &m.SignedInUser{OrgId: 4, UserId: 33}
......@@ -255,7 +273,7 @@ func TestMiddlewareContext(t *testing.T) {
sc.fakeReq("GET", "/")
sc.req.Header.Add("X-WEBAUTH-USER", "torkelo")
sc.req.RemoteAddr = ""
sc.req.RemoteAddr = "[2001::23]:12345"
Convey("Should init context with user info", func() {
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