Commit 5cf0fb49 by Leonard Gram Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #13402 from bergquist/alert_notifier_reminder

alerting: move all notification conditions to defaultShouldNotify
parents 8b5aefae b04052f5
......@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ type GetLatestNotificationQuery struct {
AlertId int64
NotifierId int64
Result *AlertNotificationJournal
Result []AlertNotificationJournal
type CleanNotificationJournalCommand struct {
......@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ func (n *notificationService) sendNotifications(evalContext *EvalContext, notifi
// Verify that we can send the notification again
// but this time within the same transaction.
if !evalContext.IsTestRun && !not.ShouldNotify(context.Background(), evalContext) {
if !evalContext.IsTestRun && !not.ShouldNotify(ctx, evalContext) {
return nil
......@@ -42,12 +42,21 @@ func NewNotifierBase(model *models.AlertNotification) NotifierBase {
func defaultShouldNotify(context *alerting.EvalContext, sendReminder bool, frequency time.Duration, lastNotify time.Time) bool {
func defaultShouldNotify(context *alerting.EvalContext, sendReminder bool, frequency time.Duration, journals []models.AlertNotificationJournal) bool {
// Only notify on state change.
if context.PrevAlertState == context.Rule.State && !sendReminder {
return false
// get last successfully sent notification
lastNotify := time.Time{}
for _, j := range journals {
if j.Success {
lastNotify = time.Unix(j.SentAt, 0)
// Do not notify if interval has not elapsed
if sendReminder && !lastNotify.IsZero() && lastNotify.Add(frequency).After(time.Now()) {
return false
......@@ -75,20 +84,12 @@ func (n *NotifierBase) ShouldNotify(ctx context.Context, c *alerting.EvalContext
err := bus.DispatchCtx(ctx, cmd)
if err == models.ErrJournalingNotFound {
return true
if err != nil {
n.log.Error("Could not determine last time alert notifier fired", "Alert name", c.Rule.Name, "Error", err)
return false
if !cmd.Result.Success {
return true
return defaultShouldNotify(c, n.SendReminder, n.Frequency, time.Unix(cmd.Result.SentAt, 0))
return defaultShouldNotify(c, n.SendReminder, n.Frequency, cmd.Result)
func (n *NotifierBase) GetType() string {
......@@ -15,51 +15,105 @@ import (
func TestShouldSendAlertNotification(t *testing.T) {
tnow := time.Now()
tcs := []struct {
name string
prevState m.AlertStateType
newState m.AlertStateType
expected bool
sendReminder bool
frequency time.Duration
journals []m.AlertNotificationJournal
expect bool
name: "pending -> ok should not trigger an notification",
newState: m.AlertStatePending,
prevState: m.AlertStateOK,
expected: false,
name: "pending -> ok should not trigger an notification",
newState: m.AlertStatePending,
prevState: m.AlertStateOK,
sendReminder: false,
journals: []m.AlertNotificationJournal{},
expect: false,
name: "ok -> alerting should trigger an notification",
newState: m.AlertStateOK,
prevState: m.AlertStateAlerting,
expected: true,
name: "ok -> alerting should trigger an notification",
newState: m.AlertStateOK,
prevState: m.AlertStateAlerting,
sendReminder: false,
journals: []m.AlertNotificationJournal{},
expect: true,
name: "ok -> pending should not trigger an notification",
newState: m.AlertStateOK,
prevState: m.AlertStatePending,
expected: false,
name: "ok -> pending should not trigger an notification",
newState: m.AlertStateOK,
prevState: m.AlertStatePending,
sendReminder: false,
journals: []m.AlertNotificationJournal{},
expect: false,
name: "ok -> ok should not trigger an notification",
newState: m.AlertStateOK,
prevState: m.AlertStateOK,
expected: false,
sendReminder: false,
journals: []m.AlertNotificationJournal{},
expect: false,
name: "ok -> alerting should not trigger an notification",
name: "ok -> alerting should trigger an notification",
newState: m.AlertStateOK,
prevState: m.AlertStateAlerting,
expected: true,
sendReminder: true,
journals: []m.AlertNotificationJournal{},
expect: true,
name: "ok -> ok with reminder should not trigger an notification",
newState: m.AlertStateOK,
prevState: m.AlertStateOK,
expected: false,
sendReminder: true,
journals: []m.AlertNotificationJournal{},
expect: false,
name: "alerting -> alerting with reminder and no journaling should trigger",
newState: m.AlertStateAlerting,
prevState: m.AlertStateAlerting,
frequency: time.Minute * 10,
sendReminder: true,
journals: []m.AlertNotificationJournal{},
expect: true,
name: "alerting -> alerting with reminder and successful recent journal event should not trigger",
newState: m.AlertStateAlerting,
prevState: m.AlertStateAlerting,
frequency: time.Minute * 10,
sendReminder: true,
journals: []m.AlertNotificationJournal{
{SentAt: tnow.Add(-time.Minute).Unix(), Success: true},
expect: false,
name: "alerting -> alerting with reminder and failed recent journal event should trigger",
newState: m.AlertStateAlerting,
prevState: m.AlertStateAlerting,
frequency: time.Minute * 10,
sendReminder: true,
expect: true,
journals: []m.AlertNotificationJournal{
{SentAt: tnow.Add(-time.Minute).Unix(), Success: false}, // recent failed notification
