Commit 453ca258 by Torkel Ödegaard

Merge branch 'master' of

parents 46ff9dda a0eddad3
import React from 'react';
import { shallow } from 'enzyme';
import { Gauge, Props } from './Gauge';
import { TimeSeriesVMs } from '../../types/series';
import { ValueMapping, MappingType } from '../../types';
jest.mock('jquery', () => ({
plot: jest.fn(),
const setup = (propOverrides?: object) => {
const props: Props = {
maxValue: 100,
valueMappings: [],
minValue: 0,
prefix: '',
showThresholdMarkers: true,
showThresholdLabels: false,
suffix: '',
thresholds: [{ index: 0, value: -Infinity, color: '#7EB26D' }],
unit: 'none',
stat: 'avg',
height: 300,
width: 300,
timeSeries: {} as TimeSeriesVMs,
decimals: 0,
Object.assign(props, propOverrides);
const wrapper = shallow(<Gauge {...props} />);
const instance = wrapper.instance() as Gauge;
return {
describe('Get font color', () => {
it('should get first threshold color when only one threshold', () => {
const { instance } = setup({ thresholds: [{ index: 0, value: -Infinity, color: '#7EB26D' }] });
it('should get the threshold color if value is same as a threshold', () => {
const { instance } = setup({
thresholds: [
{ index: 2, value: 75, color: '#6ED0E0' },
{ index: 1, value: 50, color: '#EAB839' },
{ index: 0, value: -Infinity, color: '#7EB26D' },
it('should get the nearest threshold color between thresholds', () => {
const { instance } = setup({
thresholds: [
{ index: 2, value: 75, color: '#6ED0E0' },
{ index: 1, value: 50, color: '#EAB839' },
{ index: 0, value: -Infinity, color: '#7EB26D' },
describe('Get thresholds formatted', () => {
it('should return first thresholds color for min and max', () => {
const { instance } = setup({ thresholds: [{ index: 0, value: -Infinity, color: '#7EB26D' }] });
{ value: 0, color: '#7EB26D' },
{ value: 100, color: '#7EB26D' },
it('should get the correct formatted values when thresholds are added', () => {
const { instance } = setup({
thresholds: [
{ index: 2, value: 75, color: '#6ED0E0' },
{ index: 1, value: 50, color: '#EAB839' },
{ index: 0, value: -Infinity, color: '#7EB26D' },
{ value: 0, color: '#7EB26D' },
{ value: 50, color: '#7EB26D' },
{ value: 75, color: '#EAB839' },
{ value: 100, color: '#6ED0E0' },
describe('Format value with value mappings', () => {
it('should return undefined with no valuemappings', () => {
const valueMappings: ValueMapping[] = [];
const value = '10';
const { instance } = setup({ valueMappings });
const result = instance.getFirstFormattedValueMapping(valueMappings, value);
it('should return undefined with no matching valuemappings', () => {
const valueMappings: ValueMapping[] = [
{ id: 0, operator: '', text: 'elva', type: MappingType.ValueToText, value: '11' },
{ id: 1, operator: '', text: '1-9', type: MappingType.RangeToText, from: '1', to: '9' },
const value = '10';
const { instance } = setup({ valueMappings });
const result = instance.getFirstFormattedValueMapping(valueMappings, value);
it('should return first matching mapping with lowest id', () => {
const valueMappings: ValueMapping[] = [
{ id: 0, operator: '', text: '1-20', type: MappingType.RangeToText, from: '1', to: '20' },
{ id: 1, operator: '', text: 'tio', type: MappingType.ValueToText, value: '10' },
const value = '10';
const { instance } = setup({ valueMappings });
const result = instance.getFirstFormattedValueMapping(valueMappings, value);
it('should return rangeToText mapping where value equals to', () => {
const valueMappings: ValueMapping[] = [
{ id: 0, operator: '', text: '1-10', type: MappingType.RangeToText, from: '1', to: '10' },
{ id: 1, operator: '', text: 'elva', type: MappingType.ValueToText, value: '11' },
const value = '10';
const { instance } = setup({ valueMappings });
const result = instance.getFirstFormattedValueMapping(valueMappings, value);
it('should return rangeToText mapping where value equals from', () => {
