Commit 58c65616 by Rashid Khan

Closes #17

parent ff98f464
......@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ define([
<div ng-controller='pie' ng-init="init()">
.pieLabel { pointer-events: none }
<div ng-show="panel.legend == 'above'" ng-repeat="query in legend" style="float:left;padding-left: 10px;">
<span ng-show="panel.chart != 'none'"><i class="icon-circle" ng-style="{color:query.color}"></i></span><span class="small"> {{query.label}} ({{[0][1]}}) </span></span>
<div ng-controller='terms' ng-init="init()">
.pieLabel { pointer-events: none }
<!-- START Pie or bar chart -->
<div ng-show="panel.counter_pos == 'above' && (panel.chart == 'bar' || panel.chart == 'pie')" id='{{$id}}-legend'>
<!-- vertical legend above -->
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