Commit 49af12f6 by Torkel Ödegaard

Merge branch 'master' of

parents 901e670d a7be3b91
......@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ your Grafana instance. For example
scopes = user:email,read:org
auth_url =
token_url =
allow_sign_up = false
allow_sign_up = true
# space-delimited organization names
allowed_organizations = github google
......@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ func init() {
func handleGetRegions(req *cwRequest, c *middleware.Context) {
regions := []string{
"ap-northeast-1", "ap-northeast-2", "ap-southeast-1", "ap-southeast-2", "cn-north-1",
"eu-central-1", "eu-west-1", "sa-east-1", "us-east-1", "us-west-1", "us-west-2",
"eu-central-1", "eu-west-1", "sa-east-1", "us-east-1", "us-west-1", "us-west-2", "us-gov-west-1",
result := []interface{}{}
......@@ -9,42 +9,44 @@ func init() {
var (
M_Instance_Start Counter
M_Page_Status_200 Counter
M_Page_Status_500 Counter
M_Page_Status_404 Counter
M_Page_Status_Unknown Counter
M_Api_Status_200 Counter
M_Api_Status_404 Counter
M_Api_Status_500 Counter
M_Api_Status_Unknown Counter
M_Proxy_Status_200 Counter
M_Proxy_Status_404 Counter
M_Proxy_Status_500 Counter
M_Proxy_Status_Unknown Counter
M_Api_User_SignUpStarted Counter
M_Api_User_SignUpCompleted Counter
M_Api_User_SignUpInvite Counter
M_Api_Dashboard_Save Timer
M_Api_Dashboard_Get Timer
M_Api_Dashboard_Search Timer
M_Api_Admin_User_Create Counter
M_Api_Login_Post Counter
M_Api_Login_OAuth Counter
M_Api_Org_Create Counter
M_Api_Dashboard_Snapshot_Create Counter
M_Api_Dashboard_Snapshot_External Counter
M_Api_Dashboard_Snapshot_Get Counter
M_Models_Dashboard_Insert Counter
M_Alerting_Result_State_Alerting Counter
M_Alerting_Result_State_Ok Counter
M_Alerting_Result_State_Paused Counter
M_Alerting_Result_State_NoData Counter
M_Alerting_Result_State_Pending Counter
M_Alerting_Active_Alerts Counter
M_Alerting_Notification_Sent_Slack Counter
M_Alerting_Notification_Sent_Email Counter
M_Alerting_Notification_Sent_Webhook Counter
M_Instance_Start Counter
M_Page_Status_200 Counter
M_Page_Status_500 Counter
M_Page_Status_404 Counter
M_Page_Status_Unknown Counter
M_Api_Status_200 Counter
M_Api_Status_404 Counter
M_Api_Status_500 Counter
M_Api_Status_Unknown Counter
M_Proxy_Status_200 Counter
M_Proxy_Status_404 Counter
M_Proxy_Status_500 Counter
M_Proxy_Status_Unknown Counter
M_Api_User_SignUpStarted Counter
M_Api_User_SignUpCompleted Counter
M_Api_User_SignUpInvite Counter
M_Api_Dashboard_Save Timer
M_Api_Dashboard_Get Timer
M_Api_Dashboard_Search Timer
M_Api_Admin_User_Create Counter
M_Api_Login_Post Counter
M_Api_Login_OAuth Counter
M_Api_Org_Create Counter
M_Api_Dashboard_Snapshot_Create Counter
M_Api_Dashboard_Snapshot_External Counter
M_Api_Dashboard_Snapshot_Get Counter
M_Models_Dashboard_Insert Counter
M_Alerting_Result_State_Alerting Counter
M_Alerting_Result_State_Ok Counter
M_Alerting_Result_State_Paused Counter
M_Alerting_Result_State_NoData Counter
M_Alerting_Result_State_Pending Counter
M_Alerting_Active_Alerts Counter
M_Alerting_Notification_Sent_Slack Counter
M_Alerting_Notification_Sent_Email Counter
M_Alerting_Notification_Sent_Webhook Counter
M_Alerting_Notification_Sent_PagerDuty Counter
// Timers
M_DataSource_ProxyReq_Timer Timer
......@@ -107,6 +109,7 @@ func initMetricVars(settings *MetricSettings) {
M_Alerting_Notification_Sent_Slack = RegCounter("alerting.notifications_sent", "type", "slack")
M_Alerting_Notification_Sent_Email = RegCounter("alerting.notifications_sent", "type", "email")
M_Alerting_Notification_Sent_Webhook = RegCounter("alerting.notifications_sent", "type", "webhook")
