Commit 5ae1dfa3 by Kornkitt Poolsup

dark = light

parent e9844d5e
......@@ -30,3 +30,7 @@ INFO: Unsupported notification method: $/setTraceNotification
2021.04.28 13:46:39 INFO time: initialize in 4.4s
2021.04.28 13:46:47 WARN Build server is not auto-connectable.
2021.04.28 13:46:47 WARN no build tool detected in workspace 'D:\Installation\Grafana\fordevonly\grafana'. The most common cause for this problem is that the editor was opened in the wrong working directory, for example if you use sbt then the workspace directory should contain build.sbt. 
2021.04.29 11:16:50 INFO Started: Metals version 0.10.2 in workspace 'D:\Installation\Grafana\fordevonly\grafana' for client vscode 1.55.2.
2021.04.29 11:16:54 INFO time: initialize in 3.98s
2021.04.29 11:17:41 WARN Build server is not auto-connectable.
2021.04.29 11:17:41 WARN no build tool detected in workspace 'D:\Installation\Grafana\fordevonly\grafana'. The most common cause for this problem is that the editor was opened in the wrong working directory, for example if you use sbt then the workspace directory should contain build.sbt. 
......@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
* Do not modify this file!
* - Edit grafana-ui/src/themes/light.ts to regenerate
* - Edit grafana-ui/src/themes/_variable.light.scss.tmpl.ts to update template
* - Edit grafana-ui/src/themes/dark.ts to regenerate
* - Edit grafana-ui/src/themes/_variables.dark.scss.tmpl.ts to update template
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
// Global values
// --------------------------------------------------
$theme-name: light;
$theme-name: dark;
// New Colors
// -------------------------
......@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ $red: $red-base;
$yellow: #ff851b;
$orange: #ff7941;
$purple: #9954bb;
$variable: #0083b3;
$variable: #007580;
// NEXPIE Custom Colors
$blue-1: #3180cf;
......@@ -63,28 +63,28 @@ $brand-warning: #ff7941;
$brand-danger: #e02f44;
$query-red: #e02f44;
$query-green: #3eb15b;
$query-purple: #9954bb;
$query-green: #74e680;
$query-purple: #fe85fc;
$query-orange: #ff7941;
$query-keyword: #3274d9;
$query-keyword: #66d9ef;
// Status colors
// -------------------------
$online: #369b4f;
$online: #3eb15b;
$warn: #f79520;
$critical: #c4162a;
$critical: #e02f44;
// Scaffolding
// -------------------------
$body-bg: #f7f8fa;
$page-bg: #f7f8fa;
$body-bg: #41444b;
$page-bg: #41444b;
$body-color: #52545c;
$text-color: #52545c;
$text-color-strong: #41444b;
$body-color: #c7d0d9;
$text-color: #c7d0d9;
$text-color-strong: #ffffff;
$text-color-weak: #767980;
$text-color-faint: #35373f;
$text-color-emphasis: #41444b;
$text-color-faint: #41444b;
$text-color-emphasis: #dde4ed;
$text-shadow-faint: none;
......@@ -96,14 +96,14 @@ $edit-gradient: linear-gradient(-60deg, $gray-7, #f5f6f9 70%, $gray-7 98%);
// Links
// -------------------------
$link-color: #52545c;
$link-color-disabled: #acb6bf;
$link-hover-color: #1e2028;
$external-link-color: #5794f2;
$link-color: #c7d0d9;
$link-color-disabled: #767980;
$link-hover-color: #ffffff;
$external-link-color: #0083b3;
// Typography
// -------------------------
$headings-color: #52545c;
$headings-color: #c7d0d9;
$abbr-border-color: $gray-2 !default;
$text-muted: $text-color-weak;
......@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ $hr-border-color: $gray-4 !default;
// Panel
// -------------------------
$panel-bg: #ffffff;
$panel-bg: #35373f;
$panel-border: solid 1px $gray-5;
$panel-header-hover-bg: $gray-6;
$panel-corner: $gray-4;
......@@ -159,8 +159,8 @@ $table-bg-hover: $gray-5;
// Buttons
// -------------------------
$btn-primary-bg: #3180cf;
$btn-primary-bg-hl: #3180cf;
$btn-primary-bg: #3eb15b;
$btn-primary-bg-hl: #369b4f;
$btn-secondary-bg: $blue-base;
$btn-secondary-bg-hl: $blue-shade;
......@@ -248,9 +248,9 @@ $navbar-button-border: $gray-4;
// Sidemenu
// -------------------------
$side-menu-bg: #3180cf;
$side-menu-bg: #1e2028;
$side-menu-bg-mobile: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); //$gray-6;
$side-menu-item-hover-bg: #0960ca;
$side-menu-item-hover-bg: #52545c;
$side-menu-shadow: 5px 0px 10px -5px $gray-1;
$side-menu-link-color: $gray-6;
......@@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ $variable-option-bg: $dropdownLinkBackgroundHover;
$switch-bg: $white;
$switch-slider-color: $gray-7;
$switch-slider-off-bg: $gray-5;
$switch-slider-on-bg: linear-gradient(90deg, #3080ce, #0960ca);
$switch-slider-on-bg: linear-gradient(90deg, #ff9830, #e55400);
$switch-slider-shadow: 0 0 3px $dark-2;
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