Commit 530e1b35 by bergquist

Merge branch 'master' into adrianlzt-bug/show_multiple_tags_with_influxdb

parents ce4e7136 5ec7dea8
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......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import (
func TestSimpleReducer(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Test simple reducer by calculating", t, func() {
Convey("sum", func() {
result := testReducer("sum", 1, 2, 3)
So(result, ShouldEqual, float64(6))
......@@ -175,17 +175,17 @@ function (angular, _, coreModule) {
// Foreach keys in label (split on +)
for (var i = 0, l = keys.length; k = keys[i], i < l; i++) {
switch (k) {
case 'ctrl':
case 'control':
modifiers.ctrl.wanted = true;
case 'shift':
case 'alt':
case 'meta':
modifiers[k].wanted = true;
case 'ctrl':
case 'control':
modifiers.ctrl.wanted = true;
case 'shift':
case 'alt':
case 'meta':
modifiers[k].wanted = true;
if (k.length > 1) { // If it is a special key
......@@ -16,95 +16,95 @@ function($, _) {
kbn.round_interval = function(interval) {
switch (true) {
// 0.015s
case (interval <= 15):
return 10; // 0.01s
// 0.035s
case (interval <= 35):
return 20; // 0.02s
// 0.075s
case (interval <= 75):
return 50; // 0.05s
// 0.15s
case (interval <= 150):
return 100; // 0.1s
// 0.35s
case (interval <= 350):
return 200; // 0.2s
// 0.75s
case (interval <= 750):
return 500; // 0.5s
// 1.5s
case (interval <= 1500):
return 1000; // 1s
// 3.5s
case (interval <= 3500):
return 2000; // 2s
// 7.5s
case (interval <= 7500):
return 5000; // 5s
// 12.5s
case (interval <= 12500):
return 10000; // 10s
// 17.5s
case (interval <= 17500):
return 15000; // 15s
// 25s
case (interval <= 25000):
return 20000; // 20s
// 45s
case (interval <= 45000):
return 30000; // 30s
// 1.5m
case (interval <= 90000):
return 60000; // 1m
// 3.5m
case (interval <= 210000):
return 120000; // 2m
// 7.5m
case (interval <= 450000):
return 300000; // 5m
// 12.5m
case (interval <= 750000):
return 600000; // 10m
// 12.5m
case (interval <= 1050000):
return 900000; // 15m
// 25m
case (interval <= 1500000):
return 1200000; // 20m
// 45m
case (interval <= 2700000):
return 1800000; // 30m
// 1.5h
case (interval <= 5400000):
return 3600000; // 1h
// 2.5h
case (interval <= 9000000):
return 7200000; // 2h
// 4.5h
case (interval <= 16200000):
return 10800000; // 3h
// 9h
case (interval <= 32400000):
return 21600000; // 6h
// 24h
case (interval <= 86400000):
return 43200000; // 12h
// 48h
case (interval <= 172800000):
return 86400000; // 24h
// 1w
case (interval <= 604800000):
return 86400000; // 24h
// 3w
case (interval <= 1814400000):
return 604800000; // 1w
// 2y
case (interval < 3628800000):
return 2592000000; // 30d
return 31536000000; // 1y
// 0.015s
case (interval <= 15):
return 10; // 0.01s
// 0.035s
case (interval <= 35):
return 20; // 0.02s
// 0.075s
case (interval <= 75):
return 50; // 0.05s
// 0.15s
case (interval <= 150):
return 100; // 0.1s
// 0.35s
case (interval <= 350):
return 200; // 0.2s
// 0.75s
case (interval <= 750):
return 500; // 0.5s
// 1.5s
case (interval <= 1500):
return 1000; // 1s
// 3.5s
case (interval <= 3500):
return 2000; // 2s
// 7.5s
case (interval <= 7500):
return 5000; // 5s
// 12.5s
case (interval <= 12500):
return 10000; // 10s
// 17.5s
case (interval <= 17500):
return 15000; // 15s
// 25s
case (interval <= 25000):
return 20000; // 20s
// 45s
case (interval <= 45000):
return 30000; // 30s
// 1.5m
case (interval <= 90000):
return 60000; // 1m
// 3.5m
case (interval <= 210000):
return 120000; // 2m
// 7.5m
case (interval <= 450000):
return 300000; // 5m
// 12.5m
case (interval <= 750000):
return 600000; // 10m
// 12.5m
case (interval <= 1050000):
return 900000; // 15m
// 25m
case (interval <= 1500000):
return 1200000; // 20m
// 45m
case (interval <= 2700000):
return 1800000; // 30m
// 1.5h
case (interval <= 5400000):