M_Alerting_Notification_Sent_PagerDuty = RegCounter("alerting.notifications_sent", "type", "pagerduty")
// Timers
M_DataSource_ProxyReq_Timer = RegTimer("api.dataproxy.request.all")
......@@ -16,14 +16,6 @@ type SendEmailCommandSync struct {
type SendWebhook struct {
Url string
User string
Password string
Body string
HttpMethod string
type SendWebhookSync struct {
Url string
User string
......@@ -62,6 +62,15 @@ func (s *SimpleReducer) Reduce(series *tsdb.TimeSeries) null.Float {
case "count":
value = float64(len(series.Points))
allNull = false
case "last":
points := series.Points
for i := len(points) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if points[i][0].Valid {
value = points[i][0].Float64
allNull = false
if allNull {
......@@ -35,6 +35,12 @@ func TestSimpleReducer(t *testing.T) {
result := testReducer("count", 1, 2, 3000)
So(result, ShouldEqual, float64(3))
Convey("last", func() {
result := testReducer("last", 1, 2, 3000)
So(result, ShouldEqual, float64(3000))
package notifiers
import (
m ""
func init() {
alerting.RegisterNotifier("pagerduty", NewPagerdutyNotifier)
var (
pagerdutyEventApiUrl string = ""
func NewPagerdutyNotifier(model *m.AlertNotification) (alerting.Notifier, error) {
key := model.Settings.Get("integrationKey").MustString()
if key == "" {
return nil, alerting.ValidationError{Reason: "Could not find integration key property in settings"}
return &PagerdutyNotifier{
NotifierBase: NewNotifierBase(model.Id, model.IsDefault, model.Name, model.Type, model.Settings),
Key: key,
log: log.New("alerting.notifier.pagerduty"),
}, nil
type PagerdutyNotifier struct {
Key string
log log.Logger
func (this *PagerdutyNotifier) Notify(evalContext *alerting.EvalContext) error {
this.log.Info("Notifying Pagerduty")
if evalContext.Rule.State == m.AlertStateAlerting {
bodyJSON := simplejson.New()
bodyJSON.Set("service_key", this.Key)
bodyJSON.Set("description", evalContext.Rule.Name+" - "+evalContext.Rule.Message)
bodyJSON.Set("client", "Grafana")
bodyJSON.Set("event_type", "trigger")
ruleUrl, err := evalContext.GetRuleUrl()
if err != nil {
this.log.Error("Failed get rule link", "error", err)
return err
bodyJSON.Set("client_url", ruleUrl)
if evalContext.ImagePublicUrl != "" {
var contexts []interface{}
imageJSON := simplejson.New()
imageJSON.Set("type", "image")
imageJSON.Set("src", evalContext.ImagePublicUrl)
contexts[0] = imageJSON
bodyJSON.Set("contexts", contexts)
body, _ := bodyJSON.MarshalJSON()
cmd := &m.SendWebhookSync{
Url: pagerdutyEventApiUrl,
Body: string(body),
HttpMethod: "POST",
if err := bus.Dispatch(cmd); err != nil {
this.log.Error("Failed to send notification to Pagerduty", "error", err, "body", string(body))
} else {
this.log.Info("Not sending a trigger to Pagerduty", "state", evalContext.Rule.State)
return nil
package notifiers
import (
m ""
. ""
func TestPagerdutyNotifier(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Pagerduty notifier tests", t, func() {
Convey("Parsing alert notification from settings", func() {
Convey("empty settings should return error", func() {
json := `{ }`
settingsJSON, _ := simplejson.NewJson([]byte(json))
model := &m.AlertNotification{
Name: "pageduty_testing",
Type: "pagerduty",
Settings: settingsJSON,
_, err := NewPagerdutyNotifier(model)
So(err, ShouldNotBeNil)
Convey("settings should trigger incident", func() {
json := `
"integrationKey": "abcdefgh0123456789"
settingsJSON, _ := simplejson.NewJson([]byte(json))
model := &m.AlertNotification{
Name: "pagerduty_testing",
Type: "pagerduty",
Settings: settingsJSON,
not, err := NewPagerdutyNotifier(model)
