Commit 4d214f5a by Andrej Ocenas Committed by GitHub

Loki: Remove param (#19854)

parent b37444f3
......@@ -173,10 +173,6 @@ export class LokiDatasource extends DataSourceApi<LokiQuery, LokiOptions> {
* This returns a bit different dataFrame than runQueries as it returns single dataframe even if there are multiple
* Loki streams, sets only common labels on dataframe.labels and has additional dataframe.fields.labels for unique
* labels per row.
* @param options
* @param observer Callback that will be called with new data. Is optional but only because we run this function
* even if there are no live targets defined in the options which would mean this is noop and observer is not called.
runLiveQuery = (options: DataQueryRequest<LokiQuery>, target: LokiQuery): Observable<DataQueryResponse> => {
const liveTarget = this.prepareLiveTarget(target, options);
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