Commit 504b7861 by Emil Tullstedt Committed by GitHub

Setting: Add docs for option variable expansion (#25508)

Docs for #25075
parent 9421ae93
......@@ -82,6 +82,44 @@ export GF_AUTH_GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET=newS3cretKey
## Variable expansion
> Only available in Grafana 7.1+.
If any of your options contains the expression `$__<provider>{<argument>}`
or `${<environment variable>}`, then they will be processed by Grafana's
variable expander. The expander runs the provider with the provided argument
to get the final value of the option.
There are two providers: `env` and `file`.
### Env provider
The `env` provider can be used to expand an environment variable. If you
set an option to `$__env{PORT}` the `PORT` environment variable will be
used in its place. For environment variables you can also use the
short-hand syntax `${PORT}`.
Grafana's log directory would be set to the `grafana` directory in the
directory behind the `LOGDIR` environment variable in the following
logs = $__env{LOGDIR}/grafana
### File provider
`file` reads a file from the filesystem. It trims whitespace from the
beginning and the end of files.
The database password in the following example would be replaced by
the content of the `/etc/secrets/gf_sql_password` file:
password = $__file{/etc/secrets/gf_sql_password}
> For any changes to `conf/grafana.ini` (or corresponding environment variables) to take effect, you must restart Grafana for the changes to take effect.
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