Commit 3a180987 by kay delaney Committed by Torkel Ödegaard

Explore: Restricts query text edit toggle to metrics mode (#17921)

* Explore: Adds datasource plugin config option 'modesSupportingTextEdit'
This allows one to specify which modes support toggling query text edit on and off
Closes #17904

* Explore: Restricts query text edit toggle to metrics mode
parent cf37b543
......@@ -129,7 +129,8 @@ export class QueryRow extends PureComponent<QueryRowProps, QueryRowState> {
} = this.props;
const canToggleEditorModes = _.has(datasourceInstance, 'components.QueryCtrl.prototype.toggleEditorMode');
const canToggleEditorModes =
mode === ExploreMode.Metrics && _.has(datasourceInstance, 'components.QueryCtrl.prototype.toggleEditorMode');
let QueryField;
if (mode === ExploreMode.Metrics && datasourceInstance.components.ExploreMetricsQueryField) {
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