Commit 4131b755 by Torkel Ödegaard

updated build script and readme with build instructions

parent 62af885c
init_cmds = [
["make", "build"],
["go", "build", "-o", "./bin/grafana"],
["./bin/grafana", "web"]
watch_all = true
......@@ -12,6 +12,6 @@ watch_dirs = [
watch_exts = [".go", ".ini"]
build_delay = 1500
cmds = [
["make", "build"],
["go", "build", "-o", "./bin/grafana"],
["./bin/grafana", "web"]
all: build
go build -o bin/grafana .
go test ./pkg/...
@gofmt -w pkg && go tool vet pkg/**/*.go && echo "$(GOLINT)"
go get
go install
Work in progress Grafana 2.0 (with included Grafana backend)
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## building and running
go run build.go setup (only needed once to install godep)
go run build.go build
For quicker builds:
godep restore (will pull down all golang lib dependecies in your current GOPATH)
go build -o ./bin/grafana .
To build less to css for frontend:
cd grafana
npm install
npm install -g grunt-cli
......@@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ func main() {
func setup() {
runPrint("go", "get", "-v", "")
runPrint("go", "install", "-v", "")
func test(pkg string) {
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