Commit 4d18bda2 by Ivana Huckova Committed by GitHub

Prometheus: Fix recording rules expansion (#24977)

* First pass solution

* Refactor solution

* Add test coverage, update tests

* Fix behaviour for multiple labels, add test for this

* Add recordin rules to devenv prometheus

* Update devenv/prometheus2 instead of devenv/prometheus

* Add newlines

* Fix label matching if labels include comma, add test coverage

* Refactor

* Refactor, simplify
parent 4f1bbdfc
FROM prom/prometheus:v2.7.2
ADD prometheus.yml /etc/prometheus/
ADD alert.rules /etc/prometheus/
ADD recording.yml /etc/prometheus/
ADD alert.yml /etc/prometheus/
# Alert Rules
ALERT AppCrash
IF process_open_fds > 0
FOR 15s
LABELS { severity="critical" }
summary = "Number of open fds > 0",
description = "Just testing"
- name: ALERT
- alert: AppCrash
expr: process_open_fds > 0
for: 15s
severity: critical
summary: Number of open fds > 0
description: Just testing
......@@ -5,17 +5,17 @@ global:
# scrape_timeout is set to the global default (10s).
# Load and evaluate rules in this file every 'evaluation_interval' seconds.
# - "alert.rules"
# - "first.rules"
- "alert.yml"
- "recording.yml"
# - "second.rules"
# alerting:
# alertmanagers:
# - scheme: http
# static_configs:
# - targets:
# - ""
- scheme: http
- targets:
- "alertmanager:9093"
- job_name: 'prometheus'
- record: instance_path:requests:rate5m
expr: rate(prometheus_http_requests_total{job="prometheus"}[5m])
- record: path:requests:rate5m
expr: sum without (instance)(instance_path:requests:rate5m{job="prometheus"})
- record: instance_path:reloads_failures:rate5m
expr: rate(prometheus_tsdb_reloads_failures_total{job="prometheus"}[5m])
- record: instance_path:reloads:rate5m
expr: rate(prometheus_tsdb_reloads_total{job="prometheus"}[5m])
- record: instance_path:request_failures_per_requests:ratio_rate5m
expr: |2
......@@ -117,4 +117,27 @@ describe('expandRecordingRules()', () => {
expect(expandRecordingRules('metric[]', { metric: 'foo' })).toBe('foo[]');
expect(expandRecordingRules('metric + foo', { metric: 'foo', foo: 'bar' })).toBe('foo + bar');
it('returns query with labels with expanded recording rules', () => {
expandRecordingRules('metricA{label1="value1"} / metricB{label2="value2"}', { metricA: 'fooA', metricB: 'fooB' })
).toBe('fooA{label1="value1"} / fooB{label2="value2"}');
expandRecordingRules('metricA{label1="value1",label2="value,2"}', {
metricA: 'rate(fooA[])',
expandRecordingRules('metricA{label1="value1"} / metricB{label2="value2"}', {
metricA: 'rate(fooA[])',
metricB: 'rate(fooB[])',
).toBe('rate(fooA{label1="value1"}[])/ rate(fooB{label2="value2"}[])');
expandRecordingRules('metricA{label1="value1",label2="value2"} / metricB{label3="value3"}', {
metricA: 'rate(fooA[])',
metricB: 'rate(fooB[])',
).toBe('rate(fooA{label1="value1",label2="value2"}[])/ rate(fooB{label3="value3"}[])');
import { PromMetricsMetadata } from './types';
import { addLabelToQuery } from './add_label_to_query';
export const RATE_RANGES = ['1m', '5m', '10m', '30m', '1h'];
......@@ -111,7 +112,47 @@ export function parseSelector(query: string, cursorOffset = 1): { labelKeys: any
export function expandRecordingRules(query: string, mapping: { [name: string]: string }): string {
const ruleNames = Object.keys(mapping);
const rulesRegex = new RegExp(`(\\s|^)(${ruleNames.join('|')})(\\s|$|\\(|\\[|\\{)`, 'ig');
return query.replace(rulesRegex, (match, pre, name, post) => `${pre}${mapping[name]}${post}`);
const expandedQuery = query.replace(rulesRegex, (match, pre, name, post) => `${pre}${mapping[name]}${post}`);
// Split query into array, so if query uses operators, we can correctly add labels to each individual part.
const queryArray = expandedQuery.split(/(\+|\-|\*|\/|\%|\^)/);
// Regex that matches occurences of ){ or }{ or ]{ which is a sign of incorrecly added labels.
const invalidLabelsRegex = /(\)\{|\}\{|\]\{)/;
const correctlyExpandedQueryArray = => {
let expression = query;
if (expression.match(invalidLabelsRegex)) {
expression = addLabelsToExpression(expression, invalidLabelsRegex);
return expression;
return correctlyExpandedQueryArray.join('');
function addLabelsToExpression(expr: string, invalidLabelsRegexp: RegExp) {
// Split query into 2 parts - before the invalidLabelsRegex match and after.
const indexOfRegexMatch = expr.match(invalidLabelsRegexp).index;
const exprBeforeRegexMatch = expr.substr(0, indexOfRegexMatch + 1);
const exprAfterRegexMatch = expr.substr(indexOfRegexMatch + 1);
// Create arrayOfLabelObjects with label objects that have key, operator and value.
const arrayOfLabelObjects: Array<{ key: string; operator: string; value: string }> = [];
exprAfterRegexMatch.replace(labelRegexp, (label, key, operator, value) => {
arrayOfLabelObjects.push({ key, operator, value });
return '';
// Loop trough all of the label objects and add them to query.
// As a starting point we have valid query without the labels.
let result = exprBeforeRegexMatch;
arrayOfLabelObjects.filter(Boolean).forEach(obj => {
// Remove extra set of quotes from obj.value
const value = obj.value.substr(1, obj.value.length - 2);
result = addLabelToQuery(result, obj.key, value, obj.operator);
return result;
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