const valueMappings: ValueMapping[] = [
{ id: 0, operator: '', text: '10-20', type: MappingType.RangeToText, from: '10', to: '20' },
{ id: 1, operator: '', text: 'elva', type: MappingType.ValueToText, value: '11' },
const value = '10';
const { instance } = setup({ valueMappings });
const result = instance.getFirstFormattedValueMapping(valueMappings, value);
it('should return rangeToText mapping where value is between from and to', () => {
const valueMappings: ValueMapping[] = [
{ id: 0, operator: '', text: '1-20', type: MappingType.RangeToText, from: '1', to: '20' },
{ id: 1, operator: '', text: 'elva', type: MappingType.ValueToText, value: '11' },
const value = '10';
const { instance } = setup({ valueMappings });
const result = instance.getFirstFormattedValueMapping(valueMappings, value);
describe('Format value', () => {
it('should return if value isNaN', () => {
const valueMappings: ValueMapping[] = [];
const value = 'N/A';
const { instance } = setup({ valueMappings });
const result = instance.formatValue(value);
it('should return formatted value if there are no value mappings', () => {
const valueMappings: ValueMapping[] = [];
const value = '6';
const { instance } = setup({ valueMappings, decimals: 1 });
const result = instance.formatValue(value);
expect(result).toEqual(' 6.0 ');
it('should return formatted value if there are no matching value mappings', () => {
const valueMappings: ValueMapping[] = [
{ id: 0, operator: '', text: 'elva', type: MappingType.ValueToText, value: '11' },
{ id: 1, operator: '', text: '1-9', type: MappingType.RangeToText, from: '1', to: '9' },
const value = '10';
const { instance } = setup({ valueMappings, decimals: 1 });
const result = instance.formatValue(value);
expect(result).toEqual(' 10.0 ');
it('should return mapped value if there are matching value mappings', () => {
const valueMappings: ValueMapping[] = [
{ id: 0, operator: '', text: '1-20', type: MappingType.RangeToText, from: '1', to: '20' },
{ id: 1, operator: '', text: 'elva', type: MappingType.ValueToText, value: '11' },
const value = '11';
const { instance } = setup({ valueMappings, decimals: 1 });
const result = instance.formatValue(value);
expect(result).toEqual(' 1-20 ');
import React, { PureComponent } from 'react';
import $ from 'jquery';
import {
} from '../../types/panel';
import { TimeSeriesVMs } from '../../types/series';
import { getValueFormat } from '../../utils/valueFormats/valueFormats';
type TimeSeriesValue = string | number | null;
export interface Props {
decimals: number;
height: number;
valueMappings: ValueMapping[];
maxValue: number;
minValue: number;
prefix: string;
timeSeries: TimeSeriesVMs;
thresholds: Threshold[];
showThresholdMarkers: boolean;
showThresholdLabels: boolean;
stat: string;
suffix: string;
unit: string;
width: number;
theme?: ThemeName;
export class Gauge extends PureComponent<Props> {
canvasElement: any;
static defaultProps = {
maxValue: 100,
valueMappings: [],
minValue: 0,
prefix: '',
showThresholdMarkers: true,
showThresholdLabels: false,
suffix: '',
thresholds: [],
unit: 'none',
stat: 'avg',
theme: ThemeNames.Dark,
componentDidMount() {
componentDidUpdate() {
addValueToTextMappingText(allValueMappings: ValueMapping[], valueToTextMapping: ValueMap, value: TimeSeriesValue) {
if (!valueToTextMapping.value) {
return allValueMappings;
const valueAsNumber = parseFloat(value as string);
const valueToTextMappingAsNumber = parseFloat(valueToTextMapping.value as string);
if (isNaN(valueAsNumber) || isNaN(valueToTextMappingAsNumber)) {
return allValueMappings;
if (valueAsNumber !== valueToTextMappingAsNumber) {
return allValueMappings;
return allValueMappings.concat(valueToTextMapping);
addRangeToTextMappingText(allValueMappings: ValueMapping[], rangeToTextMapping: RangeMap, value: TimeSeriesValue) {
if (!rangeToTextMapping.from || ! || !value) {
