Commit 6375418d by Torkel Ödegaard

Merge branch 'alerting' into grafana-annotations

parents 4a2f2fba 1264a1b3
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
* **SingleStat**: Add seriename as option in singlestat panel, closes [#4740](
* **Localization**: Week start day now dependant on browser locale setting, closes [#3003](
* **Templating**: Update panel repeats for variables that change on time refresh, closes [#5021](
* **Templating**: Add support for numeric and alphabetical sorting of variable values, closes [#2839](
* **Elasticsearch**: Support to set Precision Threshold for Unique Count metric, closes [#4689](
* **Navigation**: Add search to org swithcer, closes [#2609](
* **Database**: Allow database config using one propertie, closes [#5456](
......@@ -15,6 +16,9 @@
### Breaking changes
* **SystemD**: Change systemd description, closes [#5971](
### Bugfixes
* **Table Panel**: Fixed problem when switching to Mixed datasource in metrics tab, fixes [#5999](
# 3.1.2 (unreleased)
* **Templating**: Fixed issue when combining row & panel repeats, fixes [#5790](
* **Drag&Drop**: Fixed issue with drag and drop in latest Chrome(51+), fixes [#5767](
......@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ host = ""
port = 389
# Set to true if ldap server supports TLS
use_ssl = false
# Set to true if connect ldap server with STARTTLS pattern (create connection in insecure, then upgrade to secure connection with TLS)
start_tls = false
# set to true if you want to skip ssl cert validation
ssl_skip_verify = false
# set to the path to your root CA certificate or leave unset to use system defaults
......@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ pages:
- ['installation/', 'Installation', 'Performance Tips']
- ['installation/', 'Installation', 'Troubleshooting']
- ['installation/', 'Installation', 'Migrating from v1.x to v2.x']
- ['installation/', 'Installation', 'Grafana behind reverse proxy']
- ['guides/', 'User Guides', 'Basic Concepts']
- ['guides/', 'User Guides', 'Getting Started']
page_title: Running Grafana behind a reverse proxy
page_description: Guide for running Grafana behind a reverse proxy
page_keywords: Grafana, reverse proxy, nginx, haproxy
# Running Grafana behind a reverse proxy
It should be straight forward to get Grafana up and running behind a reverse proxy. But here are some things that you might run into.
Links and redirects will not be rendered correctly unless you set the server.domain setting.
domain =
To use sub *path* ex `` make sure to include `/grafana` in the end of root_url.
Otherwise Grafana will not behave correctly. See example below.
# Examples
Here are some example configurations for running Grafana behind a reverse proxy.
## Grafana configuration (ex
domain =
## Nginx configuration
server {
listen 80;
root /usr/share/nginx/www;
index index.html index.htm;
location / {
proxy_pass http://localhost:3000/;
# Examples with **sub path** (ex
## Grafana configuration with sub path
domain =
root_url = %(protocol)s://%(domain)s:/grafana
## Nginx configuration with sub path
server {
listen 80;
root /usr/share/nginx/www;
index index.html index.htm;
location /grafana/ {
proxy_pass http://localhost:3000/;
......@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ host = ""
port = 389
# Set to true if ldap server supports TLS
use_ssl = false
# Set to true if connect ldap server with STARTTLS pattern (create connection in insecure, then upgrade to secure connection with TLS)
start_tls = false
# set to true if you want to skip ssl cert validation
ssl_skip_verify = false
# set to the path to your root CA certificate or leave unset to use system defaults
......@@ -69,7 +69,10 @@ func init() {
"HbaseBackupFailed", "MostRecentBackupDuration", "TimeSinceLastSuccessfulBackup"},