pagerdutyNotifier := not.(*PagerdutyNotifier)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(pagerdutyNotifier.Name, ShouldEqual, "pagerduty_testing")
So(pagerdutyNotifier.Type, ShouldEqual, "pagerduty")
So(pagerdutyNotifier.Key, ShouldEqual, "abcdefgh0123456789")
......@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ func Init() error {
bus.AddCtxHandler("email", sendEmailCommandHandlerSync)
bus.AddHandler("webhook", sendWebhook)
bus.AddCtxHandler("webhook", SendWebhookSync)
......@@ -69,18 +68,6 @@ func SendWebhookSync(ctx context.Context, cmd *m.SendWebhookSync) error {
func sendWebhook(cmd *m.SendWebhook) error {
Url: cmd.Url,
User: cmd.User,
Password: cmd.Password,
Body: cmd.Body,
HttpMethod: cmd.HttpMethod,
return nil
func subjectTemplateFunc(obj map[string]interface{}, value string) string {
obj["value"] = value
return ""
......@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ var reducerTypes = [
{text: 'max()', value: 'max'},
{text: 'sum()' , value: 'sum'},
{text: 'count()', value: 'count'},
{text: 'last()', value: 'last'},
var noDataModes = [
......@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ export class AlertListCtrl {
{text: 'OK', value: 'ok'},
{text: 'Alerting', value: 'alerting'},
{text: 'No Data', value: 'no_data'},
{text: 'Execution Error', value: 'execution_error'},
filters = {
......@@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ export class AlertTabCtrl {
case "email": return "fa fa-envelope";
case "slack": return "fa fa-slack";
case "webhook": return "fa fa-cubes";
case "pagerduty": return "fa fa-bullhorn";
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
<div class="gf-form">
<span class="gf-form-label width-12">Type</span>
<div class="gf-form-select-wrapper width-15">
<select class="gf-form-input" ng-model="ctrl.model.type" ng-options="t for t in ['webhook', 'email', 'slack']" ng-change="ctrl.typeChanged(notification, $index)">
<select class="gf-form-input" ng-model="ctrl.model.type" ng-options="t for t in ['webhook', 'email', 'slack', 'pagerduty']" ng-change="ctrl.typeChanged(notification, $index)">
......@@ -97,6 +97,14 @@
<div class="gf-form-group" ng-if="ctrl.model.type === 'pagerduty'">
<h3 class="page-heading">Pagerduty settings</h3>
<div class="gf-form">
<span class="gf-form-label width-12">Integration Key</span>
<input type="text" required class="gf-form-input max-width-30" ng-model="ctrl.model.settings.integrationKey" placeholder="Pagerduty integeration Key"></input>
<div class="gf-form-group">
<div class="gf-form-inline">
<div class="gf-form width-6">
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
<div class="gf-form">
<label class="gf-form-label width-13">Default Region</label>
<div class="gf-form-select-wrapper max-width-18 gf-form-select-wrapper--has-help-icon">
<select class="gf-form-input" ng-model="ctrl.current.jsonData.defaultRegion" ng-options="region for region in ['ap-northeast-1', 'ap-northeast-2', 'ap-southeast-1', 'ap-southeast-2', 'ap-south-1', 'cn-north-1', 'eu-central-1', 'eu-west-1', 'sa-east-1', 'us-east-1', 'us-east-2', 'us-west-1', 'us-west-2']"></select>
<select class="gf-form-input" ng-model="ctrl.current.jsonData.defaultRegion" ng-options="region for region in ['ap-northeast-1', 'ap-northeast-2', 'ap-southeast-1', 'ap-southeast-2', 'ap-south-1', 'cn-north-1', 'eu-central-1', 'eu-west-1', 'sa-east-1', 'us-east-1', 'us-east-2', 'us-gov-west-1', 'us-west-1', 'us-west-2']"></select>
<info-popover mode="right-absolute">
Specify the region, such as for US West (Oregon) use ` us-west-2 ` as the region.
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