Commit 52a501c2 by Torkel Ödegaard Committed by GitHub

DateFormatting: Use system date by default in display processor (#27699)

parent 6e80c229
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import { Field, FieldConfig, FieldType, GrafanaTheme, Threshold, ThresholdsMode
import { getScaleCalculator, sortThresholds } from './scale';
import { ArrayVector } from '../vector';
import { validateFieldConfig } from './fieldOverrides';
import { systemDateFormats } from '../datetime';
function getDisplayProcessorFromConfig(config: FieldConfig) {
return getDisplayProcessor({
......@@ -293,6 +294,23 @@ describe('Date display options', () => {
it('Should use system date format by default', () => {
const currentFormat = systemDateFormats.fullDate;
systemDateFormats.fullDate = 'YYYY-MM';
const processor = getDisplayProcessor({
timeZone: 'utc',
field: {
type: FieldType.time,
config: {},
systemDateFormats.fullDate = currentFormat;
it('should handle ISO string dates', () => {
const processor = getDisplayProcessor({
timeZone: 'utc',
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ export function getDisplayProcessor(options?: DisplayProcessorOptions): DisplayP
let hasDateUnit = unit && (timeFormats[unit] || unit.startsWith('time:'));
if (field.type === FieldType.time && !hasDateUnit) {
unit = `dateTimeAsIso`;
unit = `dateTimeAsSystem`;
hasDateUnit = true;
......@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import {
} from './dateTimeFormatters';
import { toHex, sci, toHex0x, toPercent, toPercentUnit } from './arithmeticFormatters';
import { binaryPrefix, currency, SIPrefix } from './symbolFormatters';
......@@ -184,6 +185,7 @@ export const getCategories = (): ValueFormatCategory[] => [
{ name: 'Datetime US', id: 'dateTimeAsUS', fn: dateTimeAsUS },
{ name: 'Datetime US (No date if today)', id: 'dateTimeAsUSNoDateIfToday', fn: dateTimeAsUSNoDateIfToday },
{ name: 'Datetime local', id: 'dateTimeAsLocal', fn: getDateTimeAsLocalFormat() },
{ name: 'Datetime default', id: 'dateTimeAsSystem', fn: dateTimeSystemFormatter },
{ name: 'From Now', id: 'dateTimeFromNow', fn: dateTimeFromNow },
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import { toDuration as duration, toUtc, dateTime } from '../datetime/moment_wrap
import { toFixed, toFixedScaled, FormattedValue, ValueFormatter } from './valueFormats';
import { DecimalCount } from '../types/displayValue';
import { TimeZone } from '../types';
import { dateTimeFormat, dateTimeFormatTimeAgo, localTimeFormat } from '../datetime';
import { dateTimeFormat, dateTimeFormatTimeAgo, localTimeFormat, systemDateFormats } from '../datetime';
interface IntervalsInSeconds {
[interval: string]: number;
......@@ -383,6 +383,15 @@ export function getDateTimeAsLocalFormat() {
export function dateTimeSystemFormatter(
value: number,
decimals: DecimalCount,
scaledDecimals: DecimalCount,
timeZone?: TimeZone
): FormattedValue {
return { text: dateTimeFormat(value, { format: systemDateFormats.fullDate, timeZone }) };
export function dateTimeFromNow(
value: number,
decimals: DecimalCount,
......@@ -66,6 +66,19 @@ const formatTests: ValueFormatTest[] = [
// Time format
{ id: 'time:YYYY', decimals: 0, value: dateTime(new Date(1999, 6, 2)).valueOf(), result: '1999' },
{ id: 'time:YYYY.MM', decimals: 0, value: dateTime(new Date(2010, 6, 2)).valueOf(), result: '2010.07' },
{ id: 'dateTimeAsIso', decimals: 0, value: dateTime(new Date(2010, 6, 2)).valueOf(), result: '2010-07-02 00:00:00' },
id: 'dateTimeAsUS',
decimals: 0,
value: dateTime(new Date(2010, 6, 2)).valueOf(),
result: '07/02/2010 12:00:00 am',
id: 'dateTimeAsSystem',
decimals: 0,
value: dateTime(new Date(2010, 6, 2)).valueOf(),
result: '2010-07-02 00:00:00',
describe('valueFormats', () => {
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