"AWS/ES": {"", "ClusterStatus.yellow", "", "Nodes", "SearchableDocuments", "DeletedDocuments", "CPUUtilization", "FreeStorageSpace", "JVMMemoryPressure", "AutomatedSnapshotFailure", "MasterCPUUtilization", "MasterFreeStorageSpace", "MasterJVMMemoryPressure", "ReadLatency", "WriteLatency", "ReadThroughput", "WriteThroughput", "DiskQueueLength", "ReadIOPS", "WriteIOPS"},
"AWS/Events": {"Invocations", "FailedInvocations", "TriggeredRules", "MatchedEvents", "ThrottledRules"},
"AWS/Firehose": {"DeliveryToElasticsearch.Bytes", "DeliveryToElasticsearch.Records", "DeliveryToElasticsearch.Success", "DeliveryToRedshift.Bytes", "DeliveryToRedshift.Records", "DeliveryToRedshift.Success", "DeliveryToS3.Bytes", "DeliveryToS3.DataFreshness", "DeliveryToS3.Records", "DeliveryToS3.Success", "IncomingBytes", "IncomingRecords", "DescribeDeliveryStream.Latency", "DescribeDeliveryStream.Requests", "ListDeliveryStreams.Latency", "ListDeliveryStreams.Requests", "PutRecord.Bytes", "PutRecord.Latency", "PutRecord.Requests", "PutRecordBatch.Bytes", "PutRecordBatch.Latency", "PutRecordBatch.Records", "PutRecordBatch.Requests", "UpdateDeliveryStream.Latency", "UpdateDeliveryStream.Requests"},
"AWS/IoT": {"PublishIn.Success", "PublishOut.Success", "Subscribe.Success", "Ping.Success", "Connect.Success", "GetThingShadow.Accepted"},
"AWS/Kinesis": {"GetRecords.Bytes", "GetRecords.IteratorAge", "GetRecords.IteratorAgeMilliseconds", "GetRecords.Latency", "GetRecords.Records", "GetRecords.Success", "IncomingBytes", "IncomingRecords", "PutRecord.Bytes", "PutRecord.Latency", "PutRecord.Success", "PutRecords.Bytes", "PutRecords.Latency", "PutRecords.Records", "PutRecords.Success", "ReadProvisionedThroughputExceeded", "WriteProvisionedThroughputExceeded", "IteratorAgeMilliseconds", "OutgoingBytes", "OutgoingRecords"},
"AWS/KinesisAnalytics": {"Bytes", "MillisBehindLatest", "Records", "Success"},
"AWS/Lambda": {"Invocations", "Errors", "Duration", "Throttles"},
"AWS/Logs": {"IncomingBytes", "IncomingLogEvents", "ForwardedBytes", "ForwardedLogEvents", "DeliveryErrors", "DeliveryThrottling"},
"AWS/ML": {"PredictCount", "PredictFailureCount"},
......@@ -86,6 +89,7 @@ func init() {
"ActivityTaskScheduleToCloseTime", "ActivityTaskScheduleToStartTime", "ActivityTaskStartToCloseTime", "ActivityTasksCanceled", "ActivityTasksCompleted", "ActivityTasksFailed", "ScheduledActivityTasksTimedOutOnClose", "ScheduledActivityTasksTimedOutOnStart", "StartedActivityTasksTimedOutOnClose", "StartedActivityTasksTimedOutOnHeartbeat"},
"AWS/WAF": {"AllowedRequests", "BlockedRequests", "CountedRequests"},
"AWS/WorkSpaces": {"Available", "Unhealthy", "ConnectionAttempt", "ConnectionSuccess", "ConnectionFailure", "SessionLaunchTime", "InSessionLatency", "SessionDisconnect"},
"KMS": {"SecondsUntilKeyMaterialExpiration"},
dimensionsMap = map[string][]string{
"AWS/ApiGateway": {"ApiName", "Method", "Resource", "Stage"},
......@@ -106,7 +110,10 @@ func init() {
"AWS/ElasticMapReduce": {"ClusterId", "JobFlowId", "JobId"},
"AWS/ES": {"ClientId", "DomainName"},
"AWS/Events": {"RuleName"},
"AWS/Firehose": {},
"AWS/IoT": {"Protocol"},
"AWS/Kinesis": {"StreamName", "ShardID"},
"AWS/KinesisAnalytics": {"Flow", "Id", "Application"},
"AWS/Lambda": {"FunctionName", "Resource", "Version", "Alias"},
"AWS/Logs": {"LogGroupName", "DestinationType", "FilterName"},
"AWS/ML": {"MLModelId", "RequestMode"},
......@@ -121,6 +128,7 @@ func init() {
"AWS/SWF": {"Domain", "WorkflowTypeName", "WorkflowTypeVersion", "ActivityTypeName", "ActivityTypeVersion"},
"AWS/WAF": {"Rule", "WebACL"},
"AWS/WorkSpaces": {"DirectoryId", "WorkspaceId"},
"KMS": {"KeyId"},
customMetricsMetricsMap = make(map[string]map[string]map[string]*CustomMetricsCache)
......@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import (
