Commit 61bbe280 by praveensastry

Remove duplicate labels in the datasource query

parent c1fd2e55
......@@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ function addLabelToSelector(selector: string, labelKey: string, labelValue: stri
// Sort labels by key and put them together
return _.chain(parsedLabels)
.map(({ key, operator, value }) => `${key}${operator}${value}`)
......@@ -40,4 +40,19 @@ describe('addLabelToQuery()', () => {
'foo{bar="baz",x="yy"} * metric{a="bb",bar="baz",y="zz"} * metric2{bar="baz"}'
it('should not add duplicate labels to aquery', () => {
expect(addLabelToQuery(addLabelToQuery('foo{x="yy"}', 'bar', 'baz', '!='), 'bar', 'baz', '!=')).toBe(
expect(addLabelToQuery(addLabelToQuery('rate(metric[1m])', 'foo', 'bar'), 'foo', 'bar')).toBe(
expect(addLabelToQuery(addLabelToQuery('foo{list="a,b,c"}', 'bar', 'baz'), 'bar', 'baz')).toBe(
expect(addLabelToQuery(addLabelToQuery('avg(foo) + sum(xx_yy)', 'bar', 'baz'), 'bar', 'baz')).toBe(
'avg(foo{bar="baz"}) + sum(xx_yy{bar="baz"})'
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