Commit 4a2a2b16 by Ryan McKinley Committed by GitHub

Query: make queryType a top level property (#23412)

parent 4a3399e9
......@@ -370,6 +370,11 @@ export interface DataQueryResponse {
state?: LoadingState;
* These are the common properties avaliable to all queries in all datasources
* Specific implementations will extend this interface adding the required properties
* for the given context
export interface DataQuery {
* A - Z
......@@ -377,7 +382,7 @@ export interface DataQuery {
refId: string;
* true if query is disabled (ie not executed / sent to TSDB)
* true if query is disabled (ie should not be returned to the dashboard)
hide?: boolean;
......@@ -387,6 +392,11 @@ export interface DataQuery {
key?: string;
* Specify the query flavor
queryType?: string;
* For mixed data sources the selected datasource is on the query level.
* For non mixed scenarios this is undefined.
......@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ import { DataQuery, DataSourceJsonData, DataSourceSettings } from '@grafana/data
export type AzureDataSourceSettings = DataSourceSettings<AzureDataSourceJsonData, AzureDataSourceSecureJsonData>;
export interface AzureMonitorQuery extends DataQuery {
refId: string;
format: string;
subscription: string;
azureMonitor: AzureMetricQuery;
......@@ -78,8 +78,7 @@ export interface SLOQuery {
export interface StackdriverQuery extends DataQuery {
datasourceId?: number;
refId: string;
datasourceId?: number; // Should not be necessary anymore
queryType: QueryType;
metricQuery: MetricQuery;
sloQuery?: SLOQuery;
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