......@@ -88,10 +87,8 @@ func ApiError(status int, message string, err error) *NormalResponse {
switch status {
case 404:
data["message"] = "Not Found"
case 500:
data["message"] = "Internal Server Error"
......@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ func newMacaron() *macaron.Macaron {
return m
......@@ -48,7 +48,16 @@ func (a *ldapAuther) Dial() error {
ServerName: host,
RootCAs: certPool,
if a.server.StartTLS {
a.conn, err = ldap.Dial("tcp", address)
if err == nil {
if err = a.conn.StartTLS(tlsCfg); err == nil {
return nil
} else {
a.conn, err = ldap.DialTLS("tcp", address, tlsCfg)
} else {
a.conn, err = ldap.Dial("tcp", address)
......@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ type LdapServerConf struct {
Host string `toml:"host"`
Port int `toml:"port"`
UseSSL bool `toml:"use_ssl"`
StartTLS bool `toml:"start_tls"`
SkipVerifySSL bool `toml:"ssl_skip_verify"`
RootCACert string `toml:"root_ca_cert"`
BindDN string `toml:"bind_dn"`
......@@ -13,8 +13,15 @@ var (
M_Page_Status_200 Counter
M_Page_Status_500 Counter
M_Page_Status_404 Counter
M_Api_Status_500 Counter
M_Page_Status_Unknown Counter
M_Api_Status_200 Counter
M_Api_Status_404 Counter
M_Api_Status_500 Counter
M_Api_Status_Unknown Counter
M_Proxy_Status_200 Counter
M_Proxy_Status_404 Counter
M_Proxy_Status_500 Counter
M_Proxy_Status_Unknown Counter
M_Api_User_SignUpStarted Counter
M_Api_User_SignUpCompleted Counter
M_Api_User_SignUpInvite Counter
......@@ -54,9 +61,17 @@ func initMetricVars(settings *MetricSettings) {
M_Page_Status_200 = RegCounter("page.resp_status", "code", "200")
M_Page_Status_500 = RegCounter("page.resp_status", "code", "500")
M_Page_Status_404 = RegCounter("page.resp_status", "code", "404")
M_Page_Status_Unknown = RegCounter("page.resp_status", "code", "unknown")
M_Api_Status_500 = RegCounter("api.resp_status", "code", "500")
M_Api_Status_200 = RegCounter("api.resp_status", "code", "200")
M_Api_Status_404 = RegCounter("api.resp_status", "code", "404")
M_Api_Status_500 = RegCounter("api.resp_status", "code", "500")
M_Api_Status_Unknown = RegCounter("api.resp_status", "code", "unknown")
M_Proxy_Status_200 = RegCounter("proxy.resp_status", "code", "200")
M_Proxy_Status_404 = RegCounter("proxy.resp_status", "code", "404")
M_Proxy_Status_500 = RegCounter("proxy.resp_status", "code", "500")
M_Proxy_Status_Unknown = RegCounter("proxy.resp_status", "code", "unknown")
M_Api_User_SignUpStarted = RegCounter("api.user.signup_started")
M_Api_User_SignUpCompleted = RegCounter("api.user.signup_completed")
......@@ -49,9 +49,9 @@ func Logger() macaron.Handler {
if ctx, ok := c.Data["ctx"]; ok {
ctxTyped := ctx.(*Context)
if status == 500 {
ctxTyped.Logger.Error("Request Completed", "method", req.Method, "path", req.URL.Path, "status", status, "remote_addr", c.RemoteAddr(), "time_ns", timeTakenMs, "size", rw.Size())
ctxTyped.Logger.Error("Request Completed", "method", req.Method, "path", req.URL.Path, "status", status, "remote_addr", c.RemoteAddr(), "time_ms", timeTakenMs, "size", rw.Size())
} else {
ctxTyped.Logger.Info("Request Completed", "method", req.Method, "path", req.URL.Path, "status", status, "remote_addr", c.RemoteAddr(), "time_ns", timeTakenMs, "size", rw.Size())
ctxTyped.Logger.Info("Request Completed", "method", req.Method, "path", req.URL.Path, "status", status, "remote_addr", c.RemoteAddr(), "time_ms", timeTakenMs, "size", rw.Size())
......@@ -208,15 +208,6 @@ func (ctx *Context) Handle(status int, title string, err error) {
switch status {
case 200:
case 404:
case 500:
ctx.Data["Title"] = title
ctx.HTML(status, strconv.Itoa(status))
......@@ -243,10 +234,8 @@ func (ctx *Context) JsonApiErr(status int, message string, err error) {
switch status {
case 404:
resp["message"] = "Not Found"
case 500:
resp["message"] = "Internal Server Error"
package middleware
import (
func RequestMetrics() macaron.Handler {
return func(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, c *macaron.Context) {
rw := res.(macaron.ResponseWriter)
status := rw.Status()
if strings.HasPrefix(req.RequestURI, "/api/datasources/proxy") {
} else if strings.HasPrefix(req.RequestURI, "/api/") {
} else {
func countApiRequests(status int) {
switch status {
case 200:
case 404:
case 500:
func countPageRequests(status int) {
switch status {
case 200:
case 404:
case 500:
func countProxyRequests(status int) {
switch status {
case 200:
case 404:
case 500:
package models
// type AlertState struct {
// Id int64 `json:"-"`
// OrgId int64 `json:"-"`
// AlertId int64 `json:"alertId"`
// State string `json:"state"`
// Created time.Time `json:"created"`
// Info string `json:"info"`
// TriggeredAlerts *simplejson.Json `json:"triggeredAlerts"`
// }
// func (this *UpdateAlertStateCommand) IsValidState() bool {
// for _, v := range alertstates.ValidStates {
// if this.State == v {
// return true
// }
// }
// return false
// }
// // Commands
// type UpdateAlertStateCommand struct {
// AlertId int64 `json:"alertId" binding:"Required"`
// OrgId int64 `json:"orgId" binding:"Required"`
// State string `json:"state" binding:"Required"`
// Info string `json:"info"`
// Result *Alert
// }
// // Queries
// type GetAlertsStateQuery struct {
// OrgId int64 `json:"orgId" binding:"Required"`
// AlertId int64 `json:"alertId" binding:"Required"`
// Result *[]AlertState
// }
// type GetLastAlertStateQuery struct {
// AlertId int64
// OrgId int64
// Result *AlertState
// }
......@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ func (c *QueryCondition) Eval(context *alerting.EvalContext) {
emptySerieCount := 0
for _, series := range seriesList {
reducedValue := c.Reducer.Reduce(series)
evalMatch := c.Evaluator.Eval(reducedValue)
......@@ -55,13 +56,14 @@ func (c *QueryCondition) Eval(context *alerting.EvalContext) {
context.Firing = evalMatch
// handle no data scenario
if reducedValue == nil {
context.NoDataFound = true
context.NoDataFound = emptySerieCount == len(seriesList)
context.Firing = len(context.EvalMatches) > 0
func (c *QueryCondition) executeQuery(context *alerting.EvalContext) (tsdb.TimeSeriesSlice, error) {
......@@ -59,6 +59,45 @@ func TestQueryCondition(t *testing.T) {
So(ctx.result.Error, ShouldBeNil)
So(ctx.result.Firing, ShouldBeFalse)
Convey("Should fire if only first serie matches", func() {
one := float64(120)
two := float64(0)
ctx.series = tsdb.TimeSeriesSlice{
tsdb.NewTimeSeries("test1", [][2]*float64{{&one, &two}}),
tsdb.NewTimeSeries("test2", [][2]*float64{{&two, &two}}),
So(ctx.result.Error, ShouldBeNil)
So(ctx.result.Firing, ShouldBeTrue)
Convey("Empty series", func() {
Convey("Should set NoDataFound both series are empty", func() {
ctx.series = tsdb.TimeSeriesSlice{
tsdb.NewTimeSeries("test1", [][2]*float64{}),
tsdb.NewTimeSeries("test2", [][2]*float64{}),
So(ctx.result.Error, ShouldBeNil)
So(ctx.result.NoDataFound, ShouldBeTrue)
Convey("Should not set NoDataFound if one serie is empty", func() {
one := float64(120)
two := float64(0)
ctx.series = tsdb.TimeSeriesSlice{
tsdb.NewTimeSeries("test1", [][2]*float64{}),
tsdb.NewTimeSeries("test2", [][2]*float64{{&one, &two}}),
So(ctx.result.Error, ShouldBeNil)
So(ctx.result.NoDataFound, ShouldBeFalse)
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ type DefaultEvalHandler struct {
func NewEvalHandler() *DefaultEvalHandler {
return &DefaultEvalHandler{
log: log.New("alerting.evalHandler"),
alertJobTimeout: time.Second * 5,
alertJobTimeout: time.Second * 10,
......@@ -29,9 +29,9 @@ func (e *DefaultEvalHandler) Eval(context *EvalContext) {
select {
case <-time.After(e.alertJobTimeout):