return 3600000; // 1h
// 2.5h
case (interval <= 9000000):
return 7200000; // 2h
// 4.5h
case (interval <= 16200000):
return 10800000; // 3h
// 9h
case (interval <= 32400000):
return 21600000; // 6h
// 24h
case (interval <= 86400000):
return 43200000; // 12h
// 48h
case (interval <= 172800000):
return 86400000; // 24h
// 1w
case (interval <= 604800000):
return 86400000; // 24h
// 3w
case (interval <= 1814400000):
return 604800000; // 1w
// 2y
case (interval < 3628800000):
return 2592000000; // 30d
return 31536000000; // 1y
......@@ -650,7 +650,7 @@ function($, _) {
size *= kbn.intervals_in_seconds[units.find(function(e) { return e.long === timeScale; }).short] * 1000;
var string = [];
// after first value >= 1 print only $decimals more
// after first value >= 1 print only $decimals more
var decrementDecimals = false;
for (var i = 0; i < units.length && decimals >= 0; i++) {
var interval = kbn.intervals_in_seconds[units[i].short] * 1000;
......@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ export class SubmenuCtrl {
private $location) {
this.annotations = this.dashboard.templating.list;
this.variables = this.variableSrv.variables;
annotationStateChanged() {
......@@ -89,8 +89,10 @@ function (angular, _, moment, kbn, ElasticQueryBuilder, IndexPattern, ElasticRes
"bool": {
"must": [
{ "range": range },
{ "query_string": {
"query": queryInterpolated }
"query_string": {
"query": queryInterpolated
......@@ -135,9 +135,10 @@ function (queryDef) {
"bool": {
"must": [
{"range": this.getRangeFilter()},
{"query_string": {
"analyze_wildcard": true,
"query": '$lucene_query'
"query_string": {
"analyze_wildcard": true,
"query": '$lucene_query'
......@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ export class AxesEditorCtrl {
this.xAxisStatOptions = [
{text: 'Avg', value: 'avg'},
{text: 'Min', value: 'min'},
{text: 'Max', value: 'min'},
{text: 'Max', value: 'max'},
{text: 'Total', value: 'total'},
{text: 'Count', value: 'count'},
{text: 'Current', value: 'current'},
......@@ -130,14 +130,8 @@ export class DataProcessor {
let fields = [];
var firstItem = dataList[0];
if (firstItem.type === 'docs'){
if (firstItem.datapoints.length === 0) {
return [];
let fieldParts = [];
function getPropertiesRecursive(obj) {
let fieldParts = [];
function getPropertiesRecursive(obj) {
_.forEach(obj, (value, key) => {
if (_.isObject(value)) {
......@@ -150,8 +144,11 @@ export class DataProcessor {
if (firstItem.type === 'docs'){
if (firstItem.datapoints.length === 0) {
return [];
return fields;
......@@ -166,7 +163,7 @@ export class DataProcessor {
return [
{text: 'Avg', value: 'avg'},
{text: 'Min', value: 'min'},
{text: 'Max', value: 'min'},
{text: 'Max', value: 'max'},
{text: 'Total', value: 'total'},
{text: 'Count', value: 'count'},
......@@ -6,11 +6,11 @@ module.exports = function(grunt) {
......@@ -16,13 +16,13 @@ module.exports = function(grunt) {
grunt.registerTask('default', [
grunt.registerTask('test', ['default', 'karma:test', 'no-only-tests']);
module.exports = function(config) {
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experimentalDecorators: true,
sourceMap: true,
noImplicitAny: false,
// build2: {
// src: ['public/app/alerting#<{(||)}>#*.ts'],
// dest: 'public/.app_gen/alerting/all.js',
// options: {
// target: 'es5', //or es3
// declaration: true,
// sourceMap: true,
// }
// },
watch: {
src: ['public/app/**/*.ts'],
dest: 'public/app_gen',
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module: 'amd', //or commonjs
target: 'es5', //or es3
rootDir: 'public/app',
declaration: true,
sourceMap: true,
watch: true,
......@@ -64,8 +64,8 @@ module.exports = function(config, grunt) {
grunt.config('', filepath);
grunt.config('tslint.source.files.src', filepath);'typescript:build');'tslint');'exec:tscompile');'exec:tslint');
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