Commit 460847f3 by Hugo Häggmark Committed by GitHub

Panel: shows correct panel menu items in view mode (#24912)

parent bb099cb1
import { PanelModel, DashboardModel } from '../state';
import { DashboardModel, PanelModel } from '../state';
import { getPanelMenu } from './getPanelMenu';
import { describe } from '../../../../test/lib/common';
describe('getPanelMenu', () => {
it('should return the correct panel menu items', () => {
......@@ -69,4 +70,75 @@ describe('getPanelMenu', () => {
describe('when panel is in view mode', () => {
it('should return the correct panel menu items', () => {
const getExtendedMenu = () => [{ text: 'Toggle legend', shortcut: 'p l', click: jest.fn() }];
const ctrl: any = { getExtendedMenu };
const scope: any = { $$childHead: { ctrl } };
const angularComponent: any = { getScope: () => scope };
const panel = new PanelModel({ isViewing: true });
const dashboard = new DashboardModel({});
const menuItems = getPanelMenu(dashboard, panel, angularComponent);
Array [
Object {
"iconClassName": "eye",
"onClick": [Function],
"shortcut": "v",
"text": "View",
Object {
"iconClassName": "edit",
"onClick": [Function],
"shortcut": "e",
"text": "Edit",
Object {
"iconClassName": "share-alt",
"onClick": [Function],
"shortcut": "p s",
"text": "Share",
Object {
"iconClassName": "info-circle",
"onClick": [Function],
"shortcut": "i",
"subMenu": Array [
Object {
"onClick": [Function],
"text": "Panel JSON",
"text": "Inspect",
"type": "submenu",
Object {
"iconClassName": "cube",
"onClick": [Function],
"subMenu": Array [
Object {
"href": undefined,
"onClick": [Function],
"shortcut": "p l",
"text": "Toggle legend",
"text": "More...",
"type": "submenu",
Object {
"type": "divider",
Object {
"iconClassName": "trash-alt",
"onClick": [Function],
"shortcut": "p r",
"text": "Remove",
import { updateLocation } from 'app/core/actions';
import { store } from 'app/store/store';
import { getDataSourceSrv, getLocationSrv, AngularComponent } from '@grafana/runtime';
import { AngularComponent, getDataSourceSrv, getLocationSrv } from '@grafana/runtime';
import { PanelMenuItem } from '@grafana/data';
import { copyPanel, duplicatePanel, removePanel, sharePanel } from 'app/features/dashboard/utils/panel';
import { PanelModel } from 'app/features/dashboard/state/PanelModel';
......@@ -187,12 +187,12 @@ export function getPanelMenu(
if (!panel.isEditing) {
if (!panel.isEditing && subMenu.length) {
type: 'submenu',
text: 'More...',
iconClassName: 'cube',
subMenu: subMenu,
onClick: onMore,
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