Commit 5eb5f2cb by Rashid Khan

map panel documentation

parent bc558733
## Map
LOL. Should this even be documented? Zach's map panel is going to ruin this one.
For serious. This shades a map of the world, the US or Europe with the number of
events that match the query. Uses 2 letter country codes and nothing else. This uses
a terms facet. Its probably safe as long as you point it at the right field. Nach.
There's no way to query sequentially here, so I'm going to hit them all at once!
### Parameters
* query :: A single query string, not and array. This panel can only handle one
query at a time.
* map :: 'world', 'us' or 'europe'
* colors :: an array of colors to use for the regions of the map. If this is a 2
element array, jquerymap will generate shades between these colors
* size :: How big to make the facet. Higher = more countries
* exclude :: Exlude the array of counties
* spyable :: Show the 'eye' icon that reveals the last ES query
* index_limit :: This does nothing yet. Eventually will limit the query to the first
N indices
### Group Events
#### Sends
* get_time :: On panel initialization get time range to query
#### Receives
* time :: An object containing the time range to use and the index(es) to query
* query :: An Array of queries, even if its only one
angular.module('', [])
.controller('map', function($scope, eventBus) {
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