{SentAt: tnow.Add(-time.Hour).Unix(), Success: true}, // old successful notification
......@@ -69,8 +123,8 @@ func TestShouldSendAlertNotification(t *testing.T) {
evalContext.Rule.State = tc.prevState
if defaultShouldNotify(evalContext, true, 0, time.Now()) != tc.expected {
t.Errorf("failed %s. expected %+v to return %v",, tc, tc.expected)
if defaultShouldNotify(evalContext, true, tc.frequency, tc.journals) != tc.expect {
t.Errorf("failed test %s.\n expected \n%+v \nto return: %v",, tc, tc.expect)
......@@ -87,16 +141,6 @@ func TestShouldNotifyWhenNoJournalingIsFound(t *testing.T) {
evalContext := alerting.NewEvalContext(context.TODO(), &alerting.Rule{})
Convey("should notify if no journaling is found", func() {
bus.AddHandlerCtx("", func(ctx context.Context, q *m.GetLatestNotificationQuery) error {
return m.ErrJournalingNotFound
if !notifier.ShouldNotify(context.Background(), evalContext) {
t.Errorf("should send notifications when ErrJournalingNotFound is returned")
Convey("should not notify query returns error", func() {
bus.AddHandlerCtx("", func(ctx context.Context, q *m.GetLatestNotificationQuery) error {
return errors.New("some kind of error unknown error")
......@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ func UpdateAlertNotification(cmd *m.UpdateAlertNotificationCommand) error {
func RecordNotificationJournal(ctx context.Context, cmd *m.RecordNotificationJournalCommand) error {
return inTransactionCtx(ctx, func(sess *DBSession) error {
return withDbSession(ctx, func(sess *DBSession) error {
journalEntry := &m.AlertNotificationJournal{
OrgId: cmd.OrgId,
AlertId: cmd.AlertId,
......@@ -245,21 +245,19 @@ func RecordNotificationJournal(ctx context.Context, cmd *m.RecordNotificationJou
func GetLatestNotification(ctx context.Context, cmd *m.GetLatestNotificationQuery) error {
return inTransactionCtx(ctx, func(sess *DBSession) error {
nj := &m.AlertNotificationJournal{}
return withDbSession(ctx, func(sess *DBSession) error {
nj := []m.AlertNotificationJournal{}
_, err := sess.Desc("alert_notification_journal.sent_at").
Where("alert_notification_journal.org_id = ? AND alert_notification_journal.alert_id = ? AND alert_notification_journal.notifier_id = ?", cmd.OrgId, cmd.AlertId, cmd.NotifierId).Get(nj)
err := sess.Desc("alert_notification_journal.sent_at").
Where("alert_notification_journal.org_id = ?", cmd.OrgId).
Where("alert_notification_journal.alert_id = ?", cmd.AlertId).
Where("alert_notification_journal.notifier_id = ?", cmd.NotifierId).
if err != nil {
return err
if nj.AlertId == 0 && nj.Id == 0 && nj.NotifierId == 0 && nj.OrgId == 0 {
return m.ErrJournalingNotFound
cmd.Result = nj
return nil
......@@ -15,16 +15,21 @@ func TestAlertNotificationSQLAccess(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Alert notification journal", func() {
var alertId int64 = 5
var alertId int64 = 7
var orgId int64 = 5
var notifierId int64 = 5
var notifierId int64 = 10
Convey("Getting last journal should raise error if no one exists", func() {
query := &m.GetLatestNotificationQuery{AlertId: alertId, OrgId: orgId, NotifierId: notifierId}
err := GetLatestNotification(context.Background(), query)
So(err, ShouldEqual, m.ErrJournalingNotFound)
GetLatestNotification(context.Background(), query)
So(len(query.Result), ShouldEqual, 0)
Convey("shoulbe be able to record two journaling events", func() {
// recording an journal entry in another org to make sure org filter works as expected.
journalInOtherOrg := &m.RecordNotificationJournalCommand{AlertId: alertId, NotifierId: notifierId, OrgId: 10, Success: true, SentAt: 1}
err := RecordNotificationJournal(context.Background(), journalInOtherOrg)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
Convey("should be able to record two journaling events", func() {
createCmd := &m.RecordNotificationJournalCommand{AlertId: alertId, NotifierId: notifierId, OrgId: orgId, Success: true, SentAt: 1}
err := RecordNotificationJournal(context.Background(), createCmd)
......@@ -38,17 +43,20 @@ func TestAlertNotificationSQLAccess(t *testing.T) {
Convey("get last journaling event", func() {
err := GetLatestNotification(context.Background(), query)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(query.Result.SentAt, ShouldEqual, 1001)
So(len(query.Result), ShouldEqual, 2)
last := query.Result[0]
So(last.SentAt, ShouldEqual, 1001)
Convey("be able to clear all journaling for an notifier", func() {
cmd := &m.CleanNotificationJournalCommand{AlertId: alertId, NotifierId: notifierId, OrgId: orgId}
err := CleanNotificationJournal(context.Background(), cmd)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
Convey("querying for last junaling should raise error", func() {
Convey("querying for last journaling should return no journal entries", func() {
query := &m.GetLatestNotificationQuery{AlertId: alertId, OrgId: orgId, NotifierId: notifierId}
err := GetLatestNotification(context.Background(), query)
So(err, ShouldEqual, m.ErrJournalingNotFound)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(len(query.Result), ShouldEqual, 0)
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