context.Error = fmt.Errorf("Timeout")
context.Error = fmt.Errorf("Execution timed out after %v", e.alertJobTimeout)
context.EndTime = time.Now()
e.log.Debug("Job Execution timeout", "alertId", context.Rule.Id)
e.log.Debug("Job Execution timeout", "alertId", context.Rule.Id, "timeout setting", e.alertJobTimeout)
case <-context.DoneChan:
e.log.Debug("Job Execution done", "timeMs", context.GetDurationMs(), "alertId", context.Rule.Id, "firing", context.Firing)
......@@ -45,10 +45,10 @@ func (e *DefaultEvalHandler) Eval(context *EvalContext) {
func (e *DefaultEvalHandler) retry(context *EvalContext) {
e.log.Debug("Retrying eval exeuction", "alertId", context.Rule.Id)
if context.RetryCount > MaxRetries {
if context.RetryCount < MaxRetries {
context.DoneChan = make(chan bool, 1)
context.CancelChan = make(chan bool, 1)
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ func GetDataSourceByName(query *m.GetDataSourceByNameQuery) error {
func GetDataSources(query *m.GetDataSourcesQuery) error {
sess := x.Limit(100, 0).Where("org_id=?", query.OrgId).Asc("name")
sess := x.Limit(1000, 0).Where("org_id=?", query.OrgId).Asc("name")
query.Result = make([]*m.DataSource, 0)
return sess.Find(&query.Result)
package graphite
import (
......@@ -15,10 +16,6 @@ import (
var (
HttpClient = http.Client{Timeout: time.Duration(10 * time.Second)}
type GraphiteExecutor struct {
......@@ -27,11 +24,23 @@ func NewGraphiteExecutor(dsInfo *tsdb.DataSourceInfo) tsdb.Executor {
return &GraphiteExecutor{dsInfo}
var glog log.Logger
var (
glog log.Logger
HttpClient http.Client
func init() {
glog = log.New("tsdb.graphite")
tsdb.RegisterExecutor("graphite", NewGraphiteExecutor)
tr := &http.Transport{
TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true},
HttpClient = http.Client{
Timeout: time.Duration(10 * time.Second),
Transport: tr,
func (e *GraphiteExecutor) Execute(queries tsdb.QuerySlice, context *tsdb.QueryContext) *tsdb.BatchResult {
......@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ class MetricsPanelCtrl extends PanelCtrl {
if (datasource.meta.mixed) {
_.each(this.panel.targets, target => {
target.datasource = this.panel.datasource;
if (target.datasource === null) {
if (!target.datasource) {
target.datasource = config.defaultDatasource;
......@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ export class PanelCtrl {
var modalScope = this.$scope.$new();
modalScope.panel = this.panel;
modalScope.dashboard = this.dashboard;
modalScope.inspector = angular.copy(this.inspector);
modalScope.inspector = $.extend(true, {}, this.inspector);
this.publishAppEvent('show-modal', {
src: 'public/app/partials/inspector.html',
......@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ function (angular, _) {
type: 'query',
datasource: null,
refresh: 0,
sort: 1,
name: '',
hide: 0,
options: [],
......@@ -34,6 +35,14 @@ function (angular, _) {
{value: 2, text: "On Time Range Change"},
$scope.sortOptions = [
{value: 0, text: "Without Sort"},
{value: 1, text: "Alphabetical (asc)"},
{value: 2, text: "Alphabetical (desc)"},
{value: 3, text: "Numerical (asc)"},
{value: 4, text: "Numerical (desc)"},
$scope.hideOptions = [
{value: 0, text: ""},
{value: 1, text: "Label"},
......@@ -114,6 +123,7 @@ function (angular, _) {
$scope.currentIsNew = false;
$scope.mode = 'edit';
$scope.current.sort = $scope.current.sort || replacementDefaults.sort;
if ($scope.current.datasource === void 0) {
$scope.current.datasource = null;
$scope.current.type = 'query';
......@@ -181,6 +181,17 @@
<select class="gf-form-input" ng-model="current.refresh" ng-options="f.value as f.text for f in refreshOptions"></select>
<div class="gf-form max-width-21">
<span class="gf-form-label width-7">
<info-popover mode="right-normal">
How to sort the values of this variable.
