Commit 541cd2e4 by Torkel Ödegaard

Dashboard snapshot: more work on snapshot deletion, and saving external reference, #1623

parent 4322f29f
......@@ -13,14 +13,19 @@ import (
func CreateDashboardSnapshot(c *middleware.Context, cmd m.CreateDashboardSnapshotCommand) {
cmd.Key = util.GetRandomString(32)
cmd.DeleteKey = util.GetRandomString(32)
if cmd.External {
// external snapshot ref requires key and delete key
if cmd.Key != "" && cmd.DeleteKey != "" {
c.JsonApiErr(400, "Missing key and delete key for external snapshot", nil)
cmd.OrgId = -1
cmd.UserId = -1
} else {
cmd.Key = util.GetRandomString(32)
cmd.DeleteKey = util.GetRandomString(32)
cmd.OrgId = c.OrgId
cmd.UserId = c.UserId
......@@ -78,5 +83,5 @@ func DeleteDashboardSnapshot(c *middleware.Context) {
c.JSON(200, util.DynMap{"message": "Snapshot deleted. It might take an hour before it is cleared from a CDN cache."})
c.JSON(200, util.DynMap{"message": "Snapshot deleted. It might take an hour before it's cleared from a CDN cache."})
......@@ -24,15 +24,16 @@ type DashboardSnapshot struct {
type CreateDashboardSnapshotCommand struct {
Dashboard map[string]interface{} `json:"dashboard" binding:"Required"`
External bool `json:"external"`
ExternalUrl string `json:"externalUrl"`
Expires int64 `json:"expires"`
OrgId int64 `json:"-"`
UserId int64 `json:"-"`
Key string `json:"-"`
DeleteKey string `json:"-"`
Dashboard map[string]interface{} `json:"dashboard" binding:"Required"`
Expires int64 `json:"expires"`
// these are passed when storing an external snapshot ref
External bool `json:"external"`
Key string `json:"key"`
DeleteKey string `json:"deleteKey"`
OrgId int64 `json:"-"`
UserId int64 `json:"-"`
Result *DashboardSnapshot
......@@ -24,16 +24,15 @@ func CreateDashboardSnapshot(cmd *m.CreateDashboardSnapshotCommand) error {
snapshot := &m.DashboardSnapshot{
Key: cmd.Key,
DeleteKey: cmd.DeleteKey,
OrgId: cmd.OrgId,
UserId: cmd.UserId,
External: cmd.External,
ExternalUrl: cmd.ExternalUrl,
Dashboard: cmd.Dashboard,
Expires: expires,
Created: time.Now(),
Updated: time.Now(),
Key: cmd.Key,
DeleteKey: cmd.DeleteKey,
OrgId: cmd.OrgId,
UserId: cmd.UserId,
External: cmd.External,
Dashboard: cmd.Dashboard,
Expires: expires,
Created: time.Now(),
Updated: time.Now(),
_, err := sess.Insert(snapshot)
......@@ -29,6 +29,9 @@ function (angular, _) {
{text: 'Public on the web', value: 3},
$scope.externalUrl = '';
$scope.apiUrl = '/api/snapshots';
$scope.createSnapshot = function(external) {
$scope.dashboard.snapshot = {
timestamp: new Date()
......@@ -71,21 +74,18 @@ function (angular, _) {
var cmdData = {
dashboard: dash,
external: external === true,
expires: $scope.snapshot.expires,
var apiUrl = '/api/snapshots/';
if (external) {
apiUrl = "";
var postUrl = external ? $scope.externalUrl + $scope.apiUrl : $scope.apiUrl;, cmdData).then(function(results) {, cmdData).then(function(results) {
$scope.loading = false;
if (external) {
$scope.deleteUrl = results.deleteUrl;
$scope.snapshotUrl = results.url;
$scope.saveExternalSnapshotRef(cmdData, results);
} else {
var baseUrl = $location.absUrl().replace($location.url(), "");
$scope.snapshotUrl = baseUrl + '/dashboard/snapshot/' + results.key;
......@@ -98,6 +98,14 @@ function (angular, _) {
$scope.saveExternalSnapshotRef = function(cmdData, results) {
// save external in local instance as well
cmdData.external = true;
cmdData.key = results.key;
cmdData.delete_key = results.delete_key;'/api/snapshots/', cmdData);
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