return allValueMappings;
const valueAsNumber = parseFloat(value as string);
const fromAsNumber = parseFloat(rangeToTextMapping.from as string);
const toAsNumber = parseFloat( as string);
if (isNaN(valueAsNumber) || isNaN(fromAsNumber) || isNaN(toAsNumber)) {
return allValueMappings;
if (valueAsNumber >= fromAsNumber && valueAsNumber <= toAsNumber) {
return allValueMappings.concat(rangeToTextMapping);
return allValueMappings;
getAllFormattedValueMappings(valueMappings: ValueMapping[], value: TimeSeriesValue) {
const allFormattedValueMappings = valueMappings.reduce(
(allValueMappings, valueMapping) => {
if (valueMapping.type === MappingType.ValueToText) {
allValueMappings = this.addValueToTextMappingText(allValueMappings, valueMapping as ValueMap, value);
} else if (valueMapping.type === MappingType.RangeToText) {
allValueMappings = this.addRangeToTextMappingText(allValueMappings, valueMapping as RangeMap, value);
return allValueMappings;
[] as ValueMapping[]
allFormattedValueMappings.sort((t1, t2) => {
return -;
return allFormattedValueMappings;
getFirstFormattedValueMapping(valueMappings: ValueMapping[], value: TimeSeriesValue) {
return this.getAllFormattedValueMappings(valueMappings, value)[0];
formatValue(value: TimeSeriesValue) {
const { decimals, valueMappings, prefix, suffix, unit } = this.props;
if (isNaN(value as number)) {
return value;
if (valueMappings.length > 0) {
const valueMappedValue = this.getFirstFormattedValueMapping(valueMappings, value);
if (valueMappedValue) {
return `${prefix} ${valueMappedValue.text} ${suffix}`;
const formatFunc = getValueFormat(unit);
const formattedValue = formatFunc(value as number, decimals);
return `${prefix} ${formattedValue} ${suffix}`;
getFontColor(value: TimeSeriesValue) {
const { thresholds } = this.props;
if (thresholds.length === 1) {
return thresholds[0].color;
const atThreshold = thresholds.filter(threshold => (value as number) === threshold.value)[0];
if (atThreshold) {
return atThreshold.color;
const belowThreshold = thresholds.filter(threshold => (value as number) > threshold.value);
if (belowThreshold.length > 0) {
const nearestThreshold = belowThreshold.sort((t1, t2) => t2.value - t1.value)[0];
return nearestThreshold.color;
return BasicGaugeColor.Red;
getFormattedThresholds() {
const { maxValue, minValue, thresholds } = this.props;
const thresholdsSortedByIndex = [...thresholds].sort((t1, t2) => t1.index - t2.index);
const lastThreshold = thresholdsSortedByIndex[thresholdsSortedByIndex.length - 1];
const formattedThresholds = [ => {
if (threshold.index === 0) {
return { value: minValue, color: threshold.color };
const previousThreshold = thresholdsSortedByIndex[threshold.index - 1];
return { value: threshold.value, color: previousThreshold.color };
{ value: maxValue, color: lastThreshold.color },
return formattedThresholds;
draw() {
const {
} = this.props;
let value: TimeSeriesValue = '';
if (timeSeries[0]) {
value = timeSeries[0].stats[stat];
} else {
value = 'N/A';
const dimension = Math.min(width, height * 1.3);
const backgroundColor = theme === ThemeNames.Light ? 'rgb(230,230,230)' : 'rgb(38,38,38)';
const fontScale = parseInt('80', 10) / 100;
const fontSize = Math.min(dimension / 5, 100) * fontScale;
const gaugeWidthReduceRatio = showThresholdLabels ? 1.5 : 1;
const gaugeWidth = Math.min(dimension / 6, 60) / gaugeWidthReduceRatio;
const thresholdMarkersWidth = gaugeWidth / 5;
const thresholdLabelFontSize = fontSize / 2.5;
const options = {
series: {
gauges: {
gauge: {
min: minValue,
max: maxValue,
background: { color: backgroundColor },
border: { color: null },
shadow: { show: false },
width: gaugeWidth,
frame: { show: false },
label: { show: false },
layout: { margin: 0, thresholdWidth: 0 },
cell: { border: { width: 0 } },
threshold: {
values: this.getFormattedThresholds(),
label: {