<div class="gf-form-select-wrapper max-width-14">
<select class="gf-form-input" ng-model="current.sort" ng-options="f.value as f.text for f in sortOptions" ng-change="runQuery()"></select>
<div class="gf-form">
<span class="gf-form-label width-7">Query</span>
......@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ function (angular, _, $, kbn) {
this.metricNamesToVariableValues = function(variable, metricNames) {
var regex, options, i, matches;
options = {}; // use object hash to remove duplicates
options = [];
if (variable.regex) {
regex = kbn.stringToJsRegex(templateSrv.replace(variable.regex));
......@@ -370,16 +370,43 @@ function (angular, _, $, kbn) {
options[value] = {text: text, value: value};
options.push({text: text, value: value});
options = _.uniq(options, 'value');
return _.sortBy(options, 'text');
return this.sortVariableValues(options, variable.sort);
this.addAllOption = function(variable) {
variable.options.unshift({text: 'All', value: "$__all"});
this.sortVariableValues = function(options, sortOrder) {
if (sortOrder === 0) {
return options;
var sortType = Math.ceil(sortOrder / 2);
var reverseSort = (sortOrder % 2 === 0);
if (sortType === 1) {
options = _.sortBy(options, 'text');
} else if (sortType === 2) {
options = _.sortBy(options, function(opt) {
var matches = opt.text.match(/.*?(\d+).*/);
if (!matches) {
return 0;
} else {
return parseInt(matches[1], 10);
if (reverseSort) {
options = options.reverse();
return options;
......@@ -68,9 +68,9 @@
<label>Stack trace:</label>
......@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ export default class InfluxDatasource {
name: string;
database: any;
basicAuth: any;
withCredentials: any;
interval: any;
supportAnnotations: boolean;
supportMetrics: boolean;
......@@ -33,6 +34,7 @@ export default class InfluxDatasource { =;
this.database = instanceSettings.database;
this.basicAuth = instanceSettings.basicAuth;
this.withCredentials = instanceSettings.withCredentials;
this.interval = (instanceSettings.jsonData || {}).timeInterval;
this.supportAnnotations = true;
this.supportMetrics = true;
......@@ -187,6 +189,9 @@ export default class InfluxDatasource {
options.headers = options.headers || {};
if (this.basicAuth || this.withCredentials) {
options.withCredentials = true;
if (self.basicAuth) {
options.headers.Authorization = self.basicAuth;
......@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ export function PrometheusDatasource(instanceSettings, $q, backendSrv, templateS
return this.getOriginalMetricName(labelData);
return this.renderTemplate(options.legendFormat, labelData) || '{}';
return this.renderTemplate(templateSrv.replace(options.legendFormat), labelData) || '{}';
this.renderTemplate = function(aliasPattern, aliasData) {
......@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ function (angular, $, moment, _, kbn, GraphTooltip, thresholdManExports) {
console.log('flotcharts error', e);
ctrl.error = e.message || "Render Error";
ctrl.renderError = true;
ctrl.inspector = {error: ctrl.error};
ctrl.inspector = {error: e};
if (incrementRenderCounter) {
......@@ -386,5 +386,69 @@ define([
describeUpdateVariable('without sort', function(scenario) {
scenario.setup(function() {
scenario.variable = {type: 'query', query: 'apps.*', name: 'test', sort: 0};
scenario.queryResult = [{text: 'bbb2'}, {text: 'aaa10'}, { text: 'ccc3'}];
it('should return options without sort', function() {
describeUpdateVariable('with alphabetical sort (asc)', function(scenario) {
scenario.setup(function() {
scenario.variable = {type: 'query', query: 'apps.*', name: 'test', sort: 1};
scenario.queryResult = [{text: 'bbb2'}, {text: 'aaa10'}, { text: 'ccc3'}];
it('should return options with alphabetical sort', function() {
describeUpdateVariable('with alphabetical sort (desc)', function(scenario) {
scenario.setup(function() {
scenario.variable = {type: 'query', query: 'apps.*', name: 'test', sort: 2};
scenario.queryResult = [{text: 'bbb2'}, {text: 'aaa10'}, { text: 'ccc3'}];
it('should return options with alphabetical sort', function() {
describeUpdateVariable('with numerical sort (asc)', function(scenario) {
scenario.setup(function() {
scenario.variable = {type: 'query', query: 'apps.*', name: 'test', sort: 3};
scenario.queryResult = [{text: 'bbb2'}, {text: 'aaa10'}, { text: 'ccc3'}];
it('should return options with numerical sort', function() {
describeUpdateVariable('with numerical sort (desc)', function(scenario) {
scenario.setup(function() {
scenario.variable = {type: 'query', query: 'apps.*', name: 'test', sort: 4};
scenario.queryResult = [{text: 'bbb2'}, {text: 'aaa10'}, { text: 'ccc3'}];
it('should return options with numerical sort', function() {
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