Commit 5c72e4e6 by Johannes Schill

fix: Use custom whitelist for XSS sanitizer to allow class and style attributes

parent 909d8907
......@@ -44,9 +44,25 @@ export function findMatchesInText(haystack: string, needle: string): TextMatch[]
return matches;
const XSSWL = Object.keys(xss.whiteList).reduce((acc, element) => {
acc[element] = xss.whiteList[element].concat(['class', 'style']);
return acc;
}, {});
const sanitizeXSS = new xss.FilterXSS({
whiteList: XSSWL
* Returns string safe from XSS attacks.
* Even though we allow the style-attribute, there's still default filtering applied to it
* Info:
* Whitelist:
export function sanitize (unsanitizedString: string): string {
try {
return xss(unsanitizedString);
return sanitizeXSS.process(unsanitizedString);
} catch (error) {
console.log('String could not be sanitized', unsanitizedString);
return unsanitizedString;
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