show: showThresholdLabels,
margin: thresholdMarkersWidth + 1,
font: { size: thresholdLabelFontSize },
show: showThresholdMarkers,
width: thresholdMarkersWidth,
value: {
color: this.getFontColor(value),
formatter: () => {
return this.formatValue(value);
font: { size: fontSize, family: '"Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif' },
show: true,
const plotSeries = { data: [[0, value]] };
try {
$.plot(this.canvasElement, [plotSeries], options);
} catch (err) {
console.log('Gauge rendering error', err, options, timeSeries);
render() {
const { height, width } = this.props;
return (
<div className="singlestat-panel">
height: `${height * 0.9}px`,
width: `${Math.min(width, height * 1.3)}px`,
top: '10px',
margin: 'auto',
ref={element => (this.canvasElement = element)}
export default Gauge;
......@@ -19,9 +19,15 @@ export class ThresholdsEditor extends PureComponent<Props, State> {
constructor(props: Props) {
const thresholds: Threshold[] =
props.thresholds.length > 0 ? props.thresholds : [{ index: 0, value: -Infinity, color: colors[0] }];
const addDefaultThreshold = this.props.thresholds.length === 0;
const thresholds: Threshold[] = addDefaultThreshold
? [{ index: 0, value: -Infinity, color: colors[0] }]
: props.thresholds;
this.state = { thresholds };
if (addDefaultThreshold) {
onAddThreshold = (index: number) => {
......@@ -62,7 +68,7 @@ export class ThresholdsEditor extends PureComponent<Props, State> {
() => this.updateGauge()
() => this.onChange()
......@@ -85,7 +91,7 @@ export class ThresholdsEditor extends PureComponent<Props, State> {
thresholds: newThresholds.filter(t => t !== threshold),
() => this.updateGauge()
() => this.onChange()
......@@ -99,7 +105,7 @@ export class ThresholdsEditor extends PureComponent<Props, State> {
const value = isNaN(parsedValue) ? null : parsedValue;
const newThresholds = => {
if (t === threshold) {
if (t === threshold && t.index !== 0) {
t = { ...t, value: value as number };
......@@ -124,11 +130,10 @@ export class ThresholdsEditor extends PureComponent<Props, State> {
thresholds: newThresholds,
() => this.updateGauge()
() => this.onChange()
onChangeBaseColor = (color: string) => this.props.onChange(this.state.thresholds);
onBlur = () => {
this.setState(prevState => {
const sortThresholds = this.sortThresholds([...prevState.thresholds]);
......@@ -139,10 +144,10 @@ export class ThresholdsEditor extends PureComponent<Props, State> {
return { thresholds: sortThresholds };
updateGauge = () => {
onChange = () => {
......@@ -22,3 +22,4 @@ export { Graph } from './Graph/Graph';
export { PanelOptionsGroup } from './PanelOptionsGroup/PanelOptionsGroup';
export { PanelOptionsGrid } from './PanelOptionsGrid/PanelOptionsGrid';
export { ValueMappingsEditor } from './ValueMappingsEditor/ValueMappingsEditor';
export { Gauge } from './Gauge/Gauge';
......@@ -66,3 +66,10 @@ export interface RangeMap extends BaseMap {
from: string;
to: string;
export type ThemeName = 'dark' | 'light';
export enum ThemeNames {
Dark = 'dark',
Light = 'light',
......@@ -21,9 +21,12 @@ export interface TimeSeriesVM {
color: string;
data: TimeSeriesValue[][];
stats: TimeSeriesStats;
allIsNull: boolean;
allIsZero: boolean;
export interface TimeSeriesStats {
[key: string]: number | null;
total: number | null;
max: number | null;
min: number | null;
......@@ -36,8 +39,6 @@ export interface TimeSeriesStats {
range: number | null;
timeStep: number;
count: number;
allIsNull: boolean;
allIsZero: boolean;
export enum NullValueMode {
// Libraries
import _ from 'lodash';
import { colors } from './colors';
// Types
import { TimeSeries, TimeSeriesVMs, NullValueMode, TimeSeriesValue } from '../types';
interface Options {
timeSeries: TimeSeries[];
nullValueMode: NullValueMode;
colorPalette: string[];
export function processTimeSeries({ timeSeries, nullValueMode, colorPalette }: Options): TimeSeriesVMs {
