Commit 3db328f5 by Marcus Efraimsson

fix for dashboard/folder url's when having a sub path in root_url config

parent d8d82c17
......@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ export class FolderPermissions extends Component<IContainerProps, any> {
loadStore() {
const { nav, folder, view } = this.props;
return folder.load(view.routeParams.get('uid') as string).then(res => {
view.updatePathAndQuery(`${res.meta.url}/permissions`, {}, {});
return nav.initFolderNav(toJS(folder.folder), 'manage-folder-permissions');
import coreModule from 'app/core/core_module';
import config from 'app/core/config';
import appEvents from 'app/core/app_events';
import { store } from 'app/stores/store';
import { reaction } from 'mobx';
import locationUtil from 'app/core/utils/location_util';
// Services that handles angular -> mobx store sync & other react <-> angular sync
export class BridgeSrv {
private appSubUrl;
private fullPageReloadRoutes;
/** @ngInject */
constructor(private $location, private $timeout, private $window, private $rootScope, private $route) {
this.appSubUrl = config.appSubUrl;
this.fullPageReloadRoutes = ['/logout'];
// Angular's $location does not like <base href...> and absolute urls
stripBaseFromUrl(url = '') {
const appSubUrl = this.appSubUrl;
const stripExtraChars = appSubUrl.endsWith('/') ? 1 : 0;
const urlWithoutBase =
url.length > 0 && url.indexOf(appSubUrl) === 0 ? url.slice(appSubUrl.length - stripExtraChars) : url;
return urlWithoutBase;
init() {
this.$rootScope.$on('$routeUpdate', (evt, data) => {
let angularUrl = this.$location.url();
......@@ -41,17 +29,18 @@ export class BridgeSrv {
() => store.view.currentUrl,
currentUrl => {
let angularUrl = this.$location.url();
if (angularUrl !== currentUrl) {
const url = locationUtil.stripBaseFromUrl(currentUrl);
if (angularUrl !== url) {
this.$timeout(() => {
console.log('store updating angular $location.url', currentUrl);
console.log('store updating angular $location.url', url);
appEvents.on('location-change', payload => {
const urlWithoutBase = this.stripBaseFromUrl(payload.href);
const urlWithoutBase = locationUtil.stripBaseFromUrl(payload.href);
if (this.fullPageReloadRoutes.indexOf(urlWithoutBase) > -1) {
this.$window.location.href = payload.href;
import { BridgeSrv } from 'app/core/services/bridge_srv';
import locationUtil from 'app/core/utils/location_util';
jest.mock('app/core/config', () => {
return {
......@@ -6,16 +6,10 @@ jest.mock('app/core/config', () => {
describe('BridgeSrv', () => {
let searchSrv;
beforeEach(() => {
searchSrv = new BridgeSrv(null, null, null, null, null);
describe('locationUtil', () => {
describe('With /subUrl as appSubUrl', () => {
it('/subUrl should be stripped', () => {
const urlWithoutMaster = searchSrv.stripBaseFromUrl('/subUrl/grafana/');
const urlWithoutMaster = locationUtil.stripBaseFromUrl('/subUrl/grafana/');
import config from 'app/core/config';
const _stripBaseFromUrl = url => {
const appSubUrl = config.appSubUrl;
const stripExtraChars = appSubUrl.endsWith('/') ? 1 : 0;
const urlWithoutBase =
url.length > 0 && url.indexOf(appSubUrl) === 0 ? url.slice(appSubUrl.length - stripExtraChars) : url;
return urlWithoutBase;
export default {
stripBaseFromUrl: _stripBaseFromUrl,
import { FolderPageLoader } from './folder_page_loader';
import locationUtil from 'app/core/utils/location_util';
export class FolderDashboardsCtrl {
navModel: any;
......@@ -13,8 +14,10 @@ export class FolderDashboardsCtrl {
const loader = new FolderPageLoader(this.backendSrv);
loader.load(this, this.uid, 'manage-folder-dashboards').then(folder => {
if ($location.path() !== folder.meta.url) {
const url = locationUtil.stripBaseFromUrl(folder.meta.url);
if (url !== $location.path()) {
import angular from 'angular';
import locationUtil from 'app/core/utils/location_util';
export class SoloPanelCtrl {
/** @ngInject */
......@@ -17,7 +18,8 @@ export class SoloPanelCtrl {
if (!($routeParams.type === 'script' || $routeParams.type === 'snapshot') && !$routeParams.uid) {
backendSrv.get(`/api/dashboards/db/${$routeParams.slug}`).then(res => {
if (res) {
$location.path(res.meta.url.replace('/d/', '/d-solo/'));
const url = locationUtil.stripBaseFromUrl(res.meta.url.replace('/d/', '/d-solo/'));
import coreModule from 'app/core/core_module';
import locationUtil from 'app/core/utils/location_util';
export class LoadDashboardCtrl {
/** @ngInject */
constructor($scope, $routeParams, dashboardLoaderSrv, backendSrv, $location) {
constructor($scope, $routeParams, dashboardLoaderSrv, backendSrv, $location, $browser) {
if (!$routeParams.uid && !$routeParams.slug) {
......@@ -22,15 +23,18 @@ export class LoadDashboardCtrl {
if (!($routeParams.type === 'script' || $routeParams.type === 'snapshot') && !$routeParams.uid) {
backendSrv.get(`/api/dashboards/db/${$routeParams.slug}`).then(res => {
if (res) {
const url = locationUtil.stripBaseFromUrl(res.meta.url);
dashboardLoaderSrv.loadDashboard($routeParams.type, $routeParams.slug, $routeParams.uid).then(function(result) {
if ($location.path() !== result.meta.url) {
const url = locationUtil.stripBaseFromUrl(result.meta.url);
if (url !== $location.path()) {
if ($routeParams.keepRows) {
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