export function processTimeSeries({ timeSeries, nullValueMode }: Options): TimeSeriesVMs {
const vmSeries =, index) => {
const colorIndex = index % colorPalette.length;
const colorIndex = index % colors.length;
const label =;
const result = [];
......@@ -49,8 +50,8 @@ export function processTimeSeries({ timeSeries, nullValueMode, colorPalette }: O
if (typeof currentValue !== 'number') {
if (currentValue !== null && typeof currentValue !== 'number') {
throw {message: 'Time series contains non number values'};
// Due to missing values we could have different timeStep all along the series
......@@ -150,7 +151,9 @@ export function processTimeSeries({ timeSeries, nullValueMode, colorPalette }: O
return {
data: result,
label: label,
color: colorPalette[colorIndex],
color: colors[colorIndex],
stats: {
......@@ -164,8 +167,6 @@ export function processTimeSeries({ timeSeries, nullValueMode, colorPalette }: O
......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import config from 'app/core/config';
import _ from 'lodash';
import coreModule from 'app/core/core_module';
import store from 'app/core/store';
import { ThemeNames, ThemeName } from '@grafana/ui';
export class User {
isGrafanaAdmin: any;
......@@ -59,6 +60,10 @@ export class ContextSrv {
this.sidemenu = !this.sidemenu;
store.set('grafana.sidemenu', this.sidemenu);
getTheme(): ThemeName {
return this.user.lightTheme ? ThemeNames.Light : ThemeNames.Dark;
const contextSrv = new ContextSrv();
......@@ -55,7 +55,6 @@ const mustKeepProps: { [str: string]: boolean } = {
hasRefreshed: true,
events: true,
cacheTimeout: true,
nullPointMode: true,
cachedPluginOptions: true,
transparent: true,
// Libraries
import React, { PureComponent } from 'react';
import { PanelProps, NullValueMode } from '@grafana/ui';
import { getTimeSeriesVMs } from 'app/viz/state/timeSeries';
import Gauge from 'app/viz/Gauge';
// Services & Utils
import { contextSrv } from 'app/core/core';
import { processTimeSeries } from '@grafana/ui';
// Components
import { Gauge } from '@grafana/ui';
// Types
import { GaugeOptions } from './types';
import { PanelProps, NullValueMode } from '@grafana/ui/src/types';
interface Props extends PanelProps<GaugeOptions> {}
export class GaugePanel extends PureComponent<Props> {
render() {
const { timeSeries, width, height, onInterpolate, options } = this.props;
const prefix = onInterpolate(options.prefix);
const suffix = onInterpolate(options.suffix);
const vmSeries = getTimeSeriesVMs({
const vmSeries = processTimeSeries({
timeSeries: timeSeries,
nullValueMode: NullValueMode.Ignore,
nullValueMode: NullValueMode.Null,
return (
......@@ -27,6 +35,7 @@ export class GaugePanel extends PureComponent<Props> {
import React, { PureComponent } from 'react';
import {
......@@ -15,7 +14,6 @@ import { GaugeOptions } from './types';
export const defaultProps = {
options: {
baseColor: BasicGaugeColor.Green,
minValue: 0,
maxValue: 100,
prefix: '',
import { Threshold, ValueMapping } from '@grafana/ui';
export interface GaugeOptions {
baseColor: string;
decimals: number;
valueMappings: ValueMapping[];
maxValue: number;
// Libraries
import _ from 'lodash';
import React, { PureComponent } from 'react';
import { colors } from '@grafana/ui';
// Utils
import { processTimeSeries } from '@grafana/ui/src/utils';
......@@ -23,7 +22,6 @@ export class GraphPanel extends PureComponent<Props> {
const vmSeries = processTimeSeries({
timeSeries: timeSeries,
nullValueMode: NullValueMode.Ignore,
colorPalette: colors,
return (
import React from 'react';
import { shallow } from 'enzyme';
import { BasicGaugeColor, TimeSeriesVMs } from '@grafana/ui';
import { Gauge, Props } from './Gauge';
jest.mock('jquery', () => ({
plot: jest.fn(),
const setup = (propOverrides?: object) => {
const props: Props = {
baseColor: BasicGaugeColor.Green,
maxValue: 100,
valueMappings: [],
minValue: 0,
prefix: '',
showThresholdMarkers: true,
showThresholdLabels: false,
suffix: '',
thresholds: [],
unit: 'none',
stat: 'avg',
height: 300,
width: 300,
timeSeries: {} as TimeSeriesVMs,
decimals: 0,
Object.assign(props, propOverrides);
const wrapper = shallow(<Gauge {...props} />);
const instance = wrapper.instance() as Gauge;
return {
describe('Get font color', () => {
it('should get base color if no threshold', () => {
const { instance } = setup();
it('should be f2f2f2', () => {
const { instance } = setup({
thresholds: [{ value: 59, color: '#f2f2f2' }],
import React, { PureComponent } from 'react';
import $ from 'jquery';
import { BasicGaugeColor, Threshold, TimeSeriesVMs, MappingType, ValueMapping } from '@grafana/ui';
import config from '../core/config';
import kbn from '../core/utils/kbn';
export interface Props {
baseColor: string;
decimals: number;
height: number;
valueMappings: ValueMapping[];
maxValue: number;
minValue: number;
prefix: string;
timeSeries: TimeSeriesVMs;
thresholds: Threshold[];
showThresholdMarkers: boolean;
showThresholdLabels: boolean;
stat: string;
suffix: string;
unit: string;
width: number;
export class Gauge extends PureComponent<Props> {
canvasElement: any;
static defaultProps = {
baseColor: BasicGaugeColor.Green,
maxValue: 100,
valueMappings: [],
minValue: 0,
prefix: '',
showThresholdMarkers: true,
showThresholdLabels: false,
suffix: '',
thresholds: [],
unit: 'none',
stat: 'avg',
componentDidMount() {
componentDidUpdate() {
formatWithMappings(mappings, value) {
const valueMaps = mappings.filter(m => m.type === MappingType.ValueToText);
const rangeMaps = mappings.filter(m => m.type === MappingType.RangeToText);
const valueMap = => {
if (mapping.value && value === mapping.value) {
return mapping.text;
const rangeMap = => {
if (mapping.from && && value > mapping.from && value < {
return mapping.text;
return { rangeMap, valueMap };
formatValue(value) {
const { decimals, valueMappings, prefix, suffix, unit } = this.props;
const formatFunc = kbn.valueFormats[unit];
const formattedValue = formatFunc(value, decimals);
if (valueMappings.length > 0) {
const { rangeMap, valueMap } = this.formatWithMappings(valueMappings, formattedValue);
if (valueMap) {
return `${prefix} ${valueMap} ${suffix}`;
} else if (rangeMap) {
return `${prefix} ${rangeMap} ${suffix}`;
if (isNaN(value)) {
return '-';
return `${prefix} ${formattedValue} ${suffix}`;
getFontColor(value) {
const { baseColor, maxValue, thresholds } = this.props;
if (thresholds.length > 0) {
const atThreshold = thresholds.filter(threshold => value <= threshold.value);
if (atThreshold.length > 0) {
return atThreshold[0].color;
} else if (value <= maxValue) {
return BasicGaugeColor.Red;
return baseColor;
draw() {
const {
} = this.props;
let value: string | number = '';
if (timeSeries[0]) {
value = timeSeries[0].stats[stat];
} else {
value = 'N/A';
const dimension = Math.min(width, height * 1.3);
const backgroundColor = config.bootData.user.lightTheme ? 'rgb(230,230,230)' : 'rgb(38,38,38)';
const fontScale = parseInt('80', 10) / 100;
const fontSize = Math.min(dimension / 5, 100) * fontScale;
const gaugeWidthReduceRatio = showThresholdLabels ? 1.5 : 1;
const gaugeWidth = Math.min(dimension / 6, 60) / gaugeWidthReduceRatio;
const thresholdMarkersWidth = gaugeWidth / 5;
const thresholdLabelFontSize = fontSize / 2.5;
const formattedThresholds = [
{ value: minValue, color: BasicGaugeColor.Green },, index) => {
return {
value: threshold.value,
color: index === 0 ? threshold.color : thresholds[index].color,
{ value: maxValue, color: thresholds.length > 0 ? BasicGaugeColor.Red : baseColor },
const options = {
series: {
gauges: {
gauge: {
min: minValue,
max: maxValue,
background: { color: backgroundColor },
border: { color: null },
shadow: { show: false },
width: gaugeWidth,
frame: { show: false },
label: { show: false },
layout: { margin: 0, thresholdWidth: 0 },
cell: { border: { width: 0 } },
threshold: {
values: formattedThresholds,
label: {
show: showThresholdLabels,
margin: thresholdMarkersWidth + 1,
font: { size: thresholdLabelFontSize },
show: showThresholdMarkers,
width: thresholdMarkersWidth,
value: {
color: this.getFontColor(value),
formatter: () => {
return this.formatValue(value);
font: { size: fontSize, family: '"Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif' },
show: true,
const plotSeries = { data: [[0, value]] };
try {
$.plot(this.canvasElement, [plotSeries], options);
} catch (err) {
console.log('Gauge rendering error', err, options, timeSeries);
render() {
const { height, width } = this.props;
return (
<div className="singlestat-panel">
height: `${height * 0.9}px`,
width: `${Math.min(width, height * 1.3)}px`,
top: '10px',
margin: 'auto',
ref={element => (this.canvasElement = element)}
export default Gauge;
// Libraries
import _ from 'lodash';
// Utils
import { colors } from '@grafana/ui';
// Types
import { TimeSeries, TimeSeriesVMs, NullValueMode } from '@grafana/ui';
interface Options {
timeSeries: TimeSeries[];
nullValueMode: NullValueMode;
export function getTimeSeriesVMs({ timeSeries, nullValueMode }: Options): TimeSeriesVMs {
const vmSeries =, index) => {
const colorIndex = index % colors.length;
const label =;
const result = [];
// stat defaults
let total = 0;
let max = -Number.MAX_VALUE;
let min = Number.MAX_VALUE;
let logmin = Number.MAX_VALUE;
let avg = null;
let current = null;
let first = null;
let delta = 0;
let diff = null;
let range = null;
let timeStep = Number.MAX_VALUE;
let allIsNull = true;
let allIsZero = true;
const ignoreNulls = nullValueMode === NullValueMode.Ignore;
const nullAsZero = nullValueMode === NullValueMode.AsZero;
let currentTime;
let currentValue;
let nonNulls = 0;
let previousTime;
let previousValue = 0;
let previousDeltaUp = true;
for (let i = 0; i < item.datapoints.length; i++) {
currentValue = item.datapoints[i][0];
currentTime = item.datapoints[i][1];
// Due to missing values we could have different timeStep all along the series
// so we have to find the minimum one (could occur with aggregators such as ZimSum)
if (previousTime !== undefined) {
const currentStep = currentTime - previousTime;
if (currentStep < timeStep) {
timeStep = currentStep;
previousTime = currentTime;
if (currentValue === null) {
if (ignoreNulls) {
if (nullAsZero) {
currentValue = 0;
if (currentValue !== null) {
if (_.isNumber(currentValue)) {
total += currentValue;
allIsNull = false;
if (currentValue > max) {
max = currentValue;
if (currentValue < min) {
min = currentValue;
if (first === null) {
first = currentValue;
} else {
if (previousValue > currentValue) {
// counter reset
previousDeltaUp = false;
if (i === item.datapoints.length - 1) {
// reset on last
delta += currentValue;
} else {
if (previousDeltaUp) {
delta += currentValue - previousValue; // normal increment
} else {
delta += currentValue; // account for counter reset
previousDeltaUp = true;
previousValue = currentValue;
if (currentValue < logmin && currentValue > 0) {
logmin = currentValue;
if (currentValue !== 0) {
allIsZero = false;
result.push([currentTime, currentValue]);
if (max === -Number.MAX_VALUE) {
max = null;
if (min === Number.MAX_VALUE) {
min = null;
if (result.length && !allIsNull) {
avg = total / nonNulls;
current = result[result.length - 1][1];
if (current === null && result.length > 1) {
current = result[result.length - 2][1];
if (max !== null && min !== null) {
range = max - min;
if (current !== null && first !== null) {
diff = current - first;
const count = result.length;
return {
data: result,
label: label,
color: colors[colorIndex],
stats: {
return